Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty
Easter's POV

It wasn't long before we'd all gotten jobs. It was hard not to when we'd gone to 50 places a day, looking from at least an hour before dawn to sunset, which was the unspoken time for everyone to eat dinner--If they had food to eat dinner. Many people only had enough food for one meal and they almost all used it for breakfast--and settle down before bed.

I can't say I was upset with that schedule. By sundown every night, I was exhausted. Despite Lillian's an Micah's protests, I'd taken the most well paying job. Why would that bother them, you ask? Because it's working construction. It was hard work, but I enjoyed it…until I started getting sick. Micah was practically sick with worry after that. He was positive that it came from my job. He told me he'd rather have me quit and have no job at all than stay there. Lillian agreed.

I didn't though, so I kept working. All of us were working except for Lillian because she was a bit over five months along and was starting to show. There were many doctors in the city, but only a few had any real training and the ones with the training weren't necessarily the best ones.

Lillian's doctor was a woman "as old as dirt" as she put it. Her tanned, leathery skin looked like it supported that statement. She was almost hunched over double and had to walk with a cane If you hadn't seen her and had just talked to her you'd think she was about twenty years old. She was a funny sort of woman and she'd lived in this city her entire life. She hadn't gone to school to get her training to be a doctor. She told us she didn't need any of that formal training and I have to say that I believe her. She'd learned from her mother who had learned from her grandmother and so on. Her name is Lottie, which I think was short for Charlotte, but I haven't asked her so I'm not sure.

Lottie had started to come down to the house once every two weeks. She'd decided that Lillian was probably going to have more than one baby almost a month ago. Lillian about fainted when she got the news. Lottie immediately told her to quit her job, which she did with our full support. Today, Lottie was supposed to get his first ultrasound. Normally, doctors don't have access to them and mothers never get to see their new baby until it is born. What with the baby--or babies-- being so high risk they made an exception.

Lillian had asked me to stay with her. She said it was in case she fainted and she'd need someone to help her with things, but I knew she'd just asked me because I was feeling sick again.

I'd gotten up in the middle of the night every night for the past month to throw up. I'd stay there for almost an hour and every night Micah would come in and hold me. Sometimes, he wouldn't say anything, just hold me and tell me that I'd be fine soon. Other times, he would again try to get me to quit my job.

I ran to get the door for Lottie. She hates to be kept waiting and the only time she says her age is to tell me that a young hoodlum like myself ought to be able to get to the door faster and don't I know that I shouldn't keep 82 year old ladies outside waiting.

When I opened the door, Lottie pushed a giant machine past me. Having never seen an ultrasound thing before, I'd assumed we were going to put Lillian in the machine and wait for it to weigh her or whatever it does. I figured it'd beep like a stove timer going off and then it would say how many babies she would have. Lottie and Lillian both about passed out they were laughing so hard when I told them that.

Instead of what I'd thought, Lillian just laid down on the couch. Lottie pulled up her shirt enough so that she could see the baby bump and started spreading some clear gel on it. She turned on the machine and there was…well, I guess the baby was supposed to be on there, but I couldn't see it. Apparently, Lottie could see something though. "Oh, there's only one baby that I can see here. Do you want to know the gender?" she asked.

"Um, yes. No more surprises please," Lillian said, looking relieved. She wouldn't have loved the baby any less if there had been more of them, but practically I knew she wouldn't be able to take care of more than one baby. She just didn't have enough money to.

I don't know why it happened at that moment. I'd only been sick at night, but for some reason that decided to change right there. I bolted out of the room into the bathroom and emptied my stomach. I felt better as soon as I'd done it, so I washed my mouth out and walked back to the living room. I felt kind of bad because I hadn't heard the gender of Lillian's baby and this was an important moment for her.

Lottie stepped protectively in front of Lillian as soon as I got into the room. "Are you sick?!" she gasped, looking at me like she was considering throwing me out of the house. Knowing Lottie, she probably was. "Don't you know that Lillian shouldn't be around sick people when she's in this condition?!"

