Status: Haitus

Cinderella and a Loser in Tin Foil

Chapter One

"Hey Princess. In a white dress. Chuck Taylors. Got me obsessed."
My favourite song, by my favourite band, on my favourite day. Could it get any better?
Why, yes, yes it could.
How? Well... 1) The members of Allstar Weekend were some of my best friends; 2) I had backstage passes for after the show; and 3) Zach Porter (lead singer) was singing 'Hey Princess' to me. Me! Just an ordinary girl from North Port, New York. A small down away from NYC. And by small, I mean a population of about 7606 people.
"Hey Princess." The music died down and the crowd when crazy.
"Give it up for Riley!" Zach took my hand and twirled me into a hug. He nodded at Cameron Quiseng (bassist) who 'hung up' his bass and walked over to Zach and I.
"'Sup, Riles?" Cam took the microphone from Zach whom ran backstage with Nathan Darmody (guitarist) and Mikey Martinez (drummer).
"Hi, Cam," I smiled up at him.
He turned towards the crowd, "Today is Riley's birthday, so when the guys return, we all get to sing happy birthday, 'kay?"
The crowd screamed in response.
"Cam, no. Please."
He looked at me, "Why?"
"What am I supposed to do while they sing? Stand here awkwardly? No thank you."
"How 'bout lookin' at this baby?" Zach, Mikey, and Nathan came back holding a small cake with my name and a 17 under it. Two candles.
"Thanks, guys," I took the cake.
"One, two, three. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Riley. Happy birthday to you."
I wished and blew out the candles. Then said thanks to the crowd.
"This is from all of us," Mikey handed me a small box. I opened it to find a silver 'R' necklace.
Zach gave me an exclusive ASW fan back (shirts, a hoodie, jewelry, posters); Mikey gave me journals and drawing stuff; Nathan gave me a Buzz Lightyear figure and Cam claimed the consert tickets were his gift but that he had something for me backstage.
"Alright guys, thanks for coming! We love you all!!" Zach waved to the crowd and said goodnight, telling them to drive safely, blah, blah, blah.
Eventually, we all made it backstage.
Zach assured my mom that they'd drive me home after the consert and told her to go home whenever she felt like it.
"Oh, Zach, you're so sweet. Take care of Riley, now. Okay? Home before two, this time," she'd said over the phone.
"Well, okay, Mrs R. I think we'll be able to manage two."
"Good. Bye, Michelle, sweetie. Love you."
"Love you, too, Mom, bye."
Michelle? Why yes, my real name. I usually go by Riley, though. 'Cause I like it better. It's prettier, too. Just confusing when around my dad. He's always been called Riley. From the time he was quarterback on the football team to the time my mom met him in college. Together ever since.
You know, being backstage isn't all it's cracked up to be. There's a wardrobe, gym, table of snacks and a pinball machine. Fun, right? Only when the guys use pool noodles as lances, pretend to be knights and joust for "the most gorgeous lady in all of.....Allstarweekendbackstagelanta" as Zach put it.
After an hour, Cam and Mikey were last two 'knights' fighting for my heart. Cam took off, screaming as Mikey dropped his 'lance' and fell to his knees in surrender. Cam got three inches from Mikey, shrugged, dropped his noodle and strutted over to me.
"Mi'lady," he bowed, hand outstretched. "Do you accept me as your loser in tin foil?
I stood up and took his hand, "Why, yes, of course. You seem like a fiar loser." I smiled, suppressing a giggle.
"Well then," he smiled back. "Care to dance, fair maiden?"
"Set the stage and let the records play, on a Saturday. And we can dance forever," Zach sang.
"For-eh-ver," Nathan mimicked Squints from the Sandlot.
"For-eh-ver," Mikey got right next to my face.
"Mikey!" Cam shoved him away and pulled me close. "Get away dragon!" He looked down on me. "Run, mi'lady! I'll save you!"
"Please. I may be a damsel, but I can assure you, I'm not in distress."
Mikey 'the dragon' hissed.
I picked up the noodle, doubled it over and hit 'the dragon' over the head.
Hi hissed again.
"Fair maiden, catch!" I turned to see Cam tossing me a light saber.
Wait. Light saber? Well, of course. Yoda, Cam is the new.
I turned to 'the dragon', swinging it saber around my head while Zach made whooshing noises and hit 'the dragon' in the chest so the light saber folded up.
Mikey fell to the ground dramatically.
"You guys are such dorks," Behir, Nathan's girlfriend, walked in with fries.
"Ah! Fries!" Nathan jumped the couch and stopped abruptly in her. Mikey and Zach followed.
"Well, it was fun while it lasted." I flopped on the couch and took a swig of water.
"That was mine!"
"Sorry, Cam."
"Whatever." He flopped down next to me,snatching the bottle from my hands.
I punched him playfully.
"Here, I got you some too." Behir handed each of us a medium Mcdonald's fry.
"Mmmm...." I took it and ate one.
Cam reached over and stole a floppy one.
He put one end in his mouth, looking at me intensely.
I put the other end between my teeth and quickly met his eyes.
"Oooh, staring contest!" Zach got down on his knees next to us and glanced from one to the other.
I felt the cushion behind me sink a little.
I moved a little closer to Cam, he did the same, continuing until our noses were touching.
"Oooh, chemistry." Behir got next to Zach, eating her fries like popcorn.
I saw Mikey sit behind Cam, which meant Nathan was behind me.
Cam smirked a little, raising his eyebrows.
During the next to seconds three things happened: 1) Mikey screamed 1-2-3 and Cam and I were pushed so our lips were touching; 2) a camera flashed; and 3) Behir shrieked in delight.
"What if all the stars aliiiiigned? Could I ever make you miiiiiine....? When the movie ends... We could be the ever after. You and I...."
Cam and I pulled away and looked at each other. "Well, they finally did it."
"Yeah, well, I planned it," Cam looked down and rubbed his neck.
"Yeah... Happy birthday."
"Well, I have to say, that was the, uh..."
Behir looked at me.
" birthday present ever."
And it was.
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This was chapter one. This is also posted on my Quizilla account.