Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Twenty-four

[Chapter Twenty-four
Micah's POV

"Micah! Micah, wake up!" Easter squeaked, shaking me. "It's almost time to go," he whined. I heard him sigh when I still didn't move. I was so tired that I wanted to go to sleep for at least a few more weeks. Easter wasn't going to give up that easy though. He kissed me chastely on the lips. "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty," Easter tried, giggling.

I opened my eyes and frowned at him. Easter was sitting on my chest looking like this was the most natural thing in the world. Quite the opposite actuatlly. Easter usually wants to sleep later than me. "I'm not a princess."

"You're a prince though and that's close enough. There haven't been any Disney movies about boys kissing their boyfriends awake, so Sleeping Beauty will have to do," he said, pulling on my hands and backing up until I was sitting in a mostly upright position.

"Leave me alone," I complained. "I want to go back to sleep."

"No. We're going to the beach. It's time to get ready. It's past eight already. If you get ready now, you can sleep on the way there," he said.

I sighed. "You win. Now get off me."

Easter grinned and complied. I got out of bed, but with a lot less enthusiasm that he did. "I'll go get us swim trunks," I said, going to the dresser Easter and I shared. Well, most of the stuff inside was mine, but only because Easter was still putting up a fight about me buying him clothes. I did get him a few more pairs of clothes though and it didn't stop Easter from being glad that I did.

I pulled out the boardshorts I'd gotten for him a few days ago and threw them at him. I got my own and started to head to the adjoining bathroom, for the first time realizing that Easter and I were the only people in the room. "Where did everyone go?" I asked.

"To change clothes, too. They're probably already finished and waiting for us. Hurry up," he said, waving me towards the door impatiently.

I nodded, shaking my head and closing the bathroom door behind me. When I came back a couple of minutes later, dressed and ready to go, I saw that Easter had gotten dressed too. "That's it. I'm not leaving you alone again. Everytime I leave you alone you get naked."

Easter hid his face in his hands. "Stop embarrassing me. You don't get to watch me change clothes."

"I can dream though," I said, snickering.

"You're kind of sad then. I'm so white, that I look like I should be in a hospital. I should only wear gigantic ponchos and masks, so no one can see me," he said, going right into an insane "Easter looks really ugly" rant.

"I'm going to check you into a mental hospital if you still think you're ugly. You have to be insane not to realize how gorgeous you are," I told him seriously. "I'm going to make you take that shirt off when we get there. I guarantee you everyone there will stare at you. You're so beautiful."

Easter blushed again. "You're my boyfriend. You're required to think I'm cute," Easter said, but he looked like he was feeling a little bit better. "Thank you though."

"Let's go now. We're REALLY late," Easter said. "You always make me late!" he complained, pulling me out the door after him.

"I know what's wrong now," I shouted, suddenly feeling very enlightened while I followed Easter and tried not to fall over at the same time.

"What?" Easter asked, confused.

"You're a prude!" I said, bluntly.

"What?!" Easter stopped midstride and turned around to look at me like I was insane. I could tell that he was more confused than ever and a little bit annoyed.

"That's not necessarily ," I informed him. "I just figured out why you freak out if my room isn't clean or if we're late, or you're not dressed right or if you think people think we're having sex. It's actually really cute."

"You can think I'm a prude all you want. I'm still not taking my shirt off and risking people being able to see my wings. I can only keep them hidden for so long and I have no desire to have them clipped like a bird who lives in the zoo. Micah, when I'm free, can you teach me to fly?" he asked, sweetly. Easter knew that I had wings too, but I had the courtesy not to fly around him. It really hurts him that he's not allowed to and that he can't fly yet.

"I won't let you be uncomfortable. I thought you could hide them for a few hours now without it hurting," I said.

"I can, but that's what I do when we got to sleep. I don't want to leave them out and accidently slap you in the face with them. I always assume that I can hide them under my shirt when I'm working," he replied.

"Have I ever hit you in the face with one of my wings?" I asked, worriedly. I'd never thought of that before.

"No. Sometimes, you wrap your wings around me and cuddle with me. It's better than having three blankets on top of me," he said, laughing.

