Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-three
Easter's POV

It had been almost three months since I'd met Lucy and seen Haven and Indigo together. Micah and I had both healed completely. I had to go back to work and Micah had to go to school. We still got to see each other a lot more than either of us thought we would.

Ms. Diana had called me to her office and said that I had shorter hours from now on. When I asked, Micah said he didn't have anything to do with it. I guess Micah's parents must have said something about it to Ms. Diana. All I knew was I wasn't going to ask too many questions in case someone got mad and decided I should work longer. It turned out that the same day, Seven and Haven got to start worker shorter hours too. It was still fourteen to sixteen hour days, but at least we now had the guarantee that we could get some sleep at night with our boyfriends.

All six of us were becoming best friends and it was like we'd known each other forever. It was so weird. A year ago, I'd never have thought I'd have friends and especially never a boyfriend. Everything was so perfect.

Now, I was lying in Micah's arms, waiting for the sun to rise. Micah smiled down at me. "Easter, you have to day off tomorrow."

I looked at him confused. "What?"

"Tomorrow is the one day where all of the people the slaves work for will be out. There is a huge fair thing that they all go to. Indigo, Jay, and I used to go before we met you and it was always really boring. Anyway, the point is that the slaves have the day off. Indigo, Jay, and I were talking and we think that maybe we could take you all to the beach. I understand if you don't want to," Micah said sweetly.

"I'd love to! That sounds great," I exclaimed.

"Great!" Micah chirped. "I thought you'd like the chance to get out of here for a day. Besides, Seven and Haven already agreed."

I grinned at him. "That sounds fantastic." Then, I sighed. The sun had just come up. "Can I change that sentiment? I'd feel much better if the sun wouldn't rise and make me get up. After all this time, I'm still lazy," I laughed.

Micah snorted. "You're not lazy. You're just a teenager that doesn’t want to work these long hours. I don't think anyone could do the work you do without complaining. I think you're allowed to complain to me anyway. I'm your boyfriend after all," he said.

"I know you are. For almost four months. I love you, you know that?" I asked, softly.

Micah nodded. "I love you, too." He reached up to cup my cheek in his hand and leaning in to kiss me chastely. I licked softly at his lips and he eagerly deepened the kiss. I rolled over, so that I was laying half on top of Micah and wrapped my arms around his neck. Micah wrapped his free arm around my waist, sliding his hand under my shirt. We had to separate for air then and Micah chuckled, "Aren't we supposed to be doing something today?"

I whined, burying my face in the crook of his neck. "Forget about it. Let's live in a perfect world where all we have to do is lie around and kiss all day."

"At least we can do that tomorrow," Micah told me, rubbing circles into my back. "I'll kill Seven and Jay if they fake gag every time we kiss. It's not like they don't kiss in front of us." Micah moved me so he could get out of bed and scowled down at me when I didn't do the same. "It's time to get up."

I groaned, but got up too. "I would have like to have my fantasy world for a little bit longer," I said and began looking around for my slave clothes. You'd think I would be more organized since I'm usually so organized in everything else. I just can't seem to find slave clothes. I think I'm subconsciously hoping that they'll disappear and no one will notice if I never wore slave clothes again. That's be fantastic. Just the thought of never having to wear the smelly, ill fitting clothes ever again made me want to smile.

Micah did a half-assed job of looking around the room before saying, "I don't know."

"I can't wear these," I said, pointing to my sweatpants. I didn't even have a shirt on. "Help me."

"If your goal was for me to help you, you shouldn't have given me the option to let you work without a shirt on because I like the shirtless choice better," Micah giggled, dodging me easily when I swatted at him. "You'd cause a scandal. The only problem is that I couldn't follow you around in the morning telling everyone that you're mine."

I snorted. "Like you don't do that enough already. Everyone already knows that we're dating, not that I mind of course. I'm glad that you like showing me off. At least I know that you're not ashamed of me. Some of the other slaves don't like that we're dating, but I don't mind. They're just jealous and want you for themselves. I don't like all of them either. Do you know that slaves here and the people in my hometown are like, "Oh my gosh! I love the prince! We're going to get married someday," I said, copying their voices badly. "It used to make me giggle, but now I understand why. You're definitely worthy of being fawned over," I said, laughing at Micah's horrified look.

"People don't really say that, do they? You've got to be joking," Micah exclaimed. "People don't even know anything about me or my family."

I giggled. "I'm very serious. No, they don’t know anything about you, but apparently that's not important. Oh, there they are!" I shouted triumphantly when I found my clothes. I ran into the bathroom where I could change privately. "You're all mine though!" I shouted through the closed door.

