Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-one
Micah's POV

We spent the next few days in the hospital room. Easter still has to get checked regularly by the doctor to make sure he's healing right and that all the medications he's on aren't hurting him. Seven and Jay came to see us a couple of times, always together. They could only come after Seven was finished working, but it wasn't too bad because with Jay's help Seven was getting finished really early.

Haven and Indigo also come to see us, but they're never here at the same time. Easter thinks it's because they don't like each other, but I'm not so sure. If they hate each other so much, then why were they together when Easter and I got beat up? I'm not saying they're best friends or anything, but I'm thinking we aren't getting the whole story. I've been meaning to ask Indigo about it, but I hadn't been alone with him much.

Easter's almost always with me. I understand why. He's been treated like an animal by almost everyone he's met. To them, he's just a slave and demon that they can say or do anything to. Plus, he's been so different sine he told me what happened to him. He's so much more vulnerable, like I might change my mind and yell at him about it. I would never do that. He's been having nightmares too. Easter wakes up screaming and crying. It looks like he's being tortured. I try to wake him up, but it's almost impossible. It's the scariest thing I've ever seen, so I can only imagine how he's feeling. He tells me about some of them, the ones about Logan coming back, but he doesn't tell me about others and I know those are about his past.

This doesn't stop my from loving Easter and loving every second I get to spend with him. I need him just as much as he needs me. Maybe I even need him more. We're absolutely perfect for each other. I'm so glad that everyone approves of us: my friends, even my parents. There's still one person Easter needs to meet before I'll be completely happy though. "Easter, do you want to meet one more person? I promise she's the last person and then you'll know everyone who is important to me. I'm sure you'll like her and I'm sure she'll like you too," I said, really hoping he'd say yes.

"You want me to meet your sister, right?" Easter asked. "Of course I'll meet her."

I sighed in relief. I saw how worried he got about meeting my friends and my parents and I was glad to see that he didn't look nearly as worried about meeting Lucy. "I'm glad you said that. Do you like little kids?" I questioned, wondering if he was just being nice because he likes me.

"I guess so. I tend to scar them because of the way that I look though, which kind of sucks. They can tell that I’m a natural predator," Easter said, frowning. "I guess if I can explain that I won't hurt her and that I care about you then we'll be fine. Is she old enough to understand that?" he inquired.

"Yeah. She's only four, but she's very smart," I explained proudly.

Easter grinned at me. "You sound like you could be her mother," he teased. "You're really close with her, aren't you?" he asked me.

"Well, yeah," I said, blushing. "My parents are really busy, so they don't have a lot of time to spend with her, I was twelve when she was born. Since I was so old, I've kind of been her third parent. She always calls for me when she has nightmares and things like that. I feel bad when I'm not there to make her feel better," I said.

"Aw, that's sweet," Easter cooed. "It's great that you take care of her."

I blushed again, not replying. "Um, are you ready to go?"

I watched Easter take a deep breath and nod, making me think he wasn't quite as excited as I'd thought he was. I guess it's understandable though. "As ready as I'll ever be," he said, nervously. He managed to get into his wheelchair on his own. I got my crutches and we hopped/rolled down the hall. Easter was so glad that his arm had was better again. He's lucky that Logan didn't break his arm, only dislocated it.

I led the way, only having problems when we had to hop down a flight of stairs. I hopped down them, almost falling twice. Easter slid from his chair to the floor, then pushed he chair down the stairs. He slid on his bottom from stair to stair, wincing with each drop.

"Sweetie, are you okay," I asked, after watching him wince the third time.

"I'm fine. It's just my ribs-Ah!-and my leg. Can you push that to the bottom of the stairs?" he asked. I did, half lifting him into the chair when he finally reached the bottom. "I have a feeling that's going to be even less fun going back up," he commented.

We kept going down the corridors until finally we got to Lucy's door. What was normally a ten minute walk, had taken us over half an hour. I knocked a couple of times and heard Lucy chirp, "Come in!" I opened the door and led Easter in.

"It's me, Lucy!" I called.

Lucy ran in, her golden curls bouncing. "Micah!" she squealed. She pulled up short and looked at me, scared. "You're hurt."

"Just a little bit," I told her. "I brought someone to meet you," I added.

Lucy looked behind me at Easter. Her eyes widened and she screamed. "Monster!"

"No, he's not a monster. He's a friend," I said. I've never seen her freak out like this before. I think Easter looks beautiful. His eyes and skin haven't ever bothered me, and I like his little vampire teeth. I guess it might be a little scary for a little kid though.

