Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Forty-six

Chapter Forty-six
Micah's POV

"No, you're wrong," I whispered. I felt a wave of hopelessness wash over me. They don't know where Easter is after all. They just assume it's my family because they hate us. I know my parents wouldn't do this. Sure, they didn't like Easter, but that doesn't mean they'd take him from me. They wouldn't separate him from our children, but they don't know about our children, do they?

"We're not. We know they took her and we have proof," Easter's mother said, tearfully. She seemed to have decided that I wasn't the enemy. "That crazy person who was blowing parts of the walls and the trees around our house up was one of their people. We thought he was trying to destroy our home and hurt us because he wanted honor in his country. He said something, right before he ran, that made us think that wasn't the reason. He said, "Be afraid for your son. While you're chasing me around, someone may come and snatch him up." We didn't think he'd actually have the resources to have someone get Easter, but we were afraid and ran here. As soon as we saw you, we knew that man had succeeded," Easter mother said, before bursting into tears and couldn’t continue anymore.

Easter's father took over then. "That man couldn't have done this on his own. There had to be a group of extremely well-trained people to get through our security and the plan must have taken quite a while to come up with. There aren't many people who would risk taking the future of our country because they know that we would kill anyone who tried. Also, the people were human, or at least the man causing the diversion was human. Logic follows that the rest of them would be, too. That leaves only your parents."

As much as I wanted to argue their reasoning, I couldn't. I knew they were right. My parents hated this family. They hadn't even told me that there were people who weren't human, but were just like us. I'd been raised to believe that people like Easter, like the love of my life, were evil and subhuman. Why shouldn't I believe that they would go as far as to take him from me? I didn't feel angry like I thought I would. I felt helpless and scared. Before I could believe that whoever had taken Easter wouldn't hurt him, but now I know they would. Easter could very well already be dead. They're going to kill him. "What am I going to do?" I sobbed, feeling guilty for crying when Easter had so much more reason to cry than me. What if they're hurting him?

"Micah, you're the only one can save him. If anyone else tried to rescue Easter, they'd kill him before we even got close. If you go there, maybe they'll let you in. I don't think they'd want to hurt him in front of you. Maybe you could even convince them to let him go," Easter's father said, but he didn't sound like even he believed what he was saying. It was clear that he thought his son was a lost cause, as much as that pained him.

"I'll try," I said. "I'll do anything I can to help him. I'll leave now, but I'll need help getting back to my country."

"We'll get together a ship to take you home and as many of our soldiers as we can find," Easter's father said immediately.

"No. That'll just make them think that I'm on your side and if they think that they'll kill him. They same thing will happen if you bring soldiers. This is something I have to do on my own. I can find my way home once I'm on the other side of the ocean, but that's as far as I want your people to take me. Preferably the ship wouldn't even be a military ship," I said, feeling a rightness in what I was saying. "I won't let you risk Easter getting hurt in exchange for me getting there faster. If they decide they're going to kill Easter as soon as he gets to my old home, then they will and there's nothing I can do to stop them. I hope they'll keep him captive because then I'll have a chance to save him. When can you get a ship ready for me to leave?" I asked.

"Tonight," Easter's father said, immediately.

"Good," I said in relief. I couldn't imagine sitting around, waiting, when Easter could be hurt. "I guess I'm going to go say good-bye to my friends and my children." I started to leave before something occurred to me. I turned around in the doorway and said, "If I don't come back, I want Haven, Indigo, Seven, and Jay to take care of my kids. I know that's what Easter would want, too." I didn't wait to see they're reactions to my words. To be honest, I didn't care what they thought about it. I knew they wouldn't go against Easter's wishes.

I walked down the halls, feeling like the world was on my shoulders. I'd never felt so tired and yet so awake and restless at the same time. When I got to Haven and Indigo's door, I suddenly felt like I didn't even have the strength to knock. This was all happening so fast. I still only half believed what was happening. I knew I had to do this though.

I knocked on the door and Haven opened it just a little, peeking out. "Where have you been? You've been gone for a long time. Wait…Where's Easter?" he asked.

I felt like I was going to cry, but I pushed the urge back. We don't have time for that right now. "Easter's…Easter's…he's gone."

"What do you mean, 'he's gone'?" Haven asked, looking worried. "Nevermind. I'm sorry. Please come in. You can explain inside."

I did and sank into the couch, where my friends were all waiting for me.

Seven opened his mouth to ask me something, but Haven shushed him and motioned for me to explain.