Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty
Easter's POV

I snuggled closer to Micah, not quite ready to get up yet. I'd been uncomfortable since I'd told Micah everything. I was glad that I wasn't keeping a secret from him anymore. I was also thrilled that he was taking it so well. Sure, he'd been shaken by it at first, but he's made it his mission to make sure I know it's not my fault the past few days. We hadn't actually talked about it since I told him, but I knew that it was why he was trying so hard to take care of me. I think he was worried that if he mentioned it, I would burst into tears.

I'm so glad I can finally talk again. The doctor had unwired my jaw yesterday. The first thing Micah did was kiss me passionately. He'd hadn't been able to before. I smiled at the memory.

I heard Micah chuckle. "You keep pretending to be asleep. I'm not in any hurry to go anywhere. I've got a book to read," Micah told me.

I smiled. "M'kay," I said, laying my head on Micah's uninjured shoulder. I drifted back to sleep, waking up almost an hour later.

"You're going to stay awake this time?" Micah asked me.

I nodded, wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"Okay, good," Micah said, like he was preparing himself for something. "I'm going to ask you a question but I don't want you to get mad or sad. Is that okay?"

I felt nervous. "Is this about what I said a few days ago?" I murmured.

"Yeah," he said.

I sighed. "Just ask."

"Before me, did you ever tell anyone what happened to you?" he asked, quietly.

"No," I whispered.

"Micah looked uncomfortable. "Do you feel better now that you've talked to me about it, or is it worse? If you need anything, I'm here. I just want you to know that," he said.

I thought about it for a minute. "I do feel a lot better than I did before," I said. "I know I can tell you anything. I love you," I said, without a shadow of a doubt.

"You what?" Micah gaped.

"I love you," I repeated.

Micah just stared at me, mouth open for a while minute. I would have laughed if I hadn't been so nervous about Micah's reply. "I love you, too," Micah replied, smiling at me shyly. "I'm so glad that you feel the same because I was too shy to say it on my own."

"To be honest, if I thought before I said it, I probably wouldn't have said anything. I'd be too nervous about what you would say," I admitted, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Micah caught my face gently between his hands and kissing me on the lips. "I love you," he said again, hugging me close to him.

I giggled, snuggling into his shoulder.

"Eww! What are you two doing?!" Jay yelped.

I looked over to glare at him, but it went unnoticed because Jay had his hands over his eyes. "Do you have clothes on?" Jay asked, making obnoxious gagging noises.

"Of course we do," Micah sighed, looking exasperated. "We were just kissing."

Jay peeks between his fingers at us. Deciding that we weren't going to have sex in front of him, Jay completely uncovered his face. "Good, because I was going to throw up if you two were doing anything," he said.

Micah rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" he snapped.

"I came to take you to Seven while he's working. he gets bored when he doesn't have a lot of people to talk to. I tried talking to him, but even I am only interesting for so long," Jay explained. "…So, are you going to come with me?"

"Sure," I said. "You're going to have to get two wheelchairs though, since neither of us can walk."

"Okay," Jay said , cheerfully, turning to leave, but Micah called him back.

"Jay, do you like Seven?"

Jay blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

"You don't like him then?" Micah teased.

"Of course I like him, but that's not what you meant," Jay said, turning even more red.

"What did I mean then?" Micah questioned innocently, but Jay and I could see right through it. He was clearly having fun embarrassing one of his best friends. I struggled not to burst out laughing, but I wasn't very successful. Micah winked at me and went back to his game. "Come on, Jay. Tell me what you think I meant," he laughed.

Seven was about to blow up all over us, he was so angry. "Fine," he hissed. "I think you meant that I want to be more than friends with Seven. Now stop bothering me."

"No way," Micah said. "Do you like him?"

Jay didn't answer; just looked at me nervously.

I understood now why he was so worried about telling us. Jay thought I'd go and blab it to Seven. "Don't worry," I said, with a small smile. "I won't tell Seven. You should tell him though. I bet he likes you, too."

"I didn't say I liked him," Jay said.

"Just guessing," I said, smirking.


I nodded. "No problem. Now get the wheelchairs, please. I want to see Seven again. It's been going on four days now since I've seen either of my best friends," I told them.

"I'll be back soon," Jay said, running out of the room to search.