"You're ridiculous," he laughed. "Weren't you the one complaining about us being late? Now you the one making us late."

"Oh shit!" he yelled. "You're right. Let's go!"

We hurried down the halls until we finally got to the front hall where Haven, Indigo, Seven, and Jay were waiting for us, impatiently. "What took you so long?" Seven complained. "I thought about going to your room to find you, but if you were making out I'd have to kill you," he informed us.

"Micah takes forever to wake up and he kept distracting me," Easter said, throwing a mock dirty look my way. He blushed bright red when he realized his words could be taken two ways.

"Distracting you?" Indigo teased.

I blushed too, possibly even redder than Easter was.

"Shut up," Easter whined. "You know that's not what I meant." He walked out of the door and down the front steps before realixing he had no idea where he was going. He just knew that he was embarrassed and that going back to ask where he was supposed to go would only make that worse.

My friends followed me who was following Easter once we realized he wasn't coming back. I caught up with him first, wrapping my arms around his waist, picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder. Easter squeaked, trying to turn over to look at me but it was to hard, so he just went limp. His head was pressed into my lower back and I had my arm wrapped around his thighs.

"Why did you do that?" Easter asked.

"You were going the wrong way," I explained casually. "Besides you didn't answere me when I called your name."

"I didn't hear you," he defended himself.

"That's because you were muttering to yourself and was really red. It's really funny when you get all flustered," I said, laughing.

He glared, which was a waste of a perfectly good glare because I couldn't see his face. I still knew he was glaring though.

"Stop glaring at me," I told him, without looking at him. I heard Seven and Jay giggle behind me, but I didn't say anything to them.

"How did you know?" he asked.

"I know you and I know you get even more embarrassed when I point out that you are embarrassed," I replied.

"I do not!"

"Yes you do," I disagreed. "I still think you're cute even if you get mad at me," I told him.

Easter crossed him arms. We turned the opposite of the way from where Easter had been going and I led everyone (Except Easter, who didn't need to be led because I was carrying him.) to the carriage we would be taking to the beach. The carriage was much smaller than the one Easter had seen the day I'd gotten home. It was just a traveling carriage and it was only meant to be used for shorter trips. It was still pretty comfortable though. Easter would probably love it because he's always entertained by every other luxury in my house. I think it's great that he appreciates all of those things because he's helped me to appreciate them too.

Haven went right over right over to the two horses that were hooked up to the carriage. They were huge with glossy black fur and were obviously well taken care of. I forgot for a moment why Haven was so interested in the horses, but then I remembered he was with them everyday. No wonder they were so well taken care of because it was obvious t that Haven cared about them. Haven was rubbing the horses ears, whispering to them and, well I don't know much about horses but they looked happy to me.

Someone cleared their throat behind us. I turned around just in time to see the horse driver of my family snarl, "Get away from the horses, you animal."

Haven looked like he was repressing a sneer, but he stepped away from the horses anyway.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Indigo snapped, wrapping his arms around Haven's waist and glaring at the older man in front of us.

The horse overseer huffed, but didn't say anything else. He knew better than to mouth off to the son of an aristocrat, but he still wasn't going to be respectful to Indigo. He didn't consider Indigo important enough. After all, he does work for the most powerful family in our country. Luckily, I knew someone he'd have to respect: me. "Indigo is right. You shouldn't talk to Haven like that. He didn't do anything wrong," I said, my voice colder than the horse driver's could ever be.

The horse overseer turned to glare at the person who was insolent enough to reprimand him, but then he recognized who I was and blanched. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir," he muttered.

"It's not me you should be apologizing to. Haven's the one you insulted," I said.

"I'm not apologizing to a slave! You've got to be kidding," he said.

"I am not kidding," I said, very seriously. I was starting to get angry now and I knew it showed. Normally, I try to hold back my natural ability to make people want to make me happy, but now I turned it on full force. I knew it wouldn't be enough to make him apologize, but I hoped it was enough to make him feel guilty later. "You were asked to come with us, so you'd have the day off to spend at the beach. Although it is common for slaves to have a free day, it isn't required. You are clearly not deserving of one if you can't summon up the decency to apologize. Please go find someone who can be more respectful and then you can spend the rest of the day mucking out the stalls," I snapped.

