Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen
Easter's POV

I had the worst dreams. Micah was thrashing around on the floor and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. I couldn't even move to help him. Then, he started screaming and his body stretched out like I was looking in a fun house mirror. Suddenly, Haven and Seven were there and they were just like Micah. I remember covering my ear to block out the screams and then they stopped. I remember the deadening silence and it freed me to run to help them. I knew it was too late…

The dream changed. Micah was wrapping me in some kind of cloth, saying," It'll all be over soon, Easter. It'll all be over soon," over and over again. He wrapped the cloth higher and higher. I couldn't move, but I was sure that Micah wouldn't hurt me, so I didn't really mind. Micah wrapped the cloth around my mouth, my nose, and then my eyes. I could barely breathe and I couldn't see, but I could hear Micah's voice. "Okay, sweetie. All done. Bye," Micah whispered, tearfully. He thought I was dead. I'm a mummy! I tried to scream for him to come back but I couldn't open my mouth. I tried again and again, but nothing I did would help.

I bolted up, completely awake. "Ow! Shit!" I screamed, but I could barely make a sound. My mouth wouldn't open right.

"Easter, lie down. You can't talk. You're jaw is wired shut. One of the assholes who jumped you broke your jaw among other things," a friendly voice said. It took me a couple of second to realize who it was: Micah's friend, Jay. "I'll get you a piece of paper and a pencil. I'm sure you have a lot of questions," he said. He came back a moment later and handed the objects to me.

I immediately started scribbling away. "Where's Micah? How is he? Who stopped Logan and his friends? Where is Logan now? When will me jaw be fixed enough that it doesn't need to be wired shut? Will this delay me going back to work? Can I see Micah? Can I--"

"Okay, I think that's enough questions at one time. Now the answers. Micah's in another room getting checked for organ swelling. It's the kind of thing they look for in injuries as bad as his. They did the same thing to you when you were unconscious. Other than that, he's pretty beat up, Logan managed to stab him once really bad, and he has a broken leg. He's not as cute as he used to be because of all the bruises, but he'll be fine. Haven and Indigo stopped Logan and his friends from killing you, but they escaped while Haven and Indigo were taking you to the doctor. We've got people looking for them now," Jay reassured me. "We can get your jaw unwired in a couple of days. This will definitely delay you going back to work, but Micah took care of any…problems people might have given you," Jay said, awkwardly.

I snatched the paper back and wrote, "Don't worry about saying it. I know what could happen if you guys don't protect me. Micah explained yesterday."

"Oh, good," Jay said, reading the note over my shoulder. "I didn't want to have to be the person to explain that. You can see Micah when he and Indigo get back from the doctor's office. I'm assuming your last question would have been about Haven and Seven. Haven and Indigo have a few bruises and Indigo's nose got broken. It's nothing serious. Haven and Seven had to go back to work. You've been unconscious for five days. They couldn't get off work for that long. Micah's been freaking out. He's been so worried about you. He'll be thrilled that you're finally awake."

I looked at Jay carefully for a moment, before motioning for him to give me back the paper and pencil. He did. I wrote: "Did something happen with all you guys? You said Haven and Seven's names like you are friends with him and you definitely weren't the last time I talked to you. So…What happened?"

Jay laughed at what I'd said. "While Indigo ran to get the doctor, Haven stayed to take care of you and try to make you stop bleeding. Micah started bleeding really bad after Indigo left. Haven left you since you weren't in immediate danger of bleeding to death. Haven tried to stop the bleeding and saved Micah's life. Indigo figured Haven would ignore Micah and just take care of you, so he was so grateful. Even Indigo and I can't be mad at someone's who saves our best friend's life, which includes you. If you hadn't protected Micah with your own body Logan would have stabbed Micah more. You made him angry and took all the attention from Micah and they beat you more," Jay said. "Plus, Seven and I never cared one way or another whether you and Micah dated. We just didn't like the problems it caused and were worried that you and Micah would forget all about us. We don't think that anymore. I guess we decided to give each other a chance," Seven explained.

"Good," I wrote back. "I'm glad I'm going to get the chance to be friends with you and Indigo…I'm also glad that I don't have to worry about Haven and Indigo getting into a fight every other second."

"Easter!" a voice screamed. It was Micah. He was sitting in a wheelchair that Indigo was pushing. One of his eyes was swollen shut and his nose was obviously broken. Indigo wheeled him over to my bedside and lifted Micah into my bed so that he could lay next to me. I hugged him but it was really awkward because we were both trying really hard not to touch each other's ribs. I settled for pecking him on the lips. "Do you feel okay?" Micah questioned, worriedly.

I retrieved the pencil and paper and wrote, "I feel like I was run over by a truck. How about you?"

Micah giggled. "About the same. I definitely know what you meant when you said how bored you were after just lying around for a couple of days. This time, I didn't even have you to talk to."

"Hey!" Jay said, sounding indignant. "We were all there for you to talk to the whole time. I'm sorry we weren't interesting enough for you to talk to."

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk to Easter," Micah argued. I smiled, but it must have looked like a grimace because of all the metal in my mouth. Suddenly, I heard footsteps in the hall and I looked questioningly at them asking who it was. Micah turned pale. "Oh, Easter. I forgot to tell you--"

The two people, a man and a woman, strode into the room. "Hello, son."

Micah looked at me, seriously. "Easter, these are my parents."