Micah laughed. "It's fun messing with him. He gets so flustered. Plus, he always takes every chance to embarrass me, so this is sweet, sweet revenge," Micah cackled. He looked like the bad guy in little kid movies.

I snorted, rolling my eyes at him. "I'd do the same thing to Haven and Seven if I got the chance…Well, it looks like I might have the chance with Seven."

Jay came back a moment later pushing both wheelchairs. Micah managed to get into the chair on his own, but it looked like it hurt. He said he could manage to wheel himself along on his own since both of his arms were fine. I needed Jay's help to get into the chair and because of my arm I needed him to push me. "Thank you," I said, grateful for the opportunity to go somewhere. I could tell that Micah was equally happy about it.

Seven's in the guest hall, cleaning the unused rooms and the hallways. He's lucky to have one of the easier jobs and I guess I am too, since I help him sometimes. It's just boring and time consuming," Jay explained.

"It sounds like you've been around him a lot," I said, fighting back a smirk.

Jay glared. "Don't you start, too," he whined. "Indigo, Haven, and Micah have been teasing me about it all week.

I snickered. "It's hard to resist the temptation," I said.

Jay looked like he wanted to tell me it would be hard for him to resist the temptation to push me down the stairs, but he didn't say anything.

I looked around, studying my surroundings. It was easy to tell where you were, from how everything looked around you. The slave quarters were dirty (After cleaning everywhere else in the house all day, no one wanted to clean up where we lived.), the furniture (when there was any at all) was torn up and looked about a hundred years old, and there was definitely nothing to brighten the underground rooms up.

The area we were in now was where all the services were done. There were kitchens, the infirmary, and about a billion offices. It was bright, neatly kept, and full of activity. I wasn't too impressed. I'd seen places like this in the wealthy part of my hometown.

There was yet another change as we got to the place where guests stayed. All I know is, I want to be a guest here. I'm sure a single painting or rug here was worth more than ten of our little log cabins. There were dark wooden floors covered with big fluffy rugs, stone walls from which beautiful paintings and portraits hung. As we passed a long wall of old portraits that Micah studiously ignored, I figured out that they were probably Micah's ancestors. I loved looking out the windows that kept the corridors so bright and sunny. From where we were, I could see right out to the stables and watch all the cows and horses wander around, eating.

It was impressive, but it also made me angry. The slaves barely have enough to live, while the rich not only survive, but live in luxury. I don't think it's fair. I wasn't going to say that to Micah and Jay though. As wonderful and sympathetic as they might be, I know they would be offended and hurt because they have money. I don't want them to be ashamed because they have a good life. That wouldn't be fair either. I know that they, especially Micah, wish that slave's living conditions would be better, if only for Haven's, Seven's, and my sake. I don't think they realized how bad thinks were for slaves until they met us.

Anyway, I saw the familiar boy a ways down the hall and smiled. Seven had just breathed in the dust off a portrait that clearly hadn't been cleaned in months, if not years and was now in the middle of a coughing fit. "Are you alright, Seven?" Jay asked, sounding concerned.

"Yes," Seven said in between coughs. "I've already done that three times today. You'd have thought I would have learned by now." He only then noticed that Jay had brought us with him. "Easter!" he squeaked, running over and hugging me.

"Hey, Seven," I said loudly, before grabbing Seven and pulling him close so I could whisper in his ear. "Ask him out."

Seven pulled away sharply to look at me, blushing ferociously. "I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbled at me, but the blush told me he did understand exactly what I'd been talking about.

"Sure you don't," I laughed.

Micah smirked. He had a pretty good idea of what I'd been doing.

"What are you talking about?" Jay asked nervously. He was about having a panic attack, worrying that I'd told Seven everything. I didn't really. I just don't want to watch them tiptoe around each other because they're both too stupid to realize that the other one likes him too. Hopefully, I just gave them the push they needed to ask each other out. They'd be such a cute couple.

"I'm not telling you anything. Ask Seven."

By now the both of them were blushing, not looking at each other. "Jay, do you want to go out sometime?" Seven murmured.

"Sure," Jay said back. They still weren't looking at each other, but, almost as if they were having the same thought, they simultaneously moved closer so that they're hands were touching.

Micah couldn't help it; he burst out laughing. "You two can now be called the most awkward couple ever. Everyone's been bugging you about it. It's so obvious you like each other. The only people who didn't know it were you two. At least it's all settled now," Micah said, still chuckling.