"But I-" the horse overseer, now designated stall mucker, stammered.

"No. You had your chance. Go do what I told you to do now," I said. "You are dismissed."

The man had no choice but to skult off to find his replacement.

"Cool," Seven said, impressed.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that," Haven murmured. "He's going to make my life a living hell when I go back to work."

"No, he won't. I'll make sure he doesn't and I'm sure Indigo will do the same," I told him. "Anyway, people should learn to respect slaves more. He'll think next time before he is cruel to a slave. You won't be a slave forever and then he'll be forced to be kinder to you. I can't stand people takign advantage of you guys. They're cowards. They wouldn't say anything to you if you could do something about it, but you can't so they hurt you in every way they can think of."

Easter had gotten bored of staring at the back of my head and decided he'd been quiet for to long so he spoke up then. "Haven hates people like that, too. I'm surprised he hasn't beaten anyone up...well, except Indigo," he said, slyly. "I'm glad you two are dating now so I don't have to worry about you killing each other. I was going to get you shock collars and zap you every time you tried to hurt each other," Easter said to them. Haven and Indigo both glared at him, but Easter just giggled. "Micah, can you put me down now? All of the blood is rushing to my head and I think I'm going to pass out."

I sat him down as gently as I could. He stumbled forward and fell against my chest. I snickered and helped him stand up on his own. "Remind me never to get you drunk. You can't stand up sober and I can't see your balance getting any better if your drunk," I told him.

Easter laughed. "You'd have fun carrying my drunk ass around. Don't deny it!"

"Sure. You keep thinking that,"I snorted.

"Go sit in the carriage and I'll wait for the new driver," Jay told us. "I don't want any of you to scare away anyone else."

I huffed at Jay, but I didn't make any move to argue with him or follow him. I knew that he was right and that it might take all day to find a horse driver who would be respectful to Easter and our friends. I didn't want horrible people to ruin our day, but I'm not very good at keeping my mouth shut.

Somehow, Easter thinks it's charming when I open my big, stupid mouth, instead of embarrassing. He doesn't realize that he is the charismatic one. If he was free, he'd have everyone's respect.

Easter and I usually try not to think about him being a slave, but sometimes it really sucks. We can't go on dates, or even be seen in public because it might lower people's opinions of my family, or do a single romantic, spontaneous thing without everyone from my parents to the headmaster of the slaves chasing us down. It makes me so angry, I just want to snap sometimes. He doesn't deserve the way other people treat him; none of the slaves do. At night, I dream that I can just run away with Easter and never look back. We both know we have responsibilities that we can't just ignore, family and friends, not to mention that Easter could get into huge trouble. I don't know. It's all so confusing. I'm not going to think about this right now. Today's going to be a good day with my boyfriend and my friends.

At that moment, Easter lay his head on my shoulder innocently and smiled up at me. I pecked him on the lips.

No one talked much during the ride to the beack. There wasn't much to talk about or to do and we were all content to bask in the glory of having the day off. We took turns taking little cat naps just because we could. Well, maybe my nap wasn't so much a cat nap as me dead asleep and drooling on Easter's shoulder for almost three hours. Can you really blame me though? We didn't go to sleep until almost two, so I only got five hours of sleep.

I woke up to Easter shaking my head shoulder gently. "We're here," he murmured, his hair falling over his face. He quickly tucked it behind his ear. Easter looked so sweet and cute. "Why are you staring at me?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. "Is there something on my face?"

"No," I replied, sitting up to kiss him deeply.

"What was that for?" he asked, looking confused but not at all complaining.

"You're very sexy," I told him, very gratified when he squeaked and buried his head into my shoulder.

"Okay. It's time for me to leave. Don't have sex in here. The rest of us have to ride in this thing on he way back and I don't want to have to worry about what I might be sitting in," Jay said, leaving with our friends.

Easter whined. "Why do we have so many embarrassing friends?"

