Status: I'll write when I'll write. Most of my energy is concentrated on These Bright lights Have Always Blinded Me though.

Heart Stained Letters

Letter 02: Your Crush

Dear my crush;

You make my heart race, my palms sweat and my stomach fill with butterflies. Your eyes make me blush and smile and that amazing smile of yours makes me fall head over heels for you. You cause my mouth to go dry and my hands to shake.

I can't think when I'm around you and I can't speak either. You leave me tongue-tied and dazzled. All I want is to spend more time with you but I never know what to say.
I don't know why I like you. Is it your smile? Your laugh? Your eyes? I guess I'll never know.

You know what? I suck at writing a letter to a crush when I don't have one >.< so screw this.
♠ ♠ ♠