Status: Very much active.

Doe Eyes


Bambi woke up early the next morning, though it was hard to say if she had ever really been asleep. She had nightmares and bad thoughts all night long that melted together. She had made sure to grab an apple before climbing into her closet and curling up in the very back. She had left the lights on in her room and just enough crept under the door so she was not completely in the dark. She was not going with Xavier. He would certainly crush her! Or eat her! Or anything he could think of doing!

She curled up as tightly as she could, eyes clenched shut as she heard Xavier and Nico starting to wake up. She could hear them making breakfast, get ready for the day. Then she heard footsteps approaching her door and she pushed further into the closet ,biting her lip.

“Bambi? It’s time to wake up.” Nico said, gently knocking. when he got no response he opened the door, frowning as he didn’t see her. “Bambi? Where are you?” He glanced around the room before leaving.

It was only about ten minutes before she heard footsteps in the room again. She heard someone moving things around, looking under the bed. She looked up as the closet doors were open and Xavier started to look through the clothes. He smiled when he found her and pulled her out, causing her to scream.

“Calm down!” He exclaimed, holding her arms tightly and looking down at her with a deep set frown. “What are you doing?”

She shook her head, struggling as tears fell down her face. Her arms were throbbing where he held her, proving her point. He really was trying to hurt her! She whimpered, kicking out at him. She didn’t notice as Nico ran into the room until he managed to pull her away from Xavier and hug her gently.

“Xavier! I told you if you found her to get me. I told you she would flip out.” He rubbed her back, saying soothing phrases to stop her sobs. “Bambs, were you hiding because you’re scared?”

She nodded, burying her face into his chest and sniffling once again. “H-h-h-h-h-he....He is m-m-m-m-m-mean. I d-d-d-d-don’t w-w-w-wanna go with h-h-h-him. H-h-h-he h-h-h-hurt me.”

Xavier huffed and shook his head. Was this the way it would always be? Her shaking and cowering? she would just have to learn! He moved and grabbed a suitcase, slamming it down on the bed. He started to pack her clothes into it, ignoring her sobs now. There was a time for everyone to grow up, she just needed to be shoved in that direction. He stormed out of the room with her bag and put it in the trunk of his car before coming back.

“Come on. We’re leaving. I’m sorry, but this is the way it has to be. I found you fair and square.” He grabbed her hand, tearing her out of Nico’s arms. He pulled her out to his car and put her in, making sure to buckle her in. He then slammed the door shut, looking regretfully back at Nico. “I’m sorry, Nico. You know you’re welcome to visit...”

He sighed and went to his side of the car, getting in and buckling up himself. He paid no attention to Bambi who was curled up in the seat and crying into her knees with small sobs that shook her entire body. He paid no attention to her the entire way home and she was perfectly fine with that. She wanted nothing more then to go home. Home where Nico was.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got a comment! <3 Thank you so much erased memories <3
Also, 6 subscribers :)
I can't wait for the next chapter! Woo.