Status: Just something I thought of

Flashes of Emotion


I left work and headed towards one of those fast cash places to get my money to give to my landlord. To be honest I didn’t like going to fast cash places because it is all sketchy people that go in there. Luckily for me there wasn’t much of anyone in the place and I got the money then left.

Arriving home I was quick to slip the envelope of rent under my landlord’s door being sure it got all the way in. Afterwards I went to my apartment that hardly had any sort of furniture except for some random tables and an old vintage chair I brought from home when I moved. The clock read 9:17 pm and I remembered I had to go do another job at 9:30 pm to take pictures at a local bar. In addition to my paparazzi job I also did some freelance stuff to build my portfolio as well as get some extra money to pay for car insurance. Hurriedly I sprayed some light body splash on to smell more fresh and powdered my nose then left the apartment once again.

I didn’t bother with my car knowing finding a parking space was too much of a hassle and I just started running towards the bar that was three blocks away. After such a long day of walking and then with this added running definitely made my leg muscles start to do little pulsating spasms once I stopped in front of the place. Catching my breath and showing my ID to the bouncer I entered the bar. The clock read 9:27 pm and I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

It seemed the bar was not even close to being full and the first music acts were playing rhythmically on their instruments. The owner spotted me and waved me over.

“Hey Kid the band I want photos of are coming on next,” the slightly overweight man states.
“Alright I’ll get some good pictures,” I smile.

The night went on and the band the owner wanted pictures of to put on the website happened to be the popular band the Maine. I thought it was fairly interesting considering I had seen these guys live when I lived in Arizona before they got famous. Snapping photos was tiring but I kept on going. When someone tapped on my shoulder I turned slightly irritated to be interrupted from work but then I was now facing someone very familiar looking.

Immediately my eyes narrowed at the man who just took off his sunglasses to reveal the familiar eyes.

“Look I wanted to say sorry about last night.”

“I’m not in the mood for this,” I retort as I began taking pictures again.
“I feel bad for the shit I said,” he continues getting his dumbass in the photo.
“I’m working now get the fuck out of my space.”
“I thought you were paparazzi.”

I merely ignored him and continued taking pictures until the band finished. Last photos were of the band leaving the stage and I walked to the bar to sit since I felt completely exhausted. Ordering a nice cold dark beer from the tap I began sipping on the rich bitter goodness as I looked through the photos I had just taken.

“Get the shot?” the owner inquires hovering over my shoulder.
“Yeah, there are tons of choices and I got a lot with the bar sign in it.”
“These are pretty good kid, got some extra cards so I can recommend you to other people?”
“Uh yeah,” I answer pulling a small metal ID case with my business cards in it. I handed him about five since I only had like twenty of them made from the copy shop.
“Ambrose Valinski, you got yourself a happy customer, beer is on the house,” the man smiles patting me on the back.

The man walked away and I sat at the bar feeling drowsier by the minute. Someone sat down next to me and I looked to see the friend of Matt’s, Brian was his name I believe.

“Hey I’m Brian.”
“I know,” I counter curtly as I drank my beer.
“Matt feels really terrible for what happened, is there anyway you can forgive him? I mean he had a rough night,” he says.

“What ever man I’m used to getting bullshit for trying to do something nice, maybe next time I’ll just let him drive and get himself killed the way he wanted then I won’t be verbally abused or nearly get fired when I’ve got bills to pay,” I retort as I downed the beer then headed out of the bar.

I started walking on the sidewalk alone until I was approached by some shady looking guys. Of course I tried to walk around them but they blocked my way.

“Hola little mama you are lookin’ fine tonight,” one says. I was in no mood for this especially when these punks were giving Hispanics a bad name.

“Thank you, but I am tired and need to get home.”
“Got a man?”
“I’m pretty sure you’d still be bothering me whether if I answered that question or not,” I reply giving them bored looks.
“Listen to this bitch, you know who we are?”
“A bunch of ball-less assholes who are giving Hispanics a bad name by spending their time harassing women and causing trouble,” I retort.
“Oi puta, look here you are going to fuck me in that alley and you are going to enjoy it,” the leader states grabbing me by the shoulder but being in a poor mood I kneed him in the balls.

“You fucking bitch!”

The others lunged at me and I tried to dodge them but there were too many, even if I managed to punch a few in the throat it wasn’t enough. They threw me on the ground towards the alley as I yelled several obscenities at them both in Spanish and English. I was hit across the face with a clenched fist and I growled in pain tasting the coopery blood in my mouth.

I got onto my feet and grabbed a nearby two by four then swung it hitting two of the guys making the old board break. This only got them angrier and got slammed into the wall, then I thrust my head forward to hit the man in the face. He growled holding his nose that now bled profusely.

“Hey leave her alone!” someone yelled.
“Let’s get out of here Julio this bitch is fucking crazy.”
“Puta,” the man snarls trying to take my purse but I kicked in the back of his legs causing him to fall.

I took my purse but forgot to pay attention because then I was punched just above my eye. This caused me to stumble backwards and I fell onto my ass but still I clutched onto my things praying that my camera wasn’t damaged. Now not only was I tired, I was beaten and as I stood up I felt my legs wobble like I was Bambi just learning to walk. Before my legs buckled I steadied myself with the wall.

“Oh fuck, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” I mutter trying to process what had just happened. I opened my eyes to see who was there with me and I saw the members of Avenged Sevenfold. Most would put their attention on these musicians but I didn’t instead I began opening my purse to see if my camera was alright.

“Are you sure?”
“No!” I cry as tears of anger brimmed the edges my eyes upon seeing the broken camera I cherished above all things. I wanted to kill those bastards for ruining my most prized possession that I worked so hard to buy. It felt like God was toying with me, only letting me feel happy for just a moment then took it away.

I didn’t want to talk to anyone or let strangers see me cry so I stalked off hoping to make it to my apartment without breaking down. Rushing to my apartment I finally reached it then climbed up the stairs. Once inside I let loose all my tears and frustrations, I couldn’t deal with this anymore. Everything just kept getting taken away and I felt so fucking isolated it was just too much to handle.

My upset state mixed with exhaustion caused me to curl up into a ball and fall asleep letting my sobs lull me to a dark abyss.

I was brought out of my desolation when there was a loud knocking on the door. The sun shining through the dirty windows signified it was already morning. My first instinct was to never answer the door but it could have been my landlord so when I opened the door I was thrown off to see who it really was.
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Hmmm cliffhanger? I think so...haha Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.