As It Is Written

Lunch Time

Jessica thought about it for a moment and decided she’d rather sit with this bright character than alone in the bathroom.

“Sure, why not.” She replied and let herself be led off into the far corner of the room. The table was filled with the preppy girls and the classic jock guys. This defiantly wasn’t the group she used to hang out with. A grimace had found its way to her lips and one of the darker haired boys saw it. He gave her a hard look, than gave a small smile. Annabelle strode right up to him and started to talk with him. Jessica hung back a moment, arguing with herself in her brain about sitting with this group. Annabelle noticed her standing there, unmoving, and waved her over. Jessica gave in and went over to stand with Annabelle.

“Jessica, I was just telling Damon here about you and how you told me your favorite movie is Nightmare Before Christmas.” Annabelle said.

“And I was just about to say that I think that movie rocks.” Damon butted in. He looked at Jessica and smiled. Jessica looked back at him, and smiled in return. This little exchange was not missed by Annabelle. She felt her insides flame up with jealousy and she excused herself. She burst through the bathroom door, slamming it into the wall behind. The other girls in the room looked at her. They started towards her, arms outstretched. She screamed at them to leave her alone and they ran out to the cafeteria immediately. Annabelle raged and crashed around the room, tearing at her hair in anger. She stopped after five minutes and looked at herself in the mirror. Mascara was running down her face and her eyes were red. As she stared at herself, she thought of a plan. Her eyes closed momentarily and when she opened them, her make-up was perfect again and Jessica started through the door.

“Oh, Annabelle! I was looking for you! I’ve missed a lot of school, what with the move and all. I was wondering if you could help me catch up tonight.” Jessica asked, sounding like the words were being forced out of her. Annabelle smiled and nodded.

“Of course. Come home with me after school. I’ll meet you in the front lobby.” And with that, she left the room, leaving Jessica alone in the bathroom as the bell rang to go back to class.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

School let out with a clatter. Kids rushed here and there, trying to get around everyone else so they could be the first to leave. Jessica squeezed her way through the crowded corridor. Annabelle was waiting for her like she said. Seeing her standing there made Jessica shiver. She had no idea what had possessed her to ask for help. She didn’t even need help. But something had made her ask, so Jessica decided to just go along with it for now. Annabelle waved her down and gestured for Jessica to follow. They walked in silence towards the cherry red convertible at the edge of the lot. They had no problem getting out of the school parking lot and were cruising down the road in no time. The ride to Annabelle’s house was in complete silence.