Lucy still looked afraid, but at least she wasn't screaming anymore. I sat down with her on her bed. Easter sat on the other side of the room, not looking at her. I should have known that this was a bad idea. Easter's self conscious enough, as it is. This really isn't going to improve his self esteem. He kind of looked like he was going to cry.

"A friend?" Lucy asked, looking doubtfully at Easter. "He is scary."

"He's very nice," I said with a warm smile at Easter, who was still ignoring the both of us. "Easter, come here, please. I want to introduce you to Lucy, minus the screaming this time."

Easter hesitated for a moment, glancing at Lucy to make sure she was alright with what I'd said.

He rolled over to us and gave Lucy a nervous smile, not realizing that he was showing off his fangs. "Hi, Lucy. It's nice to meet you. I'm Easter," he said.

Lucy looked like she was still debating whether to scream again. "Hi," she said finally.

Easter looked relieved which made me want to laugh. "Easter's going to be around a lot, so I thought you'd like to meet him," I told her.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Lucy asked.

Easter made a surprised sound. I don't think he thought Lucy knew that I liked guys. Obviously, I didn't have a graphic conversation with a four year old about my orientation, but I did explain to her that I would marry a boy instead of a girl. She's never really thought much about it, at least she hasn't shown it if it does bother her. On the other hand, Easter is my first boyfriend so this might be kind of weird to actually see me with a guy. I just figured that since I was her main parent, she'd need to know more about me since I was old enough to start dating. I wasn't going to hide it, like I was ashamed. "Yes, we're dating," I told her.

Lucy grinned, pleased with herself for getting it right. "Where did he come from? I don't know him," Lucy questioned. "Are his mommy and daddy here? Does he have a baby sister?" she asked.

"He used to live far away, but he's a slave now. You're right about him being new. His parents passed away and he doesn't have any brothers or sisters," I answered.

"A slave?" Lucy asked confused. "Like Maggie?"

"Yes, like Maggie," I said. Maggie is the girl who helps Lucy with her classes. She's about twelve and Lucy likes her a lot, even though Lucy's afraid of most slaves. She's grown up hearing people explain that they're criminals and horrible people.

"Are we supposed to be friends with slaves? Aren't they bad?" Lucy glanced at Easter again, like he was going to turn into The Big Bad Wolf from the stories I read to her.

"I'm allowed to date him. Mommy and Daddy said it was okay. He's nice," I told her.

"How do you know?" she asked.

I paused, trying to figure out a good reason. I didn't have one. The truth is I just know in my gut that I can trust him. I don't know why. "I just do," I said.

Lucy didn't look convinced.

That's when Easter spoke up. "I promise I really like your brother. I won't hurt him. I won't hurt you either," he said, kindly.

Lucy seemed to consider what Easter had said, "You promise?" she asked again. I know she heard him the first time. She just wanted to hear him say it again.

"I promise," he said. With dead seriousness, Easter held out his pinky and said, "Pinky promise."

Lucy's eyes widened. Pinky promise is like a sacred oath to little kids. Lucy held out her own tiny pinky. "Pinky promise," she agreed.

"Now that that's settled," I said laughing. "How's your day been? Did you have classes today?"

"Good," Lucy said. "I know my letters now. Maggie taught me a song to remember them. Do you want to hear it?" she asked us.

"Sure," I said.

Lucy sang the alphabet, only messing up in a couple of spaces. Easter and I clapped enthusiastically and told her what a good job she'd done. Lucy grinned and blushed at the same time. We stayed in Lucy's room for the next couple of hours, talking to her about anything she wanted to talk about. She filled Easter in on her classes, her stuffed animals, her friends, and all the places she'd been recently.

Finally, it was getting late and I could tell that Easter was getting tired and his ribs were starting to hurt, judging from the way his hands went to his chest every time he even laughed or tried to move. I have to admit that I felt the same. My leg was starting to hurt really badly. I think my meds have worn off. "Easter and I have to go now. We'll see you later. Love you," I said, hugging her good-bye. Easter hugged her too, and then we left. "Did you like her?" I inquired.

Easter nodded. "He seems like a sweet kid."

"You're really good with kids. I thought Lucy was going to pass out when you offered a pinky promise," I snorted.

Easter giggled, and we walked a little bit further without saying anything. When we got to the bottom of the staircase, Easter whined.

