Status: BLANKING OUT :/ will update tonight hopefully...after homwork and chores and dinner and...

Her Little Dark Side

Blair Ingrid Chamberlain

Blair Chamberlain, a girl of just sixteen, yet her witchcraft exceeded that of some wizards over one hundred and fifty years old. The Circle sat around the large stone table and discussed what they were to do about this girl. After the incident last month something had to be done. But whatever they were to do, it would have to be done sneakily. This girl was too clever to fall easily for The Circle’s tricks. Finally Andreas, the leader of The Circle spoke.

“People of Idealia need to be protected; they do not need this future dark witch roaming their streets. Something needs to be done!”

He slammed his fist on the stone and his watery green eyes swept over the other twelve members.

No one said anything and for once The Circle didn’t have an answer.


Blair Ingrid Chamberlain sat in her room and listened to her mother weep. She calmly brushed her black curls off her face. She could hear her father’s footsteps pounding up their winding oak staircase. She breathed deeply preparing herself for the wrath of her father, Lord Alden. Suddenly her thick oak door swung inwards and there stood her father. His angular face was bright red and his dark curls fell in his eyes. He strode over to his only child and grabbed her arm, hard. She kept her face blank, emotionless, as he roughly hauled her to her feet. His green eyes blazed into the matching ones of his daughter. Rage bubbled up inside him as he saw not regret there, no emotion at all. Her let go of her arm and pushed her into the wall. This time he saw emotion flash in those eyes but it was not fear or defeat, it was raw anger. For that split second her eyes seemed to go a luminous green and he watched as her hands curled into tight fists by her sides.

“Get out.” She whispered her voice thick with a menacing poison.

“What?” he said, his voice just as menacing.

“I said get out.”

He took a step towards her and she stepped forward in response.

“What you did to those children was-”

“Don’t you DARE speak about “ethics” to me Alden, or should I say Charon.” Alden’s hand struck her face with such speed and ferocity that her head snapped to the side and for a second her face showed pain, but then it was gone and the emotionless stony expression was back. And when Alden, ex ferryman of the Underworld, looked into those eyes he felt chilled to the core. Suddenly her face contorted to one of crippling pain. Alden raised his eyebrows and then heard what Blair did; Eldora crying. Blair loved her mother more than anything, and Alden knew this was her only weakness.

“You did that to her.” He said quietly, his eyes resentful slits.

She looked up at him, her eyes wide but suddenly he felt a chill enter the room. Her bedroom door, which he had left open, slammed shut and the drapes slide violently closed. He looked at his daughter and watched as she brought her hands up from her sides and held them in front of her. Her hair danced around her head, swept up by a non-existent breeze. Her eyes shone a bright green and her skin grew luminous. Alden heard the windows start to rattle and the room seemed to spin. The room was now in a dense darkness and the only light was coming from Blair. Now Alden was really scared. Suddenly he couldn’t see Blair anymore.

“Blair!” he called, attempting to sound kind and sweet, “let daddy go to your mother, you don’t want her to be alone do you?”

With that the room slowed, and he sighed in relief. All of a sudden tinkling laughter filled his ears, seeming to dance around him. He glanced around the darkness, looking for some sign of civilisation but there was none. The laughter stopped and was replaced by the low growl of an angry Blair.

“Why would my mother want your company, she married you out of pity after all.” More laughter followed this and Alden let out rage filled yell.

“Charon, Charon, Charon!” Blair’s voice teased, chanting the name.

Then the room started to spin again, faster this time. The chanting swirled around him and he clamped his hands over his ears and dropped to his knees. He started to whimper.

“Stop, please stop.” But the chanting continued and the spinning quickened. “STOP!” he screamed, his voice cracking and everything did.

The chanting stopped mid-sentence and the room came to a stand-still. He looked up to see Blair perched daintily on her window seat, her pale hands folded neatly in her lap. Her room was sunny and the drapes were wide open. She looked down at him kneeling on the ground.

“What are you doing down their father?” she asked her voice concerned but Alden could hear the mocking undertone.

She walked to his side and reached a hand out to help him up but he swatted it aside. She adopted a hurt expression then went back and sat on the window seat. He got up and went to the door, ignoring her completely. He walked out and just before he closed the door he heard a giggle riddled with evil.
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