Seven and Jay both glared at him, but Micah couldn't have cared less. He was having too much fun with this. We talked to Seven and Jay for a little while, but it wasn't really a good time for us to be here with them just getting together. They were getting a little too cutesy couple like and I kind of expected them to start making out at any moment. Probably the only reason they didn't was because they wanted to get Seven's work done as fast as possible so they could go on their date.

Micah couldn't help making jokes about them and they were getting pissed off. I thought it was funny though, but I didn't want to get glared at anymore so I tried not to be obvious about laughing.

Eventually, Jay was distracted from Seven long enough for Micah to ask Jay to take us to the library. Jay didn't look to excited about it and it was obvious that he didn't want to leave Seven alone, but when Micah promised him it wouldn't take long, he agreed. I didn't really want Seven to be alone for too long either. I could understand why he was so reluctant to leave Seven. They'd just started dating and the two of us had been hurt really bad recently and Logan hadn't been caught. I was afraid he'd go after Seven or Haven next, since they be such easy targets, working alone most of the day.

Jay pushed me a bit faster than he should have and I was a little worried that I would be thrown into a wall, which didn't sound fun at all. Micah was trying to keep up, but he wasn't doing so well. The library is kind of far away and Micah can't really use much energy without his ribs hurting. The doctor said his ribs are bruised not broken, but it hurts all the same. Other than his ribs, he's has a broken wrist, ankle, and nose; his left arm was dislocated, but thankfully not broken, and he was bruised all over. All of that and exercise didn't mix well.

When we got to the library we had to wait for Micah to catch up. Micah eventually rolled in, huffing and puffing, looking liked he just wanted to curl up in a ball and go to sleep. I rolled all around the library, amazed at how many books there were. I could imagine spending the whole day here, just reading. I'd always liked to read, but we usually don't have the money for books, or the time to read them. I guess that hasn't really changed, but when Micah told me about the library, I couldn't resist the chance to come here.

Micah laughed at me when he saw the big pile I had on my lap. "Can I take these back to the infirmary?" I asked.

"Sure," he said.

"Are you ready to go back to your room now?" Jay asked, impatiently.

"Um, I was going to go to the kitchens first, so you can leave. I think we can get there on our own," Micah said.

Jay sighed. "No, I'll take you. I'm sorry. It's not your fault you're hurt."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

We went to Andy's kitchen. Micah had told me a little bit about him, but I hadn't met him in person yet. "Hey, Micah! And you must be Easter. Nice to meet you," Andy said. Maybe he's always like this, but he seemed unusually happy to see us.

Apparently, Micah was thinking the same thing. "What happened? You seem happy today," Micah observed.

"My release date's been moved up! I'm leaving tomorrow," he squealed happily.

Micah grinned at him. "That's great! I'm so happy for you. I'll miss you, but you'll be fine," he said.

"Yeah, congratulations," I agreed, smiling. I know deep down, part of me was wondering when, or even if, I would ever get have that news. Would I ever get to tell people that I'm free? I tried not to dwell on it and I wasn't trying to take away from his happiness, but I couldn't help being a little sad.

"Thanks," Andy said. "Now, what would you like?" he asked.

Micah and I told him and waited while he made the food and told us all about what he wanted to do when he was free. Most of that involved finding this one particular girl and asking her out, which he'd apparently always wanted to do. He hadn't because he knew he didn't have enough money and was afraid he'd take her down to if he dropped below the poverty line and became a slave. Now, he's determined to get a good job, so he can take care of her. I was glad to see that he was so determined not to come back here. It would have hurt so much more if he didn't care one way or another when all I wanted was to be free.

When he gave us out food, Micah said good-bye again and Andy gave his the address of the place he'd be living at.

Jay hurriedly took us back to the hospital room and left us with only a quick good-bye. I smiled, knowing how eager he was to get back to Seven.

Micah and I ate our food, Micah reading to me quietly. He noticed that I wasn't completely myself, but I think he also sense that I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want him to know how I was feeling. To be honest, I was a little ashamed.

"Sweetie, whatever's wrong, it'll be okay," he whispered as I curled up in his arms.

I shook my head. How can he be so sure?
♠ ♠ ♠
Already chapter 20!
Don't you worry though. This chapters got a minimum of fifteen chapters left before it ends.
Anyway, I hope you like it!