Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-four
Easter's POV

We had a horribly long drive ahead of us. It was filled with cramped spacesm trying to sleep while Hallie cried, the constant fear that our captors would change their minds and kill us, and that we were always watched by said captors.

It wasn't all bad though. Our carriage was as comfortable as we had any right to expect. At least it wasn't the caravan I'd been dragged to Micah's house in like a wild animal. Hallie really is a good baby and never cries unless he needs something. He loves attention, but doesn't get upset if he's ignored for a few minutes, which is kind of a surprise considering that Seven thinks Micah and I spoil him rotten. Whether it's an act or not, the guards do seem like they're trying to be nice to us. I'd even say that they're reverant and respectful of me, which is weird. It's hard to go from being hated to being treated like that. Of course, it could all be an act and they're leading us into a false sense of security just to be enslaved as soon as we get to the demon land.

Speaking of how strange the demons have been with me, they haven't budged from calling me sir, no matter how many times I've asked them not to. One tried to call me something else-- I assume it was polite, since none of them have ever showed any desire to be rude to me--but his friends shut him up. It sounded like heir of something, so I'm assuming it's just another thing my "parents" don't want me to know yet.

After what I guess was over a week of almost continuous travel, we've got to the most eastern coast of Micah's family's land. At least, that's according to the demons. They could have been lying, but for some reason I didn't think so. Maybe that false sense of security thing was working.

Now, we've gotten to the part of the trip I've been dreading. We have to get on this rickety old boat that I'm sure will sink as soon as we're out of sight of the shore. (Micah disagrees. He thinks the boat is just fine and is--at least in my opinion--too confident that it won't sink.) I'm nearly positive I'm going ot have a panic attack and get seasick. (Micah doesn't disagree with this one, especially since I'm pregnant and have a tendency to get sick even on stable, dry land.)

We got onto the boat--ship, whatever--and one of the demons, named Jonas, took us to a big room with three big beds for the six (Well, seven of us, if you include Hallie, but he'll obviously be staying with Micah and I.) of us.

"I think the ship will move less here, or at least it'll feel less like it's moving. Will you be okay, sir?" Jonas asked me. He was one of the nicest people here and one of the youngest; only a couple of years older than us. He'd kind of taken over the job of making sure we were all comfortable and enjoying ourselves as much as we could. I've tried to get him to tell me where we are going, what my parents are like, and how they can afford to send this many people just to catch my friends and I, but he wouldn't tell me anything. He says that he wishes we could tell me, but part of his job is to make sure my parents are the ones who get to explain things to me and he's not willing to risk his job because he likes it too much.

"Yes, it's fine. Thank you," I said, trying to sound calm evn though I knew I was shaking like a leaf.

"No, you're not. You're shaking. Are you afraid of the water?" he questioned, sounding amused for some reason.

Not thinking that it was funny at all, I nodded, blushing.

Jonas grinned. "That answers it as far as I'm concerned," he said.

"Answers what?" Micah snapped, annoyed. This is the first time he's been around so many strangers and he's not taking it well. The city wasn't nearly as bad as I'd thought it would be. Micah got a job book keeping at a tiny office where he only had to talk to one person; an older man who was almost as against touching people as Micah. Besides, he always left work late, came in early, and took as many backroads as he could. I don't think anyone could even tell how afraid of people he is.

Here, that changed almost immediately. For the first couple of days, whenever we needed to go anywhere that wasn't in our carriage they would grab us and force us wherever they wanted us to go. I tried to stop them for touching Micah and I, but that didn't last long. My warning for them not to touch Micah was quickly ignored. It wasn't really their fault and it wasn't Micah's fault. Really, it was just one big accident.

One of the guards was holding onto me and I don't know if I wasn't moving fast enough, or if he just tripped and accidentally pushed me, but whatever it was one second I was walking and the next I was being knocked to the ground. Micah definitely thought I was being pushed, and as careful as he'd been with me the past several months because he was afraid that any wrong move would cause me to miscarry, he flew into a rage. I understood what he'd been worried about, especially after several long talks with Lottie about how dangerous my pregnancy was.

Micah had knocked over the guy who had pushed me and was busy beating him into a bloody mess when at least ten other demons ran up to him, holding him down and hitting him over and over again. I've never been so afraid in my life. I was so sure they'd kill him. Finally, my screams and begging for them to stop seemed to register and they stopped hitting him, moving instead just to hold him down.

