Status: Oneshot - Completed! But messagse are still welcome!

Only a Vampire Can Love You Forever

Only A Vampire Can LOve You Forever

Sophie was the kind of girl everyone loved. She was amazingly beautiful with long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Everyone loved her because of her bright and bubbly personality and cheerful optimism.
Sophie was my best friend.

Coming to Italy had been her idea. Her family was from there and for Sophie, that was a huge plus. Regardless, we both received scholorships to Volterra College, and who was I to turn down a free education? We hadn't started at school yet, but there was only a week left of our freedom before we exchanged the parties, boys and carefree days in return for serious study.

The day before school started, we had gone to a huge party. Sophie never drunk, it was bad for your liver, or so she said, so I was surprised to see her stumbling out of the club, her hands on her stomach, puke coming out of her mouth. I presumed she was just going outside for a moment to clear her stomach, but Sophie never came back. I left the party later, expecting to see her at home, but no Sophie. I called her cell, no answer. It was then that I started getting really worried. I was rushing as I drove my old, cheap car to the club the party was at. I searched everywhere, and when it became too hard to search in the car, I got out, and went by foot. I searched every dark alley way, suspecting she was mugged or raped or something, but what I found sent shivers down my spine.

Sophie had been sucked dry of blood, leaving the husk of her body, discarded as if just rubbish.


"Madeleine!" I heard, waking me from my day-dream.

"Yes Sir?" I asked, still dazed. I had been thinking of Sophie, I missed her so much, it still gave me nightmares even a month after I found her shrivelled up body.

"I'd like to see you after class, please." Mr. Davies said. Now I was in for it. I couldn't find it in myself to pay attention and love school. Sophie should be here next to me, taking her organised, colour-coded notes, but she wasn't. Sophie was dead. It was still hard for me to think it, it made it seem so much more real. The rest of the class passed in a blur. If there had been a quiz on what we had learnt, I wouldn't have even been able to name the subject I was studying. I waited for the teacher after class, he grabbed all his books and approached me.

"Miss Hodge, I'm afraid on behalf of the Volterra College, I will have to freeze your scholorship if you fail to pay more attention in class. Do you understand Madeleine?" I nodded dumbly. "Good day to you." He said before leaving me standing alone in the dimly lit corridor.

That afternoon, instead of attending more of my classes, I left a note at the office saying I was withdrawing from the college. I knew Sophie would have been disappointed in me, but if she really cared, she would be here with me. She would never have gotten drunk that night, she would never have left me.

I left the college premisis slowly, contemplating my options. I could go back to America, but I couldn't face my family, and besides, I didn't have enough money for the plane ticket. I could go back to college, begging they take me back, promising I would try harder, but I knew that would be a lie. I would bot try harder, I was trying my hardest to survive already. There was only one other option: I could get a job and live here. Already I disliked this idea, but like I said, I had no other choice.

Over the next few days, I searched all the newspapapers I could lay my hands on. Just a job, ANY job would do. I was getting sick of lentil soup already and I really wanted that pair of suede boots I had been admiring. Just as I was about to give up, I saw one small ad at the bottom left corner of the paper.


Doesn't need any formal training, just show up at the Volterra Castle, 3rd September, 9.00 am.

I was a little nervous accepting the job there. They went through receptionists faster there than anywhere else, but a job was a job, and I needed one.


I walked into the Volterra castle feeling confident. The confidence that came with spending three hours this morning trying to find the perfect first-day-of-work-outfit. I walked up to a tall man standing at the enterance.

"Hi, I'm here for the receptionist job." He looked at me, probably sizing me up.

"I'm Felix. Come with me, Miss-"

"Hodge, Madeleine Hodge."I cut in.

"Welcome Madeleine. I'll show you where you'll be working. Mind of I call you Maddy?"


Over the next month, I began to feel really familiar with the castle and it's inhabitants. Felix and I were really hitting it off as friends and Jane wasn't so bad either. Because of my friendship with the vampires, they had decided not to kill me, like they had with all those other girls. Apparently Jane had a twin brother, Alec or something, but I had never met him, he was away on a trips. Yes, I did know their secret, I knew they were vampires, and strangly I didn't mind. I knew it was a vampire who had killed Sophie, but Aro told me it was a nomad vampire who had done it, and I believed him. Aro was always so nice to me.

"Maddy?" It was Jane walking towards me in the office.

"Hey Jane." I could see the excitment written all over her face. "What's up?" She was bouncing up and down, and smiling a goofy grin. I had never seen her this crazy before.

"He's back! Alec's back!" She ran over and hugged me. She must of really missed her twin, Jane was generally not a hugging person. "I can't wait for you to meet him. I've got a good feeling about this. You'll like him." I could tell Jane was planning our wedding in her head, so I stupidly smacked her across the back of her head.


