Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-one
Micah's POV

Easter's been so exhausted the last few weeks since the birth of our youngest children. He's awake almost all of the time because as soon as one of the babies are finished nursing, three more are crying to be fed. I've been trying to do most of the diaper changing and everything else for the babies and Easter, but it's still taking a toll on him. I try to make sure that Easter can go hang out with our friends for a little while everyday. We don't regret them for a second though.

We're supposed to get our DNA tests back today and Easter's been antsy because that means he'll get his explanation for why he never knew his parents…that is, if they are his parents, which I'm not positive they are. What happens if Easter isn't their kid? Easter's been so happy that there are people who want to take care of him and help him, after being alone his entire life. He doesn't make it obvious that he is, but I can still tell. I just don't want him to get hurt.

I haven't told Easter any of this and I don't have any plans to, but I am going to make sure that no matter what happens, he and our children will be safe. Haven and Indigo agree. They've both gotten jobs here, which will be nice if we don't have to leave. They both are worried that we'll have to leave soon, so they're determined to have some money just in case. I've got a part time job at the horse stables, which I know pisses Easter's parents off, but I really don't care. Easter's happy about it. He's glad that we're at least partly supporting oursleves, because as much as he likes being taken care of, he's been independent for too long to be completely okay with it.

Easter's parents have figured out a way to make me being gone in the mornings good for them. They've been taking every oppurtunity to send Jonas over to our apartment when I'm gone and tell Easter all about what a great person Jonas is. It's making me want to pull my hair out.

I'm not worried about who Easter will choose. I know he loves me; this is annoying though.

I was shook out of my thoughts when Easter's parents walked in with a man in an old fashioned (I'm beginning to think that clothes I consider to be old fashioned are completely normal here.) suit complete with a tailcoat. "Hello, sweetie," Easter's mother said, coming over to kiss him on the cheek.

"How are you settling in?" his father asked.

"Fine, thank you. It's nice and almost like our own house. Hallie likes having a proper crib and we love having a nice place to sleep," Easter saidm from the rocking chair he was sitting in, holding Mirren. Mirren has decided that he's going to be a diffilcult baby. While everyone else naps, Mirren cries until one of us pick him up and cuddle with him. Maybe that just means he's smart though. With four little babies it's hard to take care of them separately.

"We've got the results of your DNA tests," the stranger said, holding up a couple of sealed files, one significantly thicker than the other. "Do you mind if we sit down and go over these files?"

"No, of course you can sit down," I said, offering him another chair in our living room. "Excuse me. I'm going to check on the babies first. I'll be back in a minute," I said.

"That's fine. We're waiting for someone else to get here as well," Easter's father said. I left the room, but I could still here what was being said from our bedroom. "Easter, he doesn't need to be here. I know you care about him, but-"

"Stop," Easter said. "I don't want to hear it."

"That's okay. We need to talk about this later though. After you've found out the results of the test and had some things explained to you, I think you'll have a different opinion."

"I know I won't change my mind," Easter said. I smiled at how sweet my boyfriend is and continued through our bedroom to the adjoining nursery. There was no reason to go back into the room all huffy when Easter had already dealt with the situation perfectly. Only Easter can decide who he wants to be with.

I checked on all of the babies and was grateful I did when I saw that Harlow was beginning to cry. I guess he had woken up when Easter's parents has gotten here. I picked Hallie up and wrinkled my nose. "Hallie, you know I love you, but I would be much happier if you weren't so stinky," I told him. "Now don't make that face at me. You know you stink." I lay Hallie down on the changing table. I started to change his diaper and continued talking to my son. "We're going to find out whether you're an angel like me, or maybe a part demon like you mommy. That's possible of course, since your bother Arias doesn't look like a demon at all except for his eyes. Ciro is a mix of us with light hair and eyes like me and translucent skin like Easter. Mirren looks exactly like your mommy though. I guess you wanted to make an appearance when we found out about you. Well, we're all finished here. Let's go," I said, scooping Hallie into my arms and starting to leave. I heard the front door open and close. "I guess that's the visitor they were waiting for," I said.

I realized who the person Easter's parents were waiting for as soon as I walked into the living room. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. Easter was trying to avoid even looking at Jonas who (I may be biased, but he sure looked smug to me.) was siting next to Easter on the couch. I would have laughed at Easter's apologetic expression if I wasn't so annoyed. I sat down on the other side of Jonas on the couch and turned to face Easter's parents. I didn't at first notice Easter coming over to stand in front of me with Mirren in his arms. I shifted Hallie higher up so that Easter could sit in my lap. I let him settle down and take Hallie too, since we've both became masters of holding 2 babies at a time. Hallie was watching Easter intently, now that he's awake.

Easter smiled and cooed at the babies in his arms. Easter's been beside himself with joy at every new development of his sons. I've finally gotten him baby books for our kids and I see him writing in them at every oppurtunity. "Can we just start now?" Easter asked pleasantly, ignoring how unhappy his parents and Jonas were with his new seating arrangements.

"Alright," the DNA expert said, opening the first of the files. "The first one we'll go over, is the race of Harlow Angel-"

"Excuse me, Mathews. I have a a quick point to make," Easter's father apologized, only continuing when Mathews nodded for him to go on. "Later when you are proven to be our son, I expect you to change you and your children's last name to ours."

