As It Is Written

New Kid in Town

“Ah, Principal Taylor, is this the new student?” The teacher asked.

“Yes. Class, this is Jessica Bauer. Make sure you treat her nicely as she assimilates to our school.” The principal nodded and walked back out into the hall.

“Alright then, Jessica. Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?” the teacher exclaimed.
“Well, I just moved here from Canada. I like to cook and stuff...” Jessica started but trailed off as the class grew bored with the new girl and started to whisper amongst themselves.

“Thank you. You can take the seat next to Annabelle. Annabelle, please help her to catch up. Okay class, does anyone have anything else to say about religions around the world?” the teacher continued on with his lesson as Jessica took her seat. Annabelle leaned over and whispered to Jessica about what they were learning about.

“So where in Canada did you move here from?”

“Calgary, in Alberta.” Jessica replied very listlessly. Annabelle was taken aback. No one had ever been disinterested when she spoke to them. There was something dissimilar about this girl. The idea intrigued Annabelle and she continued to prod Jessica for information.

“What do you think of our town so far?”

“It’s okay, I guess.” Annabelle frowned at this. She could not fathom why anyone would refuse to answer her questions with more than just the bare minimum. She was, after all, the most popular girl in school. Annabelle whipped her head around to the most popular BOY in school, the one that was destined to be hers, but who had never given her the time of day. His name was as dark as his eyes. Damon. The perfect guy for Annabelle was staring at the new girl like a brand new car. His mouth had actually dared to drop. “Well then,” thought Annabelle. ”I must really find out what this new girl is all about”.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The lunch bell rang and students poured into the cafeteria. Jessica strode into the cafeteria and looked around at the green and silver plastic tables. This was nothing like her old school back in Canada at all. Back there, there were just huge blobs of people. Here, the cliques were actually defined and singled out. At least an entire table was between each group. As she was gazing around in confusion, she noticed someone walking directly towards her. Jessica’s eyes turned to the movement and noticed it was that girl Anna or Belle or something. Jessica rolled her eyes, thinking about how annoying she had been when she was trying to listen to Mr. Danney talk to the class about ancient religion. That was something she definitely had interest in.

“Hey, Jessica! Would you like to sit with me and my friends?” Annabelle asked sweetly, thinking this was an over-generous offer.