Status: BLANKING OUT :/ will update tonight hopefully...after homwork and chores and dinner and...

Her Little Dark Side


When they had reached a good distance away from the faeries, Regan requested a rest. Blair complied, sitting at the base of a tree. They were in a small circle of trees, covered by the thick leaves. The trunks were closely knit together and the only space was the way Blair and Regan had came in.

“I think we should rest here.” Suggested Blair.

Regan nodded in agreement. Partly because he knew he didn’t really have a choice and partly because he had noticed the darkening sky. He sat down next to Blair who was rummaging through a pack she had been carrying. She pulled out some food and water and also a small blanket which she laid on the ground. Carefully she placed the stale pieces of bread on the blanket along with some rabbit meat and cheese.

Regan looked at the small meal licking his lips, his hunger winning out over his preference of fresh bread. He watched as Blair’s long pale fingers tore the bread in half and the split the meat and cheese evenly. She pushed his portion towards him and took her own, taking small bites of the chewy meat.

Regan followed her lead and took small bites though it took every ounce of his self control to do so. Suddenly he notice Blair was looking at him. She dropped her gaze when he looked at her. He shrugged and went back to eating when suddenly he heard her voice.

“Thank you...for back there. I’d be dead if you hadn’t been for you.”

He looked at her, shocked. She looked back up at him, her long black hair falling away from her face. He noticed her cheeks were glistening and her bright green eyes seemed to have dulled. She was crying.

Against better instinct he shuffled to her side, food forgotten, and held her. She stiffed but relaxed at he wrapped his arms around her. Then she began to sob. He could feel the shudders run through her as she let out all her pent up emotion. He held her tighter and she let her head rest against his chest.

After an hour her crying had subsided and she had fallen to sleep. He could hear her breathe in and out and could feel the beating of her heart. She’s not all bad, he thought to himself. She has emotion she is able to feel. He stroked her hair and realised just how small she actually was. He could feel her slight frame against him and thought that it must be due to the lack of food. He respected her now and her amazing ability to overcome her fears and emotions just so she could survive out here. He felt her stir against him and he went back to stroking her hair.

Another hour later Regan woke. It was still dark out and Blair was still curled into him. He looked around and saw something in the tree across from them.

It was a flower and it was only just blooming. He gently shook Blair.

“Blair, wake up. You have to see this.” He whispered.

She groaned and opened her eyes.


“Look.” Replied Regan, pointing in the darkness.

Blair looked to where he was indicating and gasped.

The flower seemed to be glowing a rich blue, the light pulsating from the petals. The centre was a luminous yellow so far and as the petals fully unfurled Regan and Blair both uttered little cries of amazement.

Beautiful light filled the small circle of trees, radiating every colour. There were greens, reds purples, pinks, every single colour of the spectrum shone in their tiny haven.

Suddenly Blair began to sniff. Regan looked at her questioningly and she told him to do the same. He shrugged and inhaled deeply through his nose. The sweet scent of fairy floss filled his nostrils. He looked at Blair and ginned. She smiled back and when he saw this smile he saw the true girl under the tough act. He saw her beauty, her heartache and her triumphs. She felt blood rush to his face as he saw her eyes light up when she looked at him staring at her. He brushed her hair off her face and she looked away and he knew that she was blushing.

Just then the light died and the flower wilted. Regan knew what they had seen her was something amazing.

He knew that this was a once in a lifetime blooming, but when that flower died a connection
between himself and Blair was born.
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