Status: Done

I Want Candy

I Want Candy

I drove home after a long day from work. It was my birthday and no one said anything, like usual. No one called, not even my brother Matt. he the only one that usually calls, but I guess he’s out with Valery tonight. I’m not going to bother him. He’s has a band that I’m not ever going to meet. I opened my lonely apartment since Slyer left me when I was at work, we got in a fight and he left. He’s an ass when it comes to his friends. That’s what my best friend said; I didn’t care for him anymore. But my bed was lonely. As I walked to turn on the lights, everything seemed the same. When I turned on the lights, I saw 5 people all dressed in black put a cloth over my eyes and dragged me to my room. Hell I don’t know who they were but I gave a good fight.

"Let me go!" I said punching at whoever was dragging me
"quite it. Damn Zack hold her down!" a voice said as the one called Zacky grabbed me and held my arms down. I began to kick out.
"JC hold her legs!" Zacky said talking to the person who was called JC, as I felt someone grabbed my legs. Ok there’s no way I’m going to get out of this. I started to wiggle my way out.
"damn it Brian she’s wiggling her way out. I can’t hold on to her any more” Zacky said to another.
"Its ok just put her on that chair right there!" I heard a familiar voice. It was Matt.
"Matt if I don’t get this cloth uncovered from my head, I’m going to kick your ass!!!" he laughs.
"Little sis, and I would love to see you try! Tie her up"
"I felt hands grab my arms and they were big, soft hands. From what I see threw the cloth. They had tattoos along their arms. What I have a thing with tattoos on guys!
"Matt get me out of this and I promise I'll behave." I pleaded as I was tied with my arms wrapped around the back of the chair
"no birthday girl were going to spend your 21 birthday Avenged style. Girls!" as he removed my blind fold to find 5 girls also dress to impress standing in front of me, one was Valery and he twin Sister Michelle.
"Girls I want you to meet my younger sister, Stephanie" Matt said
"Val what’s going on?" I asked
"sweetie we're going to give you a makeover and spend the entire night at the bar" she said pointing to him.
"Hi, I’m Brian the one u punched in the gut." holding his stomach and holding on to Val’s twin sister Michelle
"my bad, I’m sorry, reaction" I said trying to nudge.
"It’s okay" he said giving me a smile.
"Okay who're the other guys" I said questioning Val and Matt
"oh this is, Johnny aka JC, This is his girlfriend Lacey." they said hi.
"And that’s Zacky and his girlfriend Gena and the guy in the back with all dress in black and sleeping!! Is Jimmy" as they guy that was on the floor woke up from Val’s screams.
"and I’m his girlfriend Leana" a girl with long brown hair, very pretty walking up to Val hugging her.
"so what are you going to do to me Matt" I said
"well little sis the girls are going to give you a makeover and get you out of those ugly clothes!" he gave me a gross look.
"Ok and what are you going to do while they are doing that?"
"Well were going to raid your kitchen, we're hungry, and a night drinking you can’t go without eating first" he said getting the guys and walking out
"Matt if you go through my stuff I’m going to have to kill you!" I said trying to get out from the chair,
"watch us! See you later sis!" as all the guys walked out
for 2 minutes the 5 girls huddled around in a circle talking and planning out how they are going to give me a makeover. It was a long time before they untied me and as Val and Michelle went through my closet as the rest of the girls did my make -up. The one that stood out to me was Leana. She was all over my face. Ha-ha literally. Well as Val and Michelle came back. They had a worried look and nothing in their hands.
"Girl, we're taking you shopping, you got nothing to wear tonight" Val said looking over at the girls.
"Girls I think you know what going to happen next" VAL AND MICH SAID IN UNISON
"SHOPPING!!!!!!" all the girls said as I tried to stop hearing them scream
"OH BOY LETS GO GIRLS!" I heard Brian yell from downstairs and out my apartment
"umm guys did you forget someone that tired to the chair!!!!!!" I screamed as Jimmy came back and untied me.
"no problem for the birthday girl" he gave me a hug and I hugged him back. As we walked downstairs and into the cars.

after we got home oh boy the girls really did a good job finding me an outfit and I felt comfortable. Now on to the bar! As we got there, and got a booth all of us started to get drinks. One time they had me take all 21 shots of Jack. Whoa! That’s was a rush. I kept seeing Jimmy getting a little bit flirty with me, I flirted back. I’m not totally wasted yet. Leana was kind of getting mad at Jimmy because of what he’s doing.