I don't know when it happened through everything that was going on, but as some point his fury at the man who had possibly endangered our children's lives turned into terror at being touched. When they were holding him down, Micah completely lost control of himself. He didn't even seem to know where he was. He was screaming at people I'd never heard of in my life and the demons looked absolutely baffled.

I begged them to let go of them, even trying to pull a couple of them off. Fearing that I'd hurt myself or that one of them would accidentally hurt me, Haven and Indigo ran over and pulled me away from the demons and my boyfriend. They held me carefully, like they thought I'd run back to the demons the second they let go of me. The truth is I probably would have.

The demons finally seemed to realize that the only reason Micah was still dangerous was because they were holding him down, so they let go of them. Micah made no move to get up; he only scooted against a tree and curled in around himself, like he was trying to make himself as small as possible. At some point he seemed to realize where he was again and I could tell that he was ashamed. Haven and Indigo let me run to him and tell him that everything was fine and that no one was angry at him for what had happened.

Micah had eventually calmed down and I'd managed to convince everyone not to touch Micah. No one had talked about it since (Even though I secretly wanted to ask Micah about the people who had frightened him so much and planned to do so as soon as we could be alone for awhile.), but the demons seemed to have less respect for Micah and treated him like a time bomb, while Micah seemed to dislike all of the demons and refused to leave me alone with any of them. I don't think it was because they were demons (Obviously, he's not prejudiced against demons, considering the fact that he's willing to marry one.), but because he doesn't trust anyone he doesn't know around me while I'm pregnant. He seems to be of the opinion that I can't defend myself, which is pretty much true when I'm more worried about my babies than anything else.

"Answers what?" Micah asked again, sounding like he was already close to losing him temper with Jonas. I don't know whether it's because we're around Jonas the most, or if it's something in particular about Jonas that bothers him, but Micah really can't stand Jonas. I don't understand why though. He's always been really nice to me and he wasn't one of the people to attack Micah.

Jonas ignored his tone and cheerfully said, "The question of why demons are afraid of water. Most people think it's instinct, but recently the possibility that we teach it to our children has arisen. After all, if your parents are afraid of something and warn you not to go near something, it only makes sense that you would be afraid of it too. You see, thousands of years ago, demons were feared and hunted even more than they are today. Not only were they killed, but they'd be tortured for months and nearly all of them were slaves. I think there were only a handful of free demons and they had to go into hiding. It's said that humans knew we weren't mortal, but they didn't know we could be killed just like normal people. Their ways of killing us became more and more creative, but the one tried and true method they used was to drown us. Thousands of us were murdered and we were nearly wiped out," Jonas told us, sounding a lot like a history lesson if you ask me.

"Even today, the effects of that are still showing. We all avoid water and there are still very, very few of us. I don't think their have been more than ten thousand of us since then. Of course, like any fear it is possible to face it. All of us who've been to the human land and the lands of vampires and shapeshifters have faced it because you have to sail to get there. It's not nearly so bad anymore, but I still feel it sometimes," Jonas explained.

"That's interesting," I told Jonas quietly, since he seemed to be torn between waiting for my answer and wanting to say something rude to Micah. I knew if he did, Micah would say something back and it would become a full fleged fight that I really didn't want to deal with at the moment. The story really was interesting and it made me feel a little better to know that my fear was in my DNA and I wasn't just being a loser, but that didn't make me any less afraid.

"You think you can get out now?" Micah snapped, his last ounce of control disappearing.

"Do you have something to say?!" Jonas snarled back. "I can make life a lot less comfortable for you, you know." Micah looked like he couldn't care less about how comfortable he was and was about to say so when I pushed between them.

"Stop. I don't want you to fight," I murmured, resting my head against Micah's chest, tiredly.

Jonas apparently didn't like me stopping their fight, but he didn't say anything. I kind of like this control I have over people now. I'm so glad I can stop them from fighting since I like them both. Jonas is a good friend and Micah…well, what Micah means to me doesn't need explanation. He means everything to me.

Micah wrapped me in a tight hug and his voice became gentler, but I knew he was still glaring at Jonas. "I love you, Easter. I don't want you to get upset about this. I just want to keep you safe, but how can I do that when they don't even want me near you? Everytime I am near you, I see them flinch and try to keep you away and I hate it."

