Status: Just something I thought of

Flashes of Emotion

And Then Some

I tossed and turned the whole night unable to sleep. The flash of emotion that was in his dark eyes kept burning into my mind. His words were cruel but I knew they were the words of a sad drunken man yet in my current situation I didn’t need people trying to knock me down so many pegs like that.

Since sleeping was not an option I got out of my makeshift bed in form of just a mattress on the floor. I took a shower and let the always cold water run down my spine. Nothing was calming about those kinds of showers. All I was in this place was striving, striving to be my own person and start a life I’ve always dreamed of.

Everything was stressful and I hardly had anyone to call my friend in this foreign new place even if it has been over three months. Getting dressed in a pair of worn skinny jeans rustic cowboy boots and a loose white tee shirt with my leather jacket I was almost ready for the day.

For some reason I felt like getting fancy with my makeup and put on my red lipstick then pinned my hair back into a loose bun whilst I let my overgrown bangs out. I was done getting ready and I grabbed my camera then headed out the door not without locking the door and grabbing my keys.

The drive to the office where I worked was long as expected from the traffic that occurs in California. I worried on the way to work; my worries became reality when I parked the car in front of the tabloid agency. Taking a deep breath I got out of my car and went into the building that only seemed to daunt me.

As I walked into the building taking off my dark wayfarer sunglasses I only got stares and hushed whispers. Then again this could have been my imagination these hushed tones and intense stares. When Kathy the assistant to my boss locked eyes with me and gave me a certain look I knew I was in some sort of trouble.

Dodging the chances of being seen by anyone else I dipped into the computer room to slip in the memory card into the system. One last time I wanted to look at last night’s photos and determine whether or not I’d turn them in for money. Each time I looked at those eyes I felt uneasy and since the feeling never faded I decided I would not turn them in but hope to get a new assignment.

“Valinski, in my office now,” Carl my boss orders in his stentorian voice.
“Okay,” I respond hopping out of my seat startled by his strict voice. I quickly went into the office and stood there with my heart beating rapidly at the thought of losing this job.
“You’re in early considering what went down last night,” he comments not even looking up at me.
“How do you-” I start to say but I was cut off by Carl turning his computer screen towards me. Playing on the 17” LCD screen was the whole scene that played out the previous night. The whole thing was on TMZ’s website.

“I don’t want anymore of this shit, we’ve been scooped by two other magazines and you’re all over them. Get me some shots of Tarantino and Pitt at a restaurant in by 8 o’clock tonight or you’re out of a job.”

Just in case I waited one moment to see if that was all he wanted but seeing as that he was no longer looking at me and turned the video off I scurried out of the office muttering my understanding. Grabbing my things I hurried out of the office and towards my car. I had to get this job done or I surely was done.

Once I was in my car I was damn near a nervous breakdown. My eyes were glazed over with tears and my hands shook. I kept reminding myself to take deep breaths and to calm down, that I could get these pictures to pay my rent. After I was actually calmed down a bit I raced out of the parking lot with my mind a jumbled mess.

The fact that Carl wasn’t specific I felt more hopeless in this endeavor. From what I heard Quentin Tarantino hated paparazzi with a passion and on many occasions lashed out at them. I never really heard much about Brad Pitt but both men were pretty damn elusive. Firstly I had to find out where they’d go to eat and I knew it had to be expensive and exclusive.

I parked my car in a parking garage then started on foot. For what seemed like hours I walked up and down the streets praying to the gods above that I would find them. It appeared to be like I would never find the duo and I kept asking around not getting a damn piece of information. Being a Tarantino film fan I then thought hey, maybe he is craving some sushi, and then I thought what the most popular sushi restaurant in LA is? The answer was Matsuhisa.

I went back to my car on a gut feeling then sped down the boulevard towards Beverly Hills where the restaurant was located. Parking my vehicle a couple blocks away I hustled to the restaurant front with my camera hooked securely around my neck. Everything was riding on this and I had to turn on some major charm. First I went to the host who gave me a wink and I smiled back in response.
“Hi um, may I use the restroom?” I inquire looking at him with my golden green eyes.
“Ya sure, its straight to the back and to the left.”

