Status: I work on it when I have time... that will be as much as possible right now though I'm trying to distract myself

Into the Darkness

Truthful Love

Catie’s POV
I walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts and looked around. I spotted the board and saw that we were in an assigned seating chart. I looked for my name and spotted it at the very back far corner of the room. Ron walked in and I smiled at him and gave him a hug.
“Morning Ron. We have assigned seating. I think it’s charmed to give you a seat based on when you show up to class.” I said as Ron’s name appeared at the back of the room too next to Hermione who was at the table to my left. Ron was right next to me. Ron just nodded and rubbed his eyes sleepily as harry walked in was assigned the table next to Ron and Hermione next to Lavender. I think it’s a boy and a girl to a table too. I sat down at my table and lay my head down. Then I remembered I had to take my potion. I pulled it out of my bag and drank it wincing at the disgusting taste.
“What is that Catie?” Ron asked eyeing the bottle. Harry and Hermione were looking at me too.
“It’s a potion so I don’t have to keep using the glamor.”
“What does it do?” Harry wondered.
“If you have the right genetics and capability for magic as well as enough natural power this potion will turn you into a metamorphmagis. As long as you take it every day, five times a day, for six months. I’m on my last week.”
“Can I get some of that?” Harry pleaded. I smiled and waved him over to me.
“I have to do a test on you first. If it’s positive you can if it’s negative you can’t. I’ll warn you though normally only one of a set of twins has the capability to take the potion and have it work if it works at all.”
“Just do it because I would love to be able to blend in more easily.” I rolled my eyes and waved my hand over him. He glowed bright green for a moment and then his magical aura appeared as a duller green.
“Well you have the right genetics but you don’t have the right amount of natural power. Sorry Harry.” He nodded and sat down again just as Draco came and sat next to me.
“What are you doing?” He inquired as he looked at me accusingly.
“What do you mean?” I replied snottily He looked at me shocked.
“You come back just like a Malfoy , a Lestrange, or a Black. Tell me, how do you feel about mudbloods and blood traitors?”
“Some of my best friends are muggel born and according to the definition of blood traitor my whole family are blood traitors. According to my definition of blood traitor though anyone who is a pure blood and works for that damn accursed Dark Lord Voldimort. Honestly what kind of an idiot is he? Seriously, death to all non pure bloods and death to all blood traitors? He’s not even pure blood he’s half blood. And if it weren’t for muggels the wizarding race would have died out by now. And what kind of a name is Voldimort anyway? I mean if you’re going to use a fake name at least pick something cool. Voldimort is supposed to strike fear into the hearts of all wizards by just the sound of his name but when I hear it all I want to do is laugh my butt off.” By the time I finished my little spiel everyone was in the class room and everyone was stairing at me in shock.
“You dare to speak against the Dark Lord?!” Draco demanded looking outraged.
“You dare to serve an idiot. Your Draco Malfoy right? You’re the boy that dumped Catie the Cat for no reason. Do you have any idea how much the people of Japan hate you? If they knew where to find you, you wouldn’t live to see the next day. Have you any idea what is done to her so she can focus long enough to win a match? They modify her memory every two hours because memory charms don’t hold on her not for very long anyway. They have to make her drink a potion ever hour on the hour to suppress her depression, they have to give her a potion every three hours so that she isn’t affected by the memory charms and the depression potion, and she has to take a watered down euphoria-potion so that she can give off the illusion of a happy smile. Now tell me you disagree that if the Japanese knew where you were you wouldn’t live to see tomorrow.”
“Miss Itachi, Mr. Malfoy that’s enough. Let us now beguine class.” Snape declared as he stalked into the room. I glared at Malfoy a moment and then turned to face the front of the room and pretend to listen to Snape.
After class was over I walked out of the room with Harry, Ron, and Hermione at my sides. I sighed in frustration and flipped my hair over my other shoulder.
“You were on fire today Catie, what’s up?” Ron wanted to know. “I mean with everything you said I’m surprised that no one besides Malfoy said anything.”
“Yah well he pisses me off. I can’t believe I still love that bastard. And everything I said is true and you all know it.” I stated and stormed off in a huff. Then I stopped and turned to look at Harry.
“I want to train the Gryffindor team.”
“What?” He asked confused.
“I want to train the Gryffindor quiditch team, you’ll still be the captain but I’ll be the coach. I can’t play but I can make sure that we blow everyone else out of the water.”
“Good, tell everyone that they need to meet on the pitch today at four. Bring their brooms and their practice attitudes.” I stalked away and went to my room to get changed, I was so not used to wherein robes every day again. I walked down to Professor McGonagall’s office. I knocked on the door softly.
