Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty
Easter's POV

All of the pain was worth it when I heard the three first, loud screams of my babies. Everything was blurry and I felt light-headed and exhausted after the delivery and it was even worse because of the drugs they had me on.

"Easter, I know you're tired, but can you stay awake for a few more minutes?" the nurse asked. She was a young, pretty woman and she hadn't been on the trip to get me. "We're going to bring you you're babies as soon as they're cleaned up a little bit. It's important for you to feed them as soon as possible, so they can get used to nursing. It may hurt a little bit, but-"

"I know," I said, weakly. "I've been feeding Hallie ever since I was far enough along to produce milk. Hallie's my adoptive son," I elaborated, when she looked confused. "His mother died, so Micah and I take care of him now. He's a bit over four months old."

"Oh," the nurse said, looking startled. "Is he human then?"

"Hallie? No. We're not poisitive what he is. We know his mother was human, but we're not sure if his father was. He sprouted wings this afternoon," I said.

The nurse looked even more confused. She kind of backed away from me like she thought I might be contagious. The doctor called her back a second later and she looked relieved to go. She had to come back a minute later though because the doctor needed help bringing all three babies to me.

The doctor lay the two he was carrying, into my arms and the nurse gave the last baby to Micah. "Three healthy boys," the doctor announced.

"What will their names be?" I asked.

Micah looked medatatively at the baby boy in his arms. "This is Arias," he said, looking up at me nervously to make sure that I liked the name.

I nodded, encouragingly.

"The one with dark hair is Mirren and the one with blond hair is Ciro," he finished.

"Those are great names," I said.

The doctor nodded. "I'll just need you to fill out their birth certificates and I'll go tell your parents their names. They'll bring Hallie to you. They've been getting to know him while you were having your children. I think they like him a lot," he said, handing me the certificates before walking away.

"Do you want to meet your big brother, guys? I asked. I gently held Mirren to my chest so he could nurse. It took a few minutes, but soon he was happily nursing.

My parents walked in a moment later, while I was trying to teach Ciro to nurse. "Darling, they're so sweet! How did you end up with an angel baby when you were already pregnant? Unless he's gotten another person pregnant and made you take care of the baby. Of course Harlow shouldn't be punished for that, but your boyfriend on the otherhand.." my mother trailed off and glowered at Micah.

"No. Of course Micah didn't do that. We adopted him after his mother died. His parents were friends of ours. His father was a slave who was friends with Micah. His mother hid us after we ran away. Wait…how are you sure that Harlow's an angel?"

My father snorted. "We know an angel when we see one.. A lot of them hide in this country. They've been afraid of humans ever since they were kept as slaves…well taken care of slaves, but I suppose a beautiful cage is still a cage."

"Do you know any angels who might have been in that country about 25 years ago?" I asked. "That's when Andy would have been born. He either didn't know what he was or hid it really well. It had to be him. Lillian had to be human. Lottie would have noticed if she wasn't."

"That's part of what we wanted to ask you about. Would you mind if we ran Harlow's DNA? We has a suspiscion as to who the grandparetnts of Harlow might be?"

"Who do you think they are?" I asked.

"We don't know, so there's no point in saying now," my father said. "So what about the DNA test?"

"Would it hurt him?" I asked.

"No. We'd just swab the inside of his cheek," my mother assured me.

"I don't know. What do you think, Micah?" I asked.

My parents blinked; surprised, I guess, that I would ask Micah's opinion. I think they forgot he was even there.

"Um, I'm not sure. Does it matter who the grandparents are? We're his parents now. I'm afraid they would try to take him if they knew."

"We don't have to tell them and if it's who we think they are, they won't try to take him. You also have a really good case against anyone who would try because you're had him since he was born. He is your child," my father said. "It might also be good to know who his parents are in case of a medical emergency."

"I guess it would be fine. Lillian said she wanted us to have him," Micah said. "Go ahead and test him later."

"Can you give me Arias, so I can feed him and I'll give you Mirren since he's done eating?" I asked.

"Sounds good," Micah said as eager as I was to hold our new sons. We switched babies and Micah asked my parents to let him hold Hallie too. I could tell they weren't happy about not being asked if they wanted to hold their new grandchildren, but I knew Micah didn't trust them yet. I'm not about to ask Micah to put his perfectly reasonable fears aside just to make my parents happy.

"There's something else we wanted to talk to you about," my mother said, still looking longlingly at my sons. "We want to get you a DNA test too, so we can prove to you that we're your parents. Your father and I are positive that we're your parents and we even know how you got separated from us, but that doesn't mean much unless you're sure too. We'll explain everything after."

I nodded. I wanted to know what had happened.

A few days later, we took the test. All we had left to do was wait for the results.
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Sorry, it's been so long. :(