Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen
Easter's POV

I woke up at my usual time and I thought at first that it was a normal day. That is, until I realized I was in a ton of pain. It suddenly hit me like a wall and I doubled up, gasping. I didn't know what was wrong with me at first and that really scared me. The memories finally came back to me, but they didn't do much to alleviate my pain.

"Sweetie? What's wrong? Are you hurting?" Micah whispered, so quietly I almost couldn't hear him.

"Yes. Please get the doctor," I gasped, trying not to cry.

Since I hadn't once said that I was feeling bad, Micah knew I really needed some help now. At least my dizziness last night gave me the option of passing out to sweet painlessness. I didn't have that now. I was completely awake and there's no way I can ignore the horrible, throbbing agony that covered my body.

Micah rushed back with the doctor on his heel. The doctor quickly shot a needle full of something into my IV and in a couple of minutes the pain was bearable again. "Do you want me to put you back to sleep?" the doctor asked, looking concerned. "I can't entirely get rid of the pain if you stay awake?"

"I don't want to go back to sleep," I replied. "I'll be fine. Thank you though."

The doctor nodded and walked back to his office, after telling me to call him back if I changed my mind.

Micah sat down next to me and put his hand on mine. I squeezed it, turning his hand over and marveling at how smooth his skin was. It would have been obvious, even to people who had no idea who he is, that Micah's never worked a day in his life. My hands were work hardened and I could see the scars and muscles on my forearms. Where I was strong and muscled, Micah seemed to have a natural lankiness. He didn't seem very strong and I was more than a little impressed that he'd been able to carry me almost all the way here.

"What are you looking at?" Micah asked, looking at his arm like he expected something to be there.

"You," I answered simply. "…When do you think I'll be okay enough to go back to work?" I said, after pausing for a moment. I don’t want him to think that I just want to get out of work for as long as I can. I was just worried that I'd have to go back to work in the next day or two, and I knew I wouldn't even be able to walk then.

"The doctor told me you won't be able to go back for about a month. At first he wanted to know if I wanted to…you know, get rid of you…" Micah whispered, not looking at me. He sounded ashamed.

"What did you say?" I said, almost paralyzed from fear. He wouldn't. He wouldn't get rid of me, would he? "I'll work. I swear, I'll do anything. Just please don't let him hurt me," I whimpered.

"No! I wouldn't let him," Micah exclaimed. "I was just sorry that that was actually an option. I know you didn't ask for this to happen. I'm not going to have you…killed because you got beat up."

I sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, I assumed that you would do that. I guess I just panicked.

"It's understandable," Micah replied.

I don't know if I explained this before, but if for some reason a slave can't or won't work, they can be killed by the person they work for. Sometimes, we get hurt too bad or get sick and since we can't work our way out of debt we're no use to anyone. I guess the rule applies to me since I've done four days of work and now am going to be out for a month. I really shouldn't have been surprised that someone would ask.

"You'll still have to talk to Ms. Diana though probably. She'll want to make sure you're not faking. They'll probably figure out some way to punish you, but it'll be more like making you work longer hours for the time that you're gone. I'll help you. I promise I won't leave you this time. It's partly my fault that you're like this," Micah said.

"I believe you," I said, happily.

I glanced at Haven and Seven fondly, deep in thought. Suddenly, my stomach twisted up in a knot and I yelped, "What time is it?! Haven and Seven are going to being in so much trouble!"

Seven sat straight up. "What? Why are you yelling? Are you okay?" Seven said, groggily. "Something better be wrong with you, or I'm going to poke you in the ribs for waking me up," he threatened, tiredly.

"Chill out, Easter. Diana is letting them go into work late. She and I talked about it this morning while you were sleeping. She wasn't too happy about it, but I overruled her," Micah explained. There was a glint in his eyes that told me that he didn't like to be argued. I can tell he could be really not fun to argue with and I'm glad he hasn't ever looked at me like that. We'd probably--No, definitely--get into another fight. We're both way too stubborn for fights to end well.

"Can you really do that to everyone?" I asked.

"I can usually get what I want to happen, unless my parents want something else. I've never really put it into practice until the last couple of days. I've never really had a reason to do anything, but people just seemed dead set on bothering you and it looks like I'm going to have to be a major ass to get them to stop," Micah said, with a small smile. "That is, until I become Tsar. I guess then I can do whatever I want whether my parents approve it or not." I could tell there were definitely some things Micah didn't like about how his parents ruled this country, but something was making me nervous.

"Will that happen soon?" I asked, my heart constricted nervously. I don't know why I felt so scared at the thought…except some crazy person could try to hurt him, he'd have to be in charge of so much with so much power and stress, not to mention that it's kind of hard to date--I mean be friends with a Tsar.

I don't know if I've explained why the rulers here are called Tsar. Well, each country has a different name for its ruler. None of them share a name. There is a president, prime minister, king, queen, sultan, chancellor, emir, grand duke, pharaoh, viceroy, archduke, and a chieftain. I'm sure there are others, but those are all I can remember. The only one that isn't used is Emperor, or Empress, because it implies that the person is a ruler of many countries and that makes the other rulers nervous.

"No," Micah said, and I immediately relaxed. I felt so happy that I wanted to scream, sing, and dance all at once and probably would have if I hadn't felt so sick. "My parents are pretty young. They're only a couple of hundred years old, so they should rule until my twenty-first birthday. That's when it's usually passed from the father to the son, if nothing bad happens," Micah explained.

"Do you have to take classes or do something before you become a Tsar?" I asked.

"Some. They're not hard. It's a lot of ethics things, like right and wrong, to figure out what kind of ruler I'll be. My teachers say there isn't a correct answer, but my father seems proud so I guess I'm doing fine," Micah told me. I could tell he kind of liked talking about his classes, but I think I'm the first person whose asked about them. His friends probably have classes like that since they're families must be into politics to if they're close to the Tsar and Tsaritsa and aren't interested in hear more about the classes.

"Tell me more about them. It sounds interesting. I have never liked school because of the other students, but the subjects always seemed cool. I haven't even been to a school in the last four months, We never learned things like that," I chirped, happy when a smile lit up Micah's face.

His eyes flitted to Haven and Seven who were both glaring at Micah and I. "Do you mind if we have some privacy?" Micah murmured.

"Can they come back later?" I whispered back. I didn't want to wasted any time I had with my friends, if I might not be able to see them for the next month.

"Yeah. They'll be back by nine," Micah assured me.

"Okay," I agreed. I really do want to be alone with Micah.

Micah grinned, and turned to my two best friends. "Um, can you two go get breakfast for yourselves now? If you go down the hall, take your third right and fourth left, you'll be at the kitchen. The cook's name is Andy. He's really great and he'll get you something to eat. If you need some fresh laundry or anything else, he can help you with that, too."

Seven smiled a little and turned to leave, but Haven grabbed his shoulder and held him there. "I know you trust him," Haven said to me, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Just remember who's always been there for you." I nodded, suddenly not able to make eye contact with him.

I heard Micah clear his throat, guiltily. "I'm sorry. I don't want to get between the three of you. I'd like to be friends with you, too. Can the four of us talk when you get back from work tonight? I'll have dinner waiting," Micah bribed.

"It worked. "Sure!" Seven squeaked, thrilled at the thought of a good dinner. I wonder what, if anything, they ate last night. Hopefully, Micah brought them something.

"Fine," Haven said, stiffly. He stalked off, pulling Seven after him. Micah and I were finally alone, so we could talk.

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I've got chapter 15 finished, so comment and I'll get it out tomorrow.