"Don't worry. I already knew everyone wanted me before I met you," Micah said, sounding thrilled with himself.

I rolled my eyes at his smug tone. "I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Your ego really doesn’t need to get any bigger." I walked out of the bathroom completely dressed to see that Micah was also dressed. "You're making me late!" I said with my hand on my hips. He could tell that I wasn't really angry though.

"You're the one who wanted to stay in bed," Micah laughed. "I'll walk you to work before I go to class," he offered. Micah intertwined our fingers and we walked out to the field where I would be deciding which plants were still good, digging up all the dead plants that hadn't made it through the winter, and replanting new ones. We kissed good-bye and Micah left me to my work, promising to come work with me as soon as he was finished with school.

I don't really mind my work much. It doesn't require too much thinking and I have hard work so I'm not a weakling anymore. Time passed quickly and it didn't seem like long before I saw Micah walking over to me, looking relieved as always.

"I'm so glad you're here," he said, wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm always here," I told him. "I don't wander off for coffee breaks."

"That's not what I was talking about. I meant Logan," he said, his voice trembling a little. I knew he was scared everyday when he went to class and relieved everyday when he found me right where I was supposed to be.

I hugged him. "Stop worrying so much. You'll make yourself sick."

"I have to worry about you. A lot can happen in eight hours. What if Logan or one of his friends had gotten to you? Now would be the best time for them to do it because no one is around to stop them," he said seriously.

"Sweetie, you can't even pay attention in class half the time because you spend so much time freaking out about something that probably won't even happen. I think you're underestimating how much security your parents have set up around here. They're the leaders of a country. People don't just walk in and out of here as easily as you think they do," I said, laying my head on his shoulder and relaxing into his embrace.

"I know, but they've gotten out once already. Who's to say that they can't get back in?" he whispered. "I just want you to be safe."

"I will be," I said, reassuringly. "Let's get to work now or we'll be here all night and I want to be well rested for tomorrow."

Micah snorted at me. "I want you to be rested to, because I have every intention to throw you into the ocean tomorrow."

I squeaked. "No, you will not. I'll wash away and never be seen again. You don't want that. I've never even been to the beach before. What's it like?"

"You won't wash away as long as you can swim and I'll be with you the whole time. Maybe we can just sit in the sand if you're scared. You'll love it there. I don't really know how to describe it, but I know you'll be happy because it's hot there."

"Great. I'm tired to being cold all the time. Are we going to have to go far to get there?" he asked. "And I'm not scared. I just can't swim, so it's perfectly normal not to want to go in the water."

"Don't worry. I won't let you get hurt. We'll stay on the shore the whole time," Micah promised, kissing the top of my head. "It'll take about two hours to get there, so we'll still have to get up a little early. I don't think we'll be back until after dinner, so we'll have to bring lunch and dinner to the beach."

"Let's get to work," Easter said again.

"Yes, sir," Micah laughed.

"Don't you be sarcastic with me," I giggled at him.

We both started working again and we got finished at just after sunset. Micah and I walked home hand in hand. "Let's go to my room," Micah said, tugging me towards his room. He looked back at me confused when I didn't follow him. "What?"

"I've got kitchen duty tomorrow. Don't I still have to work in the morning before the free people here leave?" I asked.

"I didn't forget that you normally stay there tonight. You don’t have to work tomorrow. No one eats before they leave because food for the whole day is served at the fair. Anyway, everyone is staying in my room tonight. They've already got food too, knowing them. It'll be like a sleepover," Micah said excitedly. "Will you come with me now?" he asked.

"Yep," I said. "I'll beat you there." With that, I bolted up the stairs, leaving Micah to yell that it wasn't fair and try to catch up to me. I shot up the stairs and down all of the familiar hallways until I got to Micah's door, Just as I was trying to get the door open (Apparently, everyone else felt the need to lock us out because irritating us seems to entertain them.), Micah grabbed me, swinging me up into his arms while I struggled giggling.

"I got you," he whispered seductively in my ear.

I whined. "I still beat you," I said.

Micah kissed down my neck, leaving a soft bite at the crook of my neck. I couldn't hold in a moan and I felt Micah smile against my neck. "You beat me, did you? I don't remember that," he murmured, leaving another soft bite in the same place and then licking over the bit apologetically.

Micah set me down gently and I resisted the urge to whine that he was taller than me. I stood on my tiptoes, so that I could kiss him, at first just a soft peck on the lips but it quickly became more. I pressed the tip of my tongue between his lips, wanting to deepen the kiss and Micah was happy to accept. Micah let me in, his tongue reaching out to dance with mine.

