Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Forty-seven

Chapter Forty-seven
Easter's POV

When I woke up, I knew exactly where I was. I envy people who wake up and don't know where they are. My hands and feet were tied up and digging into my I was in so much pain. My arms felt like that had been ripped out of their sockets and I knew my ribs were bruised, if not broken. I felt a sharp pain in my ankle and remembered that I'd gotten it from kicking one of my captors. He hadn't appreciated being kicked at all and had made sure I'd felt double the pain he felt before another of them made him stop.

It wasn't out of the kindness of his heart that he'd made the man stop. If he'd had it his way, my captors would have killed me right there, as they made sure I knew. They were under strict orders for my to be brought to the people who'd hired them alive. They didn't care if I was hurt, that much is sure, but I had to be alive. I guess that is a comfort.

It gives Easter more time to find me. I know he's looking for me. I just hope he can find me.

The sad thing was, it felt like this had already happened…and that's because it had. I remembered the caravan in where I'd first been taken to Micah's house. It had been just like this, but somehow I didn't think that this would turn out nearly as well as my last trip had.

The road took a particularly sharp bump and I couldn't help wincing. Everything hurt so bad and I really wanted to know where I was. I felt groggy, nasty, smelly, and every other unsavory adjective in the world. I had no idea how long I'd been asleep, or what I could do to get myself out of this. I guess I'm just destined to be a captive. I sighed and tried to roll over, but I could barely move. My limbs felt heavy.

At that moment, the caravan rolled to a sharp stop, making me slide a few inches across the floor. I heard the voices of two men and I could tell that they were getting closer to me..,and they sounded oddly familiar. The door to the caravan slid open and the bright lights outside made snap my eyes closed. Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the bright light blaring against my eyelids, making my head pound.

I could hear the men making rude comments and kicking me around roughly, but I didn't really pay attention. I just wanted to focus on making the light a little more bearable before I worried about them.

After what seemed like hours, I peeked between my eyelids. One of the men noticed and sneered at me. It was that sneer that made me remember who they were. They were the people who'd kidnapped me before! Now that I could see them without the masks they'd worn during kidnapping me, I knew exactly who they were. It was those people who'd first brought Seven, Haven, and I to Micah's house and beat me up. I can't believe this is happening again! This means…this means that it's Micah's parents who kidnapped me. This just got a million times worse. I know they want me dead. They don't think I'm good enough for Micah. They think I'm evil. What am I going to do?

Both men laughed at the expression on my face. Laughs that made me shudder to my very core. How can these people look at someone they've beaten up and is clearly afraid of them, and laugh?

"You inhuman, little beast," one of them said coldly, as he kicked me in the ribs again, making fiery sparks shoot through my body. He watched as I feebly curled up, trying to hide from him. I didn't want to pass out because I was terrified that I wouldn't wake up. Who knows if my passing out would deter them from killing me? Sure, they were told not to kill me, but couldn't they say it was an accident, or that I tried to run and they had to stop me?

"All of your kind are monsters and we're going to get rid of them one by one, so kind-hearted people like our prince don't get sucked in by you," the other one added, coldly.

I felt a sick horror spread through me. I couldn't remember who'd been there when I'd been captured. I know these two weren't the only ones there. What if I wasn't the only one who'd been captured? "Please don't hurt them," I begged. "I'll do anything you want me to, just please don’t hurt them."

They roared with laughter. "We don’t want you to do anything except die and we can do that perfectly well without your help. You don't have much to bargain with, monster," the first one sneered. "Don't worry. You probably won't live to see the rest of you monsters die," the said in a mock comforting voice.

I started sobbing at the thought that they at this very moment have my kids. "No! Please! Please don’t hurt them! Please!" I pleaded, knowing that it wouldn't do any good, but I had to do something. Maybe they hate me, but my kids are also part of Micah. Please let them see Micah in my kids.

One of them, I couldn't see which, yanked me off the ground by my hair and jabbed something sharp into my arm. I screamed. "Listen to the freak scream. I guess it doesn't like needles," the first one said, breathing his putrid breathe into my face and grinning.

That idiot. I'm not afraid of the needle. I'm afraid of what's in it. What did they just do to me?

I had my question answered a moment later when one said, "We don't want it waking up again. It's like these things build up an immunity to it. The last few days it's been waking up just as it gets the shot. I guess it was only a matter of time before…"

I tried to listen to the rest. I tried to stay awake, but my eyes were shutting against my will. The last thing I remember was being dropped on the ground and being left in the dark.