Status: I work on it when I have time... that will be as much as possible right now though I'm trying to distract myself

Into the Darkness


Catie’s POV

“Wait up! Hatsu, slow down please!” Hermione called as she ran after me. I was trying to find Harry and Ron to call an emergency meeting of the Quiditch team. I had just been out to the pitch to spy on the slimy snake people. They were getting good. We needed to step it up more and have practice every day and twice on Saturday and Sunday. The Gryffindor’s were getting really good too but they were getting angry that I wouldn’t let them fly yet.
“Ron!” I called and jumped into his arms in a tight hug. He kissed my cheek and hugged me back. I let go and stood on my own. “Harry we need to step up practices more. Like every day and twice on Saturday and Sunday.”
“Are you going to let us fly soon if I say yes?”
“If you say yes it will be three or four days but if you say no it will be at least a week and a half. This is of course based off the current practice schedule and the improvement of the team as a whole.” I told him with a smile.
“Well then I can’t say no. If I did say no I would have a mutiny on my hands.”
“Awesome, so here’s what we’re going to do. We are going to push circuit training more as well as weight training. Also…”
“HATSU!” I looked at Hermione who was glaring at me and tapping her foot.
“Here is the information you wanted, the tactical analysis of the Slytherin team, and the equations for the Gryffindor teams new plays as well as today’s weather forecast, the forecast for the next three days and the analysis of the wind, velocity, and the model of broom for each person.” I smiled and took the rolls of parchment.
“Thanks Hermione.”
“No problem.”
“Ok so Harry Ron, tell everyone that there is practice today at the regular time. I’ll see you all later.” I grabbed Hermione and dragged her off at a skip. I glanced behind me and saw the looks on the boy’s faces. I giggled and kept going.
“Hello Takahashi-san.” I looked behind me and saw Draco.
“Malfoy-san.” I replied curtly.
“What do you have there?”
“None of your business nosey.” I walked away back up to my dorm with Hermione on my heels.
“So are you really going to let us fly soon?” Katie asked excitedly. The rest of the team minus Ginny, Harry, and Ron was all sitting in the common room looking at me expectantly.
“How do you know that?”
“Jimmy was walking down the hall behind you and hit around the corner when he heard you asking Harry about practices.” Demelza said with a smile.
“I see, well yes. In a few days. No more than a week. And seeing as he was dropping his eves you all know about the enhanced training program?”
“Yah.” They all mumbled.
“Good so I’ll see you all in about two hours then.” With that I walked up to my room and started going over all my documents from Hermione. By the time I was done I had fifteen minutes to walk the twenty minute walk to the pitch. I slipped into something more comfortable yet way sexier than my uniform and grabbed my broom so I could fly down to the pitch. I zipped out my window and hurled straight to the pitch where everyone was waiting for me already. I went into a deep dive and landed gently on the ground.
“Impressive Hatsu. Now teach us to do that.” Ginn said a bit of attitude in her voice and stance.
“So Ginny, very soon. Now you all know what to do.” I blew my silver whistle and all the equipment appeared, I blew it again and every groaned and started running laps to begin practice. After ten they all started to stretch. Once they were done I set them to circet training. That lasted for about an hour and then I had them work partnership drills. When that was done they started to work on position drills. The chaisers were running down the pitch tossing a quaffel to each other and then they were taking turns trying to get it passed Ron. The beaters we hitting softballs with baseball bats in different directions at targets. I was chucking golf balls in different directions and Harry was catching the, if he missed he had to find it and bring it back to the pile that was at my feet, if he caught it he placed it in a pile on his side. His catch percentage was the total number through divided by the number caught and multiplied by one hundred. The number of misses was how many full length sprints he had to run. The number of balls that don’t hit the target the beaters were aiming at was how many sprints they ran. The number of dropped passes was how many the chaisers had to run. The number of scored goals was how much Ron had to run. Once everyone was done I blew my whistle. I counted everything and then I looked at the team. No one had to run more than ten sprints today.
“Alright, on my whistle you start your sprints. Ready, set, GO!” I blew my whistle and every one began. When they were done I told them they had a great practice and sent them to the showers.
“Hello love.” I looked around and saw Draco standing just inside the wall of the pitch.
“Don’t call me “love” Malfoy-san.”
“Sorry, it’s a habit to call a beautiful girl love. So you’re the girl that’ is training the Gryfindorks.”
“Excuse me?!”
“For what?”
“You do not disrespect my house if you know what is good for you. The noble house Gryffindor has a long and powerful history of great wizards and witches who went on to be powerful and well loved leaders. Unlike your house that is good for nothing but to be dictator wanna be’s, cruel torturers, and backstabbing creatins.” I flipped my hair and walked away.
“You know you have quite an attitude there Takahashi-san. I like it. It’s refreshing. Normally girls are throughing themselves at my feet but you, you’re different.”
“I have a boyfriend Malfoy-san.” I reminded him as I kept on walking.
“Takahashi-san, I do believe that I can change your mind about the Wheasle.” I turned on him a glare on my face. He took a step back in fear.
“I will always love Ron more than any man on the planet! I love him even more than I love my father and I love my father more than all my friends and family.”
“Hatsu, love lets go get some supper.” I turned and saw Harry and Ron standing there with the rest of the team apparently they had heard most of our little chat. Ron was the one who had spoken.
“I would love to Ron, Malfoy-san if you ever disrespect me, my house, my family, or my friends again, that includes my boyfriend, I will personally make sure that the “Dark Lord” is the least of your problems.” With that I flipped my hair in his face and walked down to the school with the team. Ron on one side Ginn on the other both holding my hands.