I looked guiltily at Lillian and started to back up, but Lillian pulled on Lottie's sleeve and whispered something in her ear. Lottie looked up, her eyes wide. "You're a demon?"

"I won't hurt you, I promise. I can keep myself under control-" I started, misunderstanding what she meant.

"No, you couldn't be. I'd thought that was just a rumor…Of course, mother always said it was possible. I guess…I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out," Lottie muttered to herself. It seemed like she was trying to reach an agreement with an invisible person. Whatever she was talking about, she must have made a decision. "Lay down," she told me, pointing to the couch that Lillian had just vacated.

I was confused, but I did what I was told. She pulle up my shirt and I suddenly understood. I started shaking, but I couldn't think of anything to say so I just stayed silent. I know why Lillian passed out after finding out that she might have multiple babies. I felt the same way now. I can't be pregnant. I felt like throwing up all over again, but this time it was for a completely different reason.

Lottie looked at the ultrasound for a long time, whispering "I didn't believe it was possible."
Finally, she looked at me with a gentle, sad smile on her face. "How old are you, dear?"

"Sixteen. I won't be seventeen for a few more months," I said.

"Good, that's good. You're so tiny, I thought you might be younger," she said, seeming relieved. "You're almost an adult then. Normally, I'd tell you how stupid you were for not using a condom, but there was really no way you could have known."

"That means I'm…" For whatever reason, I couldn't say it. Saying it made it real.

"Pregnant. You're going to have three babies from what I can see. It's not really surprising since you're not human. In non-humans there's a much higher rate of multiple births. You're lucky you didn't end up with four or five of them," Lottie told me. "Do you know who their father is?"

"Of course I know who the father is! Micah's the only person I've ever slept with," I sputtered angrily.

"Just asking. No need to get offended," Lottie said. "Are you working? Is the father working?"

"Yes to both," I said.

"You'll need to quit any strenuous work immediately. I think your body should be able to handle the pregnancy, but it's best to be on the safe side."

"That means you'll have to quit that stupid job, like Micah and I have been telling you to," Lillian interjected.

I frowned at her, but nodded. I really didn't see how I could keep working. Micah would probably tie me to the couch everyday before he left, if I didn't. He'll want to take the best care of our babies that we can. I immediately started thinking of our future. I didn’t have any disillusions about it being easy, but I know we can take care of them. Micah will be the best father in the world. I almost didn't hear Lottie when she started talking again.

"I understand if this is too much for you. I can talk to some people who'd be willing to adopt them-"

"No!" I hissed, my hands instantly going to my still flat stomach. "You're not taking them from me."

Lottie smiled at me like I had given the right answer. I don't know why she was testing me. I could never give them up. I love them already. "Good, dear. I won't take them from you, if you want to keep them. You will be a good father. Now on to the diffilcult part. It would be best if you would stay home, eat as well as you can with what food you've got, take only short walks for exercise, and take these pills. They'll help to keep you and the babies healthy. You seem to be almost nine weeks along. I wouldn't be surprised if next time I was you, you were showing. I've got to be going now. Good day," Lottie said and without another word, she left.

Lillian grinned at me as soon as Lottie had left. "I know it's scary now, but you'll be so excited once you get used to the idea. It'll be so fun. I bet you'll show way more than I do before long. Once you start showing, I can give you some of my maternity clothes. I think they're pretty unisex, so you wouldn't have to worry about looking like a girl or running low on money. Three babies will definitely be a handful. I think you could stay here a little while longer, if you need to." Lillian chattered on for another couple of minutes before she realized I really just needed to be alone now.

She let me go to her room to rest. I lay down, my arms staying protectively wrapped around my stomach all day. I wanted to show Micah how well I could take care of his babies. I can't believe our babies are growing inside of me. I can't wait until I can hold them.
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And thank you, thank you, thank you to Daniele Marie for commenting! :)