“Come in!” She called and I opened the door, walked in, and closed it. “Ah, Catie. How are you?”
“Well besides I really hate this glamor? I basically told my Defense Against the Dark Arts class that I think Voldimort is a laughing stalk, which I do, and that anyone who follows his ideas is an idiot, and they are.”
“You always did love to share your opinion. Why don’t you remove the glamor while you’re in here?”
“Thank you Professor.” I waved my wand and felt the glamor lift. I stroked my curls and smiled. “I miss seeing what I feel in the mirror.” McGonagall chuckled and offered me a jar of biskets. I took one with a smile.
“Now what do you really want?” I looked at her and smiled.
“I can’t get anything passed you can I?”
“No you can’t now tell me.”
“I want to coach the Gryffindor team this year. I want to make sure NO ONE stands a chance at all this year.” She smiled at my boldness.
“What did potter say?”
“DONE! Exactly like that.” We both laughed and she nodded.
“As ambitious as his father. Alright then I have no problem with it just don’t let the other teachers or students know.” I nodded and stood.
“Thank you very much Professor.” I put my glamor back on and left. I walked down to the dungeons for my potions class and sat down next to Ron and hugged him tightly. He hugged me and stroked my hair.
“Why are you in muggel cloths?”
“I hate robes. I only wore my uniform to DADD because of Snape.”
“So of all the muggel cloths you could put on you choose your day jersey and gray skinny jeans?”
“I like my day jersey and skinnies. I where it all the time anyway so I’m used to it already and I feel less stressed when I’m in it.”
“You think your too good to dress like everyone else? By the way you look terrible in that jersey.” Draco sneered as he walked into the room. “And are you dating Weasily? Good god he’s a weakling. You can do so much better.” I stood up and rolled my shoulders. I decided to see if the potion was working yet but as I was about to attempt it I got a better idea and took off my glamor.
“Do I look better in it now? By the way I may not be better than everyone here but I sure as bloody hell am better than you every day of the year. Oh and the next time you decide to insult my family, DON’T!” I glowered and punched him in the face.
“Now now was that needed Miss…”
“Catie the cat Weasley, seeker and captain of the Japanese National Quiditch team. I attended Sopporo until it shut down,“ I smiled sweetly at the man I knew would try to collect me. I watched his face brighten and he smiled widely. Once the class was all assembled he asked us to identify some potions. Hermione and I answered all of the questions. He then set us to work brewing a potion that we thought would interest him. I picked a love potion called Truthful Love. It would make the drinker tell exactly who they were in love with if it worked and they would not be able to lie about it. At ten minutes left to class I took a ladle full and went over to Draco.
“What? I don’t have time for this.”
“Drink this please.”
“Why? What is it?”
“My potion. You know how good I am I just need to know if it works. No it’s not poison, it won’t alter you in any way. If it works it will just warm you up and make you happy. You look like you could use a smile right now.” He sighed and took the ladle and drank the light blue potion. The color of the potion was different for each brewer; it was the color of the eyes of the person the brewer was in love with. The taste was different for each drinker too; it tasted like their favorite sweet. He shivered and then smiled. “Did it work?”
“I’m warm and happy, and I love you Catie.” His eyes widened as well as everyone in earshot of him.
“Well it works that’s for sure.”
“I didn’t mean to say that.”
“Yes you did. It’s part of the potion.” I told him with a smile. “The warm happy is just a side effect of it.”
“Ah a Truthful Love potion, very interesting though not that tricky to make I might add. Had you added monkshood you would have had a lovely draft of living death.” I shrugged and walked back over to my potion.
“I know that but I had to know.” I told him as I ladled my potion into several pluggable vials and slipped all but one into my purse. I love my new purse, I put an undetectable expansion charm on the inside of it so that I could carry EVERYTHING with me everywhere. Even my quiditch stuff is in there. I labeled the vile with my name and gave it to Professor Slughorn.
“Had to know what?” Draco demanded. I looked at him and smiled.
“The point of the potion is two things. One, the color of the potion is the color of the eyes of the person the brewer loves. Mine is blue, always has been always will be because I never date anyone unless they have blue eyes. The second point it is. Wait before I tell you I’m curious, what did it taste like?”
“Why does it matter?”
“It tastes different to each drinker.”
“Oh, it tasted like white chocolate champagne covered strawberries.”
“You are such a girl. Is that really your favorite sweet?”
“Yes it is, so why did it taste like that?”
“It’s your favorite sweet that’s why. Anyway the main point of the potion is that the drinker can’t lie about who they truly love.” I told him as I put my glamor back on and left the classroom with Harry, Ron, and Hermione all looking shocked.
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I think there will be one or two more set up chapers and then on to the real story