Status: Very much active.

Doe Eyes


It seemed after that incident that Bambi was less scared of Xavier. It seemed she had realized there were worse things out there than a seemingly normal looking man. At least he was attractive and didn’t have huge claws. It was all well and fine anyway since he didn’t want to leave her alone. He was worried the creature would come back.

However, it was as he got a phone call that he got more worried. Apparently the prince was interested in meeting the girl who had shaken things up between the demons and the Fey. This did not seem like a good thing as.. Well the Prince was not normal looking in the least. He was a sort of demon, and not the pretty sort. He was not capable of disguising himself in a prettier form.

“Bambs?” called Xavier, trying to find her. They were both expected at the Prince’s castle later that night and he had to prepare her for it. He smiled, finding hr asleep on the window seat in her room. She was curled up tightly, a smile on her face. She was making tiny motions with her hands and he was reminded briefly of a small puppy or kitten while it dreamed.

“Honey...” He sighed, shaking her gently. She had been skittish since the two days ago when she had been attacked. He was surprised when she did not jump but looked up at him with big eyes. That’s when he noticed the change. There was something no.. right with her. “Bambi?”

“Yes?” She replied, still watching him with her head tilted to the side. “You wanted something,Xavier?”

Her stutter. Where was that adorable stutter she always had. That stutter..It pretty much made her who she was. He raised an eyebrow. Her light was also different. The shininess that always appeared around her was murky.

“Uhm...We’re...Going to the Prince’s...Castle...” He mumbled, still highly confused. Maybe he was just imagining the difference. Maybe she was braver now so her stutter had gone away. Yes, that must of been it. “You have to wear one of your fancier dresses and heels, okay? and brush out that hair of yours.”

He then turned, walking and not noticing the dark stare of Bambi as he left.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm doing NaNoWriMo..I'm going to try not to fall behind in this story though.
Plus anyone who likes vampires and little kids will have something to look forward to from me in December =D
Anyway, it's short but I'm totally updating again tonight 'cause... I just thought of some exciting things to put in! :D
ONCE AGAIN ::: thank you for the comments. I love you all. <3