“Thanks,” I smile softly and started towards the restrooms but not without taking a look around at the two o’clock crowd. My eyes did not fall upon any of the subjects I was hoping for and I let out a sigh then just went to the bathroom feeling even more defeated. In the bathroom I washed my hands vigorously and attempted to keep it all together.

I exited the bathroom and headed back to the front of the restaurant. Once I reached the front I turned to the host.

“You guys wouldn’t happen to be hiring would you?” I ask quietly.
“Uh no not at the moment wait I know you, you’re that chick photographer that tried to help out that singer from Avenged Sevenfold. What are you doing here?”
“Yeah,” the host says excitedly.
“I’ve got to find and take pictures of Quentin Tarantino and Brad Pitt by 8 p.m. or I get fired,” I reply running my hand to my loose bun to let it out because I was starting to get a headache.
“How’d you know they’d be coming here?”

I paused staring at this man like he was playing a cruel joke on me.

“I had a gut feeling but are they really coming here?” I ask looking at him feeling the warmth of hope creep up on me.
“Yeah, but you didn’t hear that from me,” he replies in a quiet tone.
“You don’t know how much better you made my day,” I gush feeling a wave of euphoria come over me. Maybe this assignment wasn’t completely hopeless.
“Just don’t loiter the manager gets pissed.”
“I won’t no worries, thank you so much again.”
“What’s your name?”
“Ambrose,” I answer.
“I’m Kale,” he says with a charming smile.
“It was great meeting you.”

I went out of the restaurant to begin my stake out and wait for my subjects to arrive. At around five o’clock they arrived in a dark SUV. I was the only camera person there and when they stepped out of the vehicle I hurried my little legs over to them with my camera ready to shoot. Being that I didn’t want to upset or startle them I opted to warn them or at least ask to take their photo.

“Excuse me Mr. Tarantino, Mr. Pitt I don’t mean to be an ass but I got to take a few pictures is that alright with you?” I ramble awkwardly. They stopped and looked at me shocked then looked at one another confused.
“You are way too young, pretty and polite to be paparazzi,” Quentin states towering over me.
“I haven’t really gotten that one, but thank you, I just started, might I say I truly enjoy your films and I’m not just trying to kiss your ass to get a photo,” I say with a genuine smile. These men were fucking legends how could I not tell them how much I’ve loved their movies?
“Thank you, so how about them pictures?” Brad smiles so lovely that it would make any girl swoon.
“What ever feels natural to ya and I’ll be quick,” I smile back.

Quentin and Brad did the whole posing with the playful hand around the shoulder buddy act. I just snapped away on my camera.

“What’s your name?” Quentin asks.
“Ambrose,” I answer taking the last picture, “Want to see the pictures? You know just to be sure nothing’s wrong with the shot?”
“Paparazzi need to be more like you,” he states as I tilted the camera for both of them to see.
“I don’t think others will agree but thank you, I try to be respectful. You guys have been nothing short of great and you don’t know how much this has helped.”
“No problem it was a pleasure,” Quentin states with a smile.
“Thanks again,” I say.
“These photos are great, you are very good at portraits and composition is great considering the lighting outside,” Brad comments inquisitively.
“Gracias, its good to hear majoring in photography has done some good but I must be off, enjoy the sushi and be safe,” I say smiling as I turned off the camera then waved as I walked off briskly hurrying so that I could get back to the office before eight.

It was nearing seven thirty when I arrived at work and I hauled ass to get in on time. Carl was shocked at the great photos but didn’t say much else. Kathy was just getting ready to leave when she handed me the money I received for the excellent photos.

“Great job girl, looks like you will be staying with us a bit longer,” she smiles.

Taking the check I felt a wave of relief come over me, finally I had rent money and then some more. Now I could relax or at least that’s what I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is part two, I know it doesn't have Matt in it but he'll come again soon enough. Hope you enjoyed it and I'd love to hear what you think. :)