Easter frowned. "I haven't even got used to the possiblity that your last name could be mine. I'm keeping the babies' names the way they are. If something bad ever happens to me, I want to be sure that Micah will have fully custody. Micah and I have talked about hyphenating his name and yours when we get married, but nothing will change until then. We're keeping our children's last name as Micah's until then, too. You may continue, Mr. Mathews," Easter said.

Mr. Mathews looked at Micah's father to make sure. His father didn't look happy, but he nodded, so Mathews continued on. "Harlow is an angel. Surprisingly, he is also an Angel."

I felt so confused. "Um, what? You already said that he is-"

Luckily, Easter's a little quicker than me at understanding. "What? Are you saying he's related to Micah? How?"

I wanted to smack my forehead. It's my own last name. I should have picked up on that right away.

"Harlow appears to be the son of Micah's half brother."

Before we had time to ask how that was possible, since I certainly didn't know I had any half siblings at all, Easter's father decided to explain. "Before your parents were married, Micah's father also fathered several children by his family's female slaves. He was never involved in the childrens' lives, so I'm not sure if even they know who their father is, but he offered their mother's financial support until the children reached the age of majority. To my knowledge, none of the mothers ever tried to make it public who the father of the children are."

"Andy?" I asked, shocked.

"I wouldn't know his name," he sniffed in reply.

"I guess it would make sense," Easter said hesitantly. "It would be why he had such an easy job in the kitchens and another job once he was free. Not to mention that Lillian was taken care of until we got there, even though she didn't have a job. Looking back, your father could have had a hand in that for the good of his first grandchild."

I stayed quiet for a minute before starting to smile. "So he's my biological nephew? That's really good if anyone wants to take him from us. They can't take him away now," I said, feeling triumphant. "He's still my son, in my mind. Say "dada", Hallie," I encouraged him.

Hallie just stared at me for a few moments, presumably recognizing his name, before looking back at Easter and clearly saying, "Papa!" follwoed by a series of incomprehensible babbles.

Predictably, Easter teared up, smiled, and whispered, "My sweet baby!"

Hallie continued his babbling, happily. Hallie has only felt the need to learn one word so far: papa, Easter's been so happy about it and I'm not even going to lie; I'm jealous. Even though Easer is technically the children's mother because he gave birth to them, he's decided that he'd rather the kids call him Papa.

At six months, Hallie is the most cheerful, clever baby in the world…and just because we're his parents doesn't make that statement less true. He's acted completely different ever since he got his wings. Of course when Hallie first got his wings, not realizing that the wings were part of him, he ripped some of the downy fur off his wings, promptly wailing when he realized it hurt. Needless to say, he hasn't done that again and I think he got a little scared when he saw all the downy fur falling off, to be replaced by wings. He's okay with it now though and is even flapping his wings, which just seems to knock him off balance and makes us laugh at him.

We always make time to play with him and Hallie absolutely loves it. He likes to play with big, bright toys; pull hair (especially Easter's), get up like he's going to crawl and then just wiggle, put everything he can find in his mouth, and sit in his bouncy chair.

His brothers, at six weeks old, aren't nearly as active. They poop, nurse, sleep, and cry; not necessarily in that order.

I'm sorry. I get so off topic at the idea of my kids. I just know I'm going to be some weird gushing parent, who annoys everyone by talking about my kids all the time. I can't help it though. I'm so proud of them.

"What about the other file-the one about me? Easter asked, seeming nervous. The DNA expert nodded and started to open the file.

The following moment was anticlimatic when we heard Arias and Ciro crying in the nursery. Easter gave both Mirren and Hallie to me and excused himself to go get them. He was back a few minutes later with two crying babies in his arms. "They need to be changed, so I had to do that. Sorry I took so long. They need to nurse to and Hallie needs his baby food. They get grumpy if we get them off schedule," Easter explained to his parents and the man. He turned to me and asked, "Micah, will you feed Hallie?"

"Yeah, of course," I said. I put Mirren down on a little, propped up pillow and carried Hallie to the kitchen so I could fix him lunch. "Yum, yum, Hallie. Mashed peas for you," I told Hallie. I put Hallie in his high chair, so I could finish up making his food. I put his food in front of him and got out a spoon so I could feed him. "Just a minute, Hallie. I've got to get your brother a bottle." Easter has started using a breast pump so we can feed all of our babies at the same time, so they'll be on the same schedule. Easter rotates who gets the bottle and who breast feeds directly from Easter.

"Thanks," Easter said. "My mother is going to feed Mirren."

Soon, the feeding frenzy was over and Easter, his mother, his father, and I were each holding a baby. Mirren was the baby I'd managed to hold and since he'd stayed up during nap time, he was now snoring quietly. "Okay, I think we're all settled now. I'm sorry we took so long," I said.

"No, it's fine. It's understandable when you have small children," the DNA expert said. He opened the file and dropped out a stach of papers instead of just the one paper that was in the first file. "Firstly, you are their son. However, the brings some complications. The first thing you need to know is your name. You are Prince Easter Kenley, heir apparent to the empire of Eylam."
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I hope you like this chapter. :)