"I know," I whispered. "Jonas tell everyone to get over the fact that Micah and I are dating. We've been together for a long time before we met any of you and we'll be together for the rest of our lives. He's never hurt me, Hallie, or anyone else who wasn't trying to hurt someone he cares about."

Jonas didn't look happy about my words at all. "It's only natural that we wouldn't be used to you being with him. His family has been an enemy of our kind for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They've been responsible for killing so many of our kind. You weren’t supposed to end up with someone like him. Besides, as far as we know, you're still lying about being kidnapped. He could be hurting you and you just want to protect him. Maybe you're too afraid to say anything against him or maybe you think you love him, but we've all seen how dangerous he can be," Jonas said, coldly.

Micah tried to jump at him, but I held him back.

Jonas looked at Micah smugly as if Micah had just proved his point.

"Micah wasn't trying to hurt me. He's never hurt me and you can't blame him for trying to attack the demons when he thinks you all are trying to hurt me," I argued.

""The demons", Easter?" Jonas asked, looking hurt. "You speak as if you weren't a demon. You're one of us."

"I know I'm a demon, but I'm not one of you. I didn't grow up with demons and I've never even met any others before you. I know as much about demons as Micah does," I said. "And I've already told you once that Micah has never hurt me. I don't want to have to go through that argument again. It's none of your business who I date anyway. Micah and I are going to get married. We decided that without your help, so why do you think you can interfere on any other part of our relationship. I'm sorry to be so sharp with you, but Micah and I are together and that's not going to change. What do you mean, I wasn't supposed to date Micah? Who decided who I'm allowed to date? My parents? They don't get any right to decide that. They haven't been in my life and I'm not just going to wait around for their approval. Who do they think would be a good match for me? Tell me!" I demanded, daring him to name someone.

Jonas refused to say anymore on the subject, just going back to his usual way of telling me that I would have to wait and ask my parents when I saw them.

I was almost to angry to speak and I was starting to feel a dull pounding in my head like my brain was trying to burst it’s way out of my skull. "Jonas, please leave," I sighed.

Jonas frowned, but looked more sad than anything and left.

Everyone had been quiet through the whole conversation with Jonas, but as soon as he was gone, they all walked to me and whispered comforting things to me. "Don't be sad, Easter. Forget what Jonas said. It doesn't matter," Seven murmured. "

I didn't even realize I was crying until he said that. All of the frustration over the last year is getting to be too much for me. I tired of people constantly trying to mess up the only relationship and the only friendships I've ever had. I could understand when it was people who came right out and said that they were doing this to hurt me, but all of this manipulative, under-handed shit they've been pulling recently is really starting to suck. Now, it's my "parents", who either want to kill me, or really think they are doing what's best for me. I'm not sure which yet. I know I can trust my friends and Micah. It's other people that I’m having problems with.

Haven was holding Hallie, who was in a deep sleep and hadn't heard anything we'd said. I felt so grateful that he has such a good family to take care of him. I know that if the worst ever came and Micah and I couldn't take care of Hallie, that one of our friends would make sure they were well taken care of.

I just walked to Micah's bed exhausted and plopped down on it. Micah lay down next to me and everyone else sat around us.

"Don't worry. We know you and Micah love each other and nothing can change that. You are going to get married and soon you'll have you children," Indigo said, kindly.

"I'll go beat him up if it will make you feel better," Haven offered, making me feel just a little bettter.

"I hardly think that they'll like us better if you do that," I said, giggling at the image. "And I'm not really mad at Jonas, just this whole situation. I don't understand why he has to act like that; why anyone has to act like that."

Haven and Indigo exchanged significant looks. "We have a guess as to Jonas' behavior, but as to everyone's else's we have no idea." They refused to elaborate on exactly why they thought Jonas didn’t want us together, so I gave up on that. I figure they'll tell me eventually.

"I love all of you," I whispered, blushing. "You're, like, my family." It was true. They've been with me through everything and I wouldn't know what to do without them.

"And you're ours. You're not leaving us, so stop trying to get rid of us whenever things get difficult," Jay said, his voice was pleasant, but I knew he was thinking of times where I'd offered for them to leave, so they'd be safe. "You're our family."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd really like some comments, all you people lurking in the background. :) Feel free to tell me which characters need hugs and which need to be buried alive, what you think of baby Hallie, what you think will happen next, and anything else that come to mind (Even complaints are welcome,)