"Jeeze. Calm down. Maddy. I was thinking pink. Pink bridesmaid dresses would look cute." We giggled for a bit.

"Jane? You there?" A mysterious voice called out, coming towards us. Oh. My. God. Let's just say I worked and lived in a castle full of the most beautiful people you could dream of, but nothing compared to him. Alec was, there was no other words for it, drop dead gorgeous.

"Forget pink, Jane, it would clash with your hair. Red would be better, much sexier." She covered her mouth to hold in the laugh that was threatening to escape. Alec looked at us curiously before speaking.

"So you're the famous Madeleine I've been hearing so much about. Jane, how could you? You never mentioned to me that your friend was such a beauty." I blushed.

"Only for a human." I flirted.

"No. On the contrary, I find your human looks entensify your features. It is hard to imagine a vampire looking half as beautiful as you." He kept walking closer to me. Jane let out one last giggle before bolting from the room.

"Wonder why she left?" I muttered sarcasticly.

"Indeed." Alec whispered, bringing his face closer to mine. I could feel his cold breath on my face, I hoped he wouldn't loose control and eat me. But he brought his cold lips to mine and that was it.

I had officially fallen for Alec Volturi.


Wow, what could I saw, I love Alec Volturi. I guessed Jane's wish was coming true after all, for a week ago, Alec proposed to me. We were getting married! Me, the plain human girl who had always been shadowed by her perfect best friend, and him, the gorgeous, beautiful, vampire. I had only one regret, the fact that Sophie wouldn't be able to come to my wedding. When we were nine, we promised each other that we woud be each other's maid of honour when the big day came. Alec must have noticed my saddened face.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked wrapping an arm around me, pulling my head onto his shoulder.

"I miss her so much. Sophie promised she'd be at my wedding when we were little." tears were beginning to appear in my eyes.

"Would it help to talk about it?" It probably would, I had been keeping it bottled up inside me for such a long time. I nodded.

"Yeah. She was amazing. Everyone loved her, especially me. We moved here because of the scholorships we got, but one night, I found her dead on the street. A vampire got her." I felt Alec tense underneith me.

"What did she look like?" He was shaking slightly, much to my curiosity.

"She was beautiful, with dark hair and hazel eyes."Alec looked like he wanted to say something, so I turned to him, gazing expectantly.

"Love? What would you say if I knew who killed Sophie?" He knew who killed Sophie? When got my hands on that bastard...

"I'd be really angry at them and hate them and want to kill them."

"What if it was someone you really loved?" Was it Jane? Felix? Aro?

"I don't know."

"Madeleine." He said my full name so I knew he was being serious. "I killed Sophie. I'm so sorry, it was me." I stood up quickly, looking at him with disbelief and disgust.He killed my best friend? He killed Sophie? He made no attemp to stop me as I ran as fast as my human legs could take me, my heart tearing in two.


I have no idea how long I wandered. Not a word coming out of my mouth. I kept walking, not caring how slow or fast I went. Stopping at the edge of a cliff, I had no idea how I ended up here, but it felt appropriate. I was torn between the two people I loved most in my life, Sophie and Alec. I had two choices. I could live or I could die. I thought about Sophie, my best friend, and Alec, the love of my existance, and suddenly the decision became too hard, and I jumped.


"Is she still breathing?" I heard a voice calling.

"Someone do CPR!" Another shouted, but I felt myself drifting away from this world, away from Alec and closer to Sophie.

Maddy! Madeleine Hodge! I could see Sophie. I could hear Sophie!


No. The tooth fairy. Of course it's Sophie. Don't tell me you've forgotten your best friend already?

Sophie! I squealed.

Maddy! She replied in a mocking tone. I laughed. That was just so Sophie.

Now. Tell me why your here and not there? Huh? People are worrying about you. She scolded.

But Soph, he killed you. I love him and he killed you!

He didn't know, Madz, he loves you more than anyone else could, he would never purpously hurt you.

I'm so confused. Indeed I was. My life was messed up.

Love is like that. But Maddy, you get back up there, stay in the game. Don't be mad at Alec, go get married. Don't worry about me, I've found love here as well. Suddenly a tall blond vampire appeared behind me.

This is Riley. He was killed by a werewolf. So you can see I'm happy. You deserve to be happy too.

But I wanna stay here with you! I pleaded.

We'll meet again one day. Love you Madeleine.

Love you too Sophie.

"She's alive!"

"Oh. My. God. Maddy, your alive. Don't ever do that to me again. I love you. I'm sorry. I love you. Please stay. Don't go. Don't leave me."

"Alec?" I questioned quietly.

"Madeleine..." He murmered back.

"I love you." He looked at me, shoked, before he brought his stone, cold lips against my blue, shivering ones in a fiery kiss that only a vampire could give.

I loved Alec, Alec loved me. We would be together for eternity.

Because only a vampire can love you forever.