"Don't be embarrassed. Be flattered," I said. "I like kissing you and I'm pretty sure you like kissing me and they know we're not having sex, so you don't have anything to worry about," I told him.

"How?" he asked, tilting his head like he was confused.

"One, because you're all sweet and innocent and you get awkward when someone even mentions sex. Two, you wouldn't be able to walk for a week," I said, my ego admittedly big.

Instead of trying to hide his blush like I thought he would, Easter looked up at me seriously with his hands on his hips. "Who says it would be me that wouldn't be able to walk for a week?"

I stood there and tried to figure out what I could say without offending him. To tell you the truth, I'd never thought he might want that. I'm always the one who makes the first move and Easter's really shy. I was worried that I'd say something that would make Easter throw the biggest fit of his life and I don't want that at all.

Easter was still watching me, his soft delicate features set in a frown. "Micah, you haven't answered me."

"I just never thought about it before."

"You think I'm less of a man than you, dont you! I'll have you know there is no girl in this relationship," Easter said waving his pointer finger at me like I was a child getting scolded.

"I don't think that," I said, trying to ignore the fact that I'd just been basically thinking that what with thinking that he's all delicate and breakable. I mean, I know he isn't, but with his sweet features and gentle personality, it's easy to think so.

To my utter surprise, Easter burst out laughing. "I know you think I'm all breakable and that's fine. I just wanted to scare you. You can keep thinking I'm all innocent and I like it when you take care of me," he said honestly.

I glared at him. "You really are a little demon, sometimes," I laughed.

Easter smiled. "How do you ever forget that? My eyes , teeth, skin, heart beat, and wings are constant reminders of that, even though I'm a little bit retarded and can't fly."

I grinned. "I'll teach you how to fly one day, darling. Just for the record, I think you're absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you. You better," he said.

"Of course. It's like we complement each other. We're opposites," he said. "You're the light and I'm the dark."

I couldn't help but feel happy at his words. I know it's stupid, but if almost feels like we were meant for each other. It confirms that everything we feel about each other is okay. I wrapped my arms around Easter and kissed him softly on the lips. He nibbled on my bottom lips, careful not to draw blood before I deepened the kiss. I felt nervous and excited just like I did every time I kissed Easter. Every time we kiss, it's like our first kiss and I always wonder what will happen next.

Easter lay down, pulling me on top of him and he started nipping at my ear. I grinned at how Easter seemed to love biting me. It's kind of weird, but I'm liking it more and more. My breath was getting a little uneven, but I'd gladly be out of breath forever if it meant I could keep kissing Easter.

I moved my lips to his again. Every kiss and touch felt so natural. I moved to kiss him softly on the nose and Easter giggled, before I pulled away from him. "We'd better stop. I distinctly remember Jay saying something about not having sex," I said.

Easter smiled. "I know. I kind of want to find some mayonaise and spread it around in here just to freak him out."

I snorted. "You're diabolical, you know that?"

Easter smirked, looking proud.

"Are you ready to go find our friends?" I asked.

Easter nodded eagerly. "Yep."

I took his hand and led him out of the carriage. We were standing on the uncroweded beach, our feet in the white, grainy sand, barely 100 yards from the water. It was a perfect day with gorgeous, sunny skies without a clowd in sight. The water sparkled a stunning clear blue green.

Easter froze, just staring at the beach. He must be so amazed. I keep forgetting that he's never been to a beach before. "I want to stay here forever! It's so beautiful," he gasped. "When I am free, can we get a house on the beach. It's be really nice even though I'll probably burn up like a lobster."

I smiled, glad that he was already enjoying himself so much. I'd been a little bit worried that he wouldn't be comfortable in all the sunlight. I know that's stereotypical to assume that a demon is some kind of creature of the night that shrivels up in the sun, but it does seem somewhat true with Easter. He might be a little mad if I said that to him though and he'd probably send Haven over to yell at me to get my head out of fictional stories. I especially think so because of how pale and thin his skin is. I think he feels safer in the darkness after spending months hiding from people. All I know is, I'm glad we live in a place that's cloudy and rainy all the time, so I don't have to worry about things like this much.