"Jimmy can I talk to you? Outside" as Leana took Jimmy hand and walked off into the club. I felt bad. I was flirting with him the whole time and Leana is with him. Well as I looked back to the group I felt a hand on my shoulder
"May I have a dance with the birthday girl?" Zack asked. I looked over to Gena asking if it was ok. She nodded back. She knew what Zack was going to do. Just dance. As we dance on the dance floor. Zack knew to keep his distance. But as wasted as I was getting in no time I was grinding on him. But as soon as Gena saw she walked up pulling Him and letting some other dude to grinded on me. I don’t know who the hell he was but damn he as a good dancer.
"You’re a good dancer!" I said not turning around
"well you’re too!" the guy said
as we dance a little bit more he was somehow pulled away. I got sad and walked back to the booth.
"Hun, what’s wrong?" Michelle said over the music
"it’s just not fair, you have boyfriends who are rock stars and I’m the one that has a brother as the rockstar.
"Well Hun, you will find that special guy someday" she slurred as Brain held on to her in his lap.
"Hell I’m going to drink since it’s my 21st birthday!!!" I raised a Jack and coke in the air
"hell yeah!!!" everyone cheered and as we got finished Leana and Jimmy came back. Leana was drunk then before as I guess, Jimmy boy here gave her more to drink. Hell I don’t know. Somehow Leana wanted to dance with me. As all the girls got up and danced around us. Leana got so closed that she whispered that she wanted me. I pulled away looking at her. I didn’t know how to react to that. I shook it off and stayed dancing in front on her. She moved around behind me. She grabbed my hips and pushed her into me. I didn’t care. I was having a good time. Then Jimmy came up to us and danced in front of me. He pushed himself to me. Wow. We grinded on each other and I was in the middle. As the song finished we headed out the bar to go home. Everyone was drunk that the bouncer had to call 3 cabs to take us home.
Johnny, Lacey, Matt and Val went in one cab. Brian, Michelle, Gena and Zacky went in another and me Jimmy and Leana. Well as we got to Jimmy and Leana place they invited me inside to crash here for the night. So I did. I didn’t remember anything until I woke up. I didn’t even remember if I fell asleep in the guest room. I found myself in a big room and a big bed. I got up and found that Jimmy and Leana were in the same room. What the hell did I do? I looked under the covers and saw that I was in my underwear and bra. I laid back down. As I saw Leana stir and get up and I saw her also in her bra and underwear. Jimmy hasn’t moved. As I peeked under the covers to see Jimmy completely naked under there!

Leana came back and went over to my side and saw me awake.
"Good morning Steph" she leaned over and kissed my lips. I didn’t know what to do. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror after I washed the sleepiness out of my eyes. What the hell did I do last night? I opened the door to look at Leana as she snuggled to already awake Jimmy in bed. He looked at me and motioned me to come back to bed. I walked slowly to the bed and climbed in. Leana leaned over and kissed me again. I didn’t return the kiss. They looked at me wired and started to laugh.

"Hun, why do you look like you didn’t like that, you didn’t complain about it last night" she said as Jimmy and her laughed.
"I don't remembered last night" I claimed
they laughed again
"what’s so funny?"
"all you were saying last night is that you wanted candy. and well u got a "Jimmy lollipop and a Leana cherry slush" and you liked it" Jimmy said all proudly.
"Want to get another one?" Leana said moving towards me
"because I want a Stephanie strawberry...Jim, what’s a word for that thing again?" she looked over at Jimmy.
"Umm I don’t know but I want some again" now both of them moved towards me and I screamed

I woke up in my bed with a cold sweat. I sighed. It was just a dream. I looked over at the calendar it my birthday today. My 21st birthday indeed. I looked at my bed. There was someone laying there. I pulled off the covers and there I saw a sleeping Slyer. I hugged him as he turned around and gave me a kiss.
"hey beautiful birthday girl" he kissed me on the lips
"it’s too early right now, how bout we go back to sleep and wake up in about 5 more hours. You got work. “He said kissing my forehead.
I laid back down hoping that dream won’t come true.
"Babe, why does your lips taste like candy?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is done.
Comments please!