I felt like doing the same. "This is going to suck."

"Pretty much," Easter agreed.

First, helped him slide out of the chair onto the third step. Then, I hopped up the stairs, pulling the chair up with me, and cursing the whole time. Easter came after me, pushing himself up one stair at a time until he finally got to the top. Poor Easter just lay down on the floor for a couple of minutes until he caught his breath and stopped shaking from how much pain he was in. I picked him up and placed him in his chair as gently as I could.

"Let's never do that again," I gasped.

Easter didn't even say anything, just tried to focus on not throwing up. If his ribs grated on each other one more time, I was sure he was going to pass out or throw up.

When we were both as good as we were going to be, we started walking again. "I wish we were better. I'll be so glad when we're both fine again. Except, then we…" I trailed off, blushing.

"Except what?" Easter asked, looking up at me.

"Except if we were better, I wouldn't be able to see you as much. You'd have to go back to the slave quarters to sleep and I'll miss waking up next to you. Plus, my lessons will start again as soon as I'm better, so I'll be in class for most of the day and you'll have to work outside alone. I don't want you to be alone with Logan and his friends free," I explained. "You might get kidnapped or…or killed." I almost burst into tears just at the thought. I don't think I could stand it if Easter got hurt. It'd be all my fault. Logan even admitted it when he beat us up. He'd only hurt Easter because he knew it would hurt me to see him like that.

"We don't have to be apart for long," Easter said. "I'll try to finish work early and when you finish with school you can come see me and…" he stopped talking, knowing how ridiculous that was. He tried so hard when he first got here, but he only barely finished before the day was over and then he was too exhausted to do anything else. Maybe we could get finished by ten if I help him, but even then it wouldn't be the best life for us. "I don't know what we'll do, but we'll think of something. I don't want to break up," he murmured, looking on the verge of tears.

"I don't want to break up either. I'm just being realistic. Do you think…I mean, would you want to stay in my room with me sometimes? I know Seven and Jay are doing the same. I don’t' mean that it would be anything sexual. I know we haven't been dating long enough. I just think that we'd be able to talk more in the mornings while we're getting ready to go and at night before we go to sleep."

I probably would have rambled on and on, but Easter stopped me. "I'd love to stay with you sometimes. Some nights I have kitchen duty though and it's easier to just be in the slave quarters then because I have to get up at like three in the morning."

"How often do you have to do that?" I asked.

"About twice a week," he replied.

"That means five days a week you're all mine," I said, dropping to his level so I could kiss him softly on the lips. It only lasted for a second and when I tried to pull away Easter threaded his fingers through my hair, trying to pull me back to his lips. I smirked, leaning in to kiss him again, tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth. Easter whined and blushed when I pulled away.

"Why'd you stop?" he complained.

I laughed. "Not that I mind, but you'd be really embarrassed if we got caught making out."

Easter frowned, but he had to admit that I was right. "Fine. Let's go back to the infirmary and then I can make out with you."

I laughed. "Sounds good."

We went a little further, but it was so going because Easter was determined to look out every window. I wanted to laugh and tell him he was like a little kid because he'd giggle whenever he saw a cow or horse or whatever else that seemed to strike his interest. He'd always stop for a moment and then hurry to catch up to me. That's why I was kind of surprised when I'd looked to my side and didn't see Easter. I looked back to see him twenty feet behind me looking out a window with wide eyes. "Um, ew," he said.

I hopped back to him, wondering what he problem was. "What?" I asked, right as Easter burst out laughing.

"Look," he said, doubled up from laughter. I bet it hurt to laugh that hard, but did what he said.

It only took a second before I realized what Easter was talking about. There, right out in the open, were Haven and Indigo, arms wrapped around each other in a passionate kiss. I snickered and looked at Easter to see him with his hands over his mouth, giggling. "I guess that answers whether or not they like each other," he laughed.

"I have to say it does," I agreed.

Easter gave a sudden happy squeak. "I just realized something! We're all paired up now. You and me, Seven and Jay, and now Haven and Indigo."

I laughed. "That's nice, sweetie. Let's give them some privacy now and go back to the infirmary. We can tease them about this later."

"Okay," Easter agreed.

We slowly went back to our room, laughing about how strange our lives had become.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is only a bit over halfway finished. There's still a lot to go.
Hopefully, you're not too angry about me not updating for awhile. I had this whole computer crash problem and then it took a while to set up all my stories again. Hopefully, I'll be back on track now.