"There they are!" Easter said, pointing down the beach to where our friends were sprawled out in the sand. They were talking to a couple of the other beach goers around us. Easter and I raced across the beach, kicking up sand all over the place. Easter beat me there and dropped into the sand, a satisfied expression on his face.

I sat down next to him and pulled my shirt over my head. Easter lay his head on my shoulder, an adorable smile on his face. "Your turn," I told him, staring pointedly at his shirt.

Easter blushed. "I'll burn up and look like a tomato , which won't be attractive at all. Besides, I dont' have a nice body," he said.

I started to disagree, but Seven beat me to it. "Yes, you do. You're thin and have just the right amount of muscle," he said. He looked surprised at the weird looks we were all giving him. "What is your guys's problem?! It's not like I want to go out with him or anything. That'd be gross. He's like my brother. You can't not notice when someone's got a good body even though Jay's is by far the best I've ever seen," he said, giggling when he realized how proud Jay looked at being complimented. "Guys, did you know I've had the same face for almost two weeks! That's the longest except for when Jay and I started dating," Seven said.

Jay looked at him, reproachfully. "That was because you thought I wouldn't recognize you if you changed," he pouted. "You should have given me more credit than that."

"I know," Seven agreed. He pulled a mirror out of his bag and set to finding a new face. He once told me that it was like playing dress up whenever he got to change and staying the same got really boring after awhile. His formerly pale skin, dark hair, and eyes became longish red hair, sea green eyes, and lightly tanned skin. He was also at least two inches taller than he'd been. However, there was always something that still made him Seven though. I don't know what it is, but no matter how many times he changes we can all still tell who he is.

I turned my attention back to Easter again. "I still think you should take your shirt off. I'd be more than happy to see you shirtless, which you can't deny even if you think no one else things you're cute," I said smirking when I saw Easter blushing again. I swear Easter spends more time blushing than not when he's around me. I've got to say that I'm pretty proud of that.

"Um..." Easter mumbled, looking at his feet. I knew he'd thought I'd forgotton, what with Seven's weirdness, but I could never forget something like that.

"Okay," I grinned at him surprised, but not at all unhappy.

Easter tugged his thin, pale blue shirt over his head; revealing his perfect abs, muscled arms, and marble skin.

"You are so beautiful," I told him, kissing him on the cheek.

Easter snorted. "Maybe now, but I'll look like a lobster in a couple of hours," he said, lying down onn his stomach.

I pouted that I couldn't see Easter's abs, but then I realizedthat i had a fantastic view of his ass in those sexy red boardshorts. I tried to casually stare, but I apparently wasn't so casual because Indigo and Haven were silently laughing at me, so I had to stop. I was struck by a sudden, terrific idea if I do say so myself. I almost had to pat myself on the back. I started going through my beach bag with one object in mind. I found the bottle and squirted a huge amount of the lotion onto Easter's back.

Easter bolted up, squeaking. "Ah! That's cold!" he screamed. "Is that lube?!" he hissed quietly at me, looking mortified.

Haven, Indigo, Seven, Jay, and I burst out laughing. I thought I was going to cry; his expression was just too funny.

"You have such a dirty mind!" Jay exclaimed, laughing.

Haven snorted. "Yeah. Micah dumped lube all over you," Haven said, barely suppressing a smile.

Easter went right back to blushing. "Then what was it?" he asked.

"Suntan lotion," I told him, chuckling. "It's so you don't burn up like a lobster and complain for two weeks. Now lie back down and let me rub it in," I said, still repressing the laughter that was determined to bubble up.

Easter brightened at the idea of a back massage and quickly complied. I sat down next to him and started rubbing circles into his shoulders, gently. Easter purred happily. I moved my hands further down his back to massage his shoulder blades where his wings were hidden. I could feel so much tension there from the stress of hiding his wings all the time, so I paid his shoulder blades special attention.

I moved down to the small of his back, my hands never once pausing their soft touches on Easter's small body. I leaned down to kiss his shoulder, making Easter give the most delightful shudder. It's so easy to oversensitize his body. Even when I'm not doing anything sexual, he gets excited just to be touched by me and I have to admit that that's a big ego boost.