I wished I could kiss Micah forever but after a couple of minutes we had to part so we could breathe. I wasn't going to stop that easy though. I caught his bottom lip between my teeth and pulled gently before letting go to place soft kisses down his jaw line. Micah gasped as I kissed down his neck at the same time pushing his shirt up a little, so I could run my hands over his abs.

Next thing I knew, I was pressed against the wall and Micah was looking down at me with lust in his eyes. I looked at him innocently. Micah leaned down to capture my lips in another kiss, running his hands through my hair and pulling it a bit, which only made the kiss better. I love the way our bodies were pressed so close together The only downside being the thin layers of cloth stopping us from skin on skin contact. I lifted the front of his shirt again, determined that this time he'd let me take it off, when I heard someone clear their throat loudly.

Micah and I broke apart guiltily to look at the person who'd caught us. Jay was standing in the open doorway of Micah's room, frowning at us. "I didn't want to see that," he scowled.

Micah and I blushed. "Well, don't look at us if you don't want to see that," Micah said.

"This is a hallway. It's not like you were in a private place. Anyone could have seen you two getting naked in the hallway."

"We weren't getting naked," Micah said, ignoring the fact that I'd been trying to take his shirt off when we'd gotten caught.

I put my hand over my neck where Micah had been kissing me. I hadn't thought about it while we were kissing, but now I was positive he'd left a hickey. This is just perfect. Everyone's going to see it and make fun of me. Micah looked at me guiltily, knowing what I was doing the second I covered my neck. I smirked at him. "It's not just me they'll be teasing. You're in for it too," I said, laughing.

Micah pouted. "I didn't think of that," he said.

We both walked into Mica's room, ignoring the fact that Jay was cackling at us like hyenas. Haven and Indigo were both lying on the couch in the corner and both raised an eyebrow at us in unison. It was hard not to laugh at how similar they are. "Easter, why do you have you hand on your neck?" Indigo asked, mock confused.

"Indigo, I think I have a guess," Haven said, smirking at us.

"You two are so stupid--" Micah started to say.

"Now Micah. Don't be rude. Let's hear what Indigo has to say," Haven said, the ghost of a smile on his face. He was very good at hiding it though. "Indigo, please continue," he said, looking as if he was listening in rapture to whatever Indigo had to say.

I rolled my eyes and Micah pinched the bridge of his nose, but we didn't say anything. We knew they had to get this out of their system. Indigo was only too happy to oblige. "I think Micah gave Easter a hickey," he said.

"Really?!" Haven asked. faking shock. "I'd never thought of that, but now that you mention it I think that's exactly what they were doing. Naughty boys," he said, laughing at how red I was turning. I really don't understand how my blushing could possibly still be entertaining to them, since I spend more time red than not, but apparently it still does.

Haven was trying to give us a disappointed look, but it wasn't really working out because he was clearly trying to hold back laughter. They couldn't take it anymore and busted up laughing. Soon, all four of our friends were on the ground, crying because they were laughing so hard.

Micah and I couldn't help but laugh along. Our friends are just so ridiculous. "Okay, okay. You've had enough fun at our expense. I think you should at least feed us for being such good sports," I said, taking my hand off my neck. There's not really a lot of point in covering it up when everyone knows it's there.

"There's pizza on the table," Jay said, still amused by the little situation Micah and I had gotten ourselves into.

"Great. I'm starving," Micah said, making a beeline for the pizza. He brought plates for us and I thanked him with a kiss.

We all talked for a long time, about anything and everything we could think of. I knew that Haven and Seven, like me, had missed our long talks. I missed being around them all the time and being able to talk to them about anything. Now we can only see each other after work and some nights when we stay in the same room because we all have kitchen duty. We're so tired then that all we want to do is sleep then. I guess that Micah, Indigo, and Jay must feel the same. They've been just as busy as we have what with going to school and then going to work with us.

I guess things aren't too bad though because we get a lot of time with our boyfriends. Micah and I are almost inseparable now. If it were anyone else, I'd be really annoyed but I can't find it in me to dislike a single second I spend with Micah. Sure, we annoy each other sometimes but I'd take fighting with Micah over not being with him every day. I hope he feels the same way, at least if he does get tired of me he doesn't show it.

When it was finally time to go to bed, Micah and i curled up in his bed while Haven and Indigo went to sleep on one of the huge couches and Jay and Seven crashed out on the other.

We were all so excited for tomorrow. If only I knew that it would be the last good day I would have for a long time.
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