Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-five
3rd Person POV

"Are you sure?" a tall, dark haired woman exclaimed. She was somehow managing to look angry, joyful, and completely shocked all at the same time. "He's been there the whole time?! How can we have been looking for him for 16 years and we've only found him now in THEIR care! I knew they didn't like us much...but this, this is unforgivable. I'm going to kill them!" she screamed, shaking all over. Her eyes didn't even look human for a moment, but then she growled angrily and managed to control herself. She didn't seem to be able to stop her tirade though. "They don't have ANY right to him. They had to have known who he was. I can't believe this-" she hissed, fury becoming the strongest emotion on her face.

Her husband put his hand on her arm, trying to get her to calm down. "Gweniviere, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we've found him. Sure, it would have been better if we'd have found him when he was young, but we'll have hundreds of years to get to know him now. We'll go tomorrow to get him," the man said as he raised his hand to stop his wife from arguing.
I know you want to go see him now, but it's late. We don't want to make the situation of getting him back harder just because we were rude. We'll be there tomorrow afternoon. Don't worry," he comforted her.

His wife nodded with a tight smile. "If they try to stop us, I'm going to kill them," she said, her trademark table flaring up. Unlike her husband who had managed to control his temper after many years of hard work, the woman still had massive bouts of rage.

The servant standing in front of them had personally witnessed a couple of these tantrums and wasn't at all eager for another. He hadn't finished telling his employers everything he had to report though. "Um...Ma'am, sir..." he interrupted, hesitantly.

"Yes, Lewis? Go on," the man encouraged.

"Easter is not just a guest in that house though, sir. He's...he's a slave. He has been there for a bit over four months," the servant murmured, finally finishing what he'd come to say and hoped that he would be dismissed soon. Lewis isn't stupid though. He knows he won't be dismissed until after his masters have calmed down. None of the servants like to give their employers bad news, not because they would be beaten, but because they hate to disappoint them. It wasn't what Lewis expected though.

The man was the one who uncharacteristically lost his temper. "What?! Easter can NOT be a slave! Nevermind what I said, Gweniviere. We should go now!"

Gweniviere smirked. It was almost unheard of that her husband was so out of control. She felt one part of her flare up in excitement at the hearly inevitable pending fight. She was so tired of being chastised for her natural instincts. Her conscience was screaming at the corner of her mind. She wanted to grab her conscience and throttle it into submission. She sighed, knowing it had won. "As much as I'd like to agree with you, I know it's only because your angry about what has happened to our son that you're saying it. You were right. We can't go in there ready to fight. They might hurt Easter if we do and that's the last thing I want.

The man sighed. "You are right. We need to stop talking about this before one of us loses our temper. Lewis, you are dismissed."

Lewis left the room feeling very confused. Sure, he was glad that they hadn't yelled, but this was somehow worse. Lewis didn't even know who this Easter person was. All he knew was that something momentous had just happened. The question was, what will happen now?
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WHAT?! Two updates in one week? Unheard of. :D
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