We stayed like that for close to twenty minutes before I couldn't resist making Easter moan any longer. I leaned over him again, but this time to kiss and suck on his pulse point. Easter groaned breathlessly, before he bit his lip to keep any more sounds from escaping. He looked up at me with lust in his eyes. I connnected our lips, enjoying the feeling of our lips pressingagainst each other. Easter wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me down so that our bodies were molded against each other. I felt him smile against my lips, the warmth or the sun on my back, Easter's hands running over my back. I could taste the faint salty, addicting taste of Easter's skin.

I loved the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach everytime I thought about how he loved me and I loved him. I can't help loving everything about him: that sweet smile, his innocence and absolute trust in me, how strong-willed he can be, and of course his beautiful blush.

After what seemed like forever and at the same time only a second, we separated and I lay next to him. I smirked while I watched the heavy rise and fall of Easter's chest, more than a little aware of my own quickly beating heart.

Indigo smirked at me. "I know you like Easter, but could you please stop trying to jump him every time you see him?"

I laughed and flipped him off, even though I knew he was just joking. Indigo had been getting kind of worried about how much time I spent alone. He's glad that I have Easter now, just like I'm happy he's with Haven and that Jay is with Seven. It helps that in meeting them, we not only got a boyfriend but also great friends.

Seven, as always, was hungry and he decided that we had to eat lunch at that moment....Well either that, orhe would eat all of the food and leave the rest of us to fend for ourselves. Jay held Seven down while the rest of us got our food. Seven whimpered pathetically like a beaten stray the whole time. WE didn't feel bad though. Everyone knew the little black hole had probably eaten more than all of us had for breakfast combined.

Jay finally let Seven up and handed him only two sandwiches, as opposed to the five or six he'd normally eaten. Seven pouted. "You're all going to feel really bad if I starve to death. I'm still growing! I need my food!" he complained.

Haven snorted. "Yeah, you're still growing...horizontally! You are going to be like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Jay's going to have to roll you around."

Seven sent him a dirty look. Jay just giggled and tore a half off one of his sandwiches and gave it to Seven, who squeaked in delight and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.

We ate, chattering and laughing the entire time. After lunch, Haven and Indigo decided to go for a walk and wandered off hand in hand. We all had to admit that it was kind of romantic.

Seven and Jay ran around like idiots, playing in the water and building sandcastles, trying to get Easter and I to play with them the whole time. Easter was more than happy to build sandcastles and watch them in the water, but whenever the water even touched his feet, Easter would shudder and reach out for me to hold on to him. I managed to get him in the water so that it would go halfway up his shins before he started shaking so hard that I dragged him out myself.

Eventually, Easter turned to me with a tired look on his face and lay his head on my lap. In moments, he was asleep. I'll never stop being amazed by how perfect he is. I'm so lucky to have him.

I'm so ashamed to tell him that I'm not any closer to setting him and our friends free. I try so hard, but nothing I try works. I've talked to my parents dozens of times, Ms. Diana, and anyone else who is in charge of slaves. I've done hours of research, trying to find one example of a slave who was freed because he was wrongfully imprisoned, but there is nothing. I don't know what to do from here, but I can't give up and I don't want to disappoint Easter.

I can't worry about this right now though. There's nothing I can do here and if I don't stop this Easter will know that something is wrong. I don't want to ruin his day. Today is supposed to be special for him. We just need to relax and spend time together.

I lifted his upper body up and lay down, again lying him down with his head on my chest. Easter shifted, groaning quietly and his face scrunching up and wrapping his arms around me before settling back into a deep sleep. It wasn't very long before my own breath evened out and I was asleep too.

Easter woke me upa couple of hours later and the rest of the day was fantastic. We ate, talked, swam in the ocean (Or in Easter's and my case, watched them swim.), built sandcastles, relaxed, and ran around. We watched the sunset before deciding that we needed to go home. I knew that none of us wanted to go home . This was the best day that any of us had had in a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully, this chapter is long enough to make up for how late it is.
Comments make writers happy...hint hint.