Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Forty-eight

Chapter Forty-eight
Micah's POV

I hid, not far from my home- No, it's not my home. I can never think of it that way again when those people are holding my poor Easter there. I had always held the private hope that we'd be able to come back here again, but not like this. I'll never want to be back here again. I only want to get Easter and go. 'Please let him be okay. Please, please let him be okay,' I thought to myself.

I really didn't know if I was about to get Easter killed by walking into their gate. The only thing I knew for sure is that if I don't try to help him, Easter will die. I took a deep breath and started walking to the gates, expecting to be jumped and pinned down at any moment. There really wasn't any way for me to hide and hope to sneak in. I knew they would have tripled the security ever since we left.

To my surprise, no one bothered me on the way to the front door. I knew people had to see me. I could see them; some crouched in the bushes, others framed in the windows, and yet more servants running around doing their chores like nothing out of the normal was happening. I couldn't believe that people were going about their lives like nothing was happening; like they didn't have a defenseless young man captured in their home.

The further I walked and the more in the open I was, I started to understand what was happening. Of course they'd let me in. That way, they'll have me just like they have Easter and they won't even have to send anyone for me. They probably guessed that I would do this. I just saved them a lot of trouble.

I couldn't summon up the urge to regret my decision though. At least, Easter would know that I had tried to save him and I would be able to see him one more time. There was still hope though. I could try and save him. Maybe I could reason with my parents, like Easter's parents seemed to think I could. I doubted it would work, but I was going to try.

When I got to the front doors, they opened for me, revealing two huge guards. I recognized them as the ones who had first taken Easter here such a long time ago. I looked at them in disgust, but they didn't seem to notice. "Welcome home, Prince Micah. We were told to take you to your parents when we saw you. Unfortunately, the monster is also in there. You don't have to worry though. It's tied up and it won't be around to bother you much longer. Your parents have missed you. If you don't mind me saying so, I think you've done more than enough running around in the woods with savages. It's time for you to settle into your rightful place at home and take over after your parents," one of them said.

"Easter isn't a savage, or a monster," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, but I could hear the rage bubbling up. "He doesn't kidnap and torture scared, innocent people like some other people."

They either didn't hear what I said, or at least they didn't acknowledge it. I followed them down halls, knowing that if I tried to run this would become a very different situation. They were just trying to be respectful because even after running away and renouncing my title, there was still a good chance in their minds that I would eventually become king and have the power to ruin their lives. They knew they were probably high on my list for that, ever since they beat up Easter. I didn't have any delusions though. They only thing that motivated them more than a future fear of what I would do was the current fear of what my parents would do and their hatred of people like Easter. They had no objection to dragging me down the halls by my hair if I tried to escape. They just can't kill me.

We got the the door of my parents' private sitting room and stopped. One of the men knocked and we waited for just a moment before I heard a set of footsteps running to the door. In less than a second, the door was thrown open and my mother had wrapped her arms around me, knocking the breath out of me and crying. "We thought we'd never see you again," she sobbed.

I looked down at her and found that I didn't feel an ounce of sympathy or happiness at seeing my parents after so long. I pushed her away and snarled, "I didn't come here to see you and you're an idiot if you don't know that. I only want Easter." I scanned the room, looking for my boyfriend. At first, I didn't recognize that the bloody pile of clothes had a body in them. That is, until the little body shifted and whimpered in pain. "Easter?" I whispered. My little boyfriend didn't move. It was like he didn't even recognize my voice. "Easter-"

"Stop it, Micah. I don't want to hear you talk to that creature anymore," my father snapped. "You must not understand what you're doing. You're being rude to your mother and trying to help that monster. It can't hear you. We've been drugging it to keep it quiet since he triedt ohit me," my father said.

"I'm taking him home," I said, evenly. I knew my saying it didn't make it more true, but I felt better anyway.

"Your home is here," my father argued.

"No, it's not. It stopped being my home the second I found out you were trying to kill my boyfriend."

I would have gone on, but I heard a horrible, retching sound. I looked down to see Easter lying in his own vomit. He started whimpering and crying, but he still couldn't seem to find the strength to move. I dropped to my knees and lifted Easter up. He wasn't even able to lift his head and I could see that his eyes were dull and unfocused.

"What did you do to him?!" I said, feeling sick as I cradled him in my arms. I kept hearing groans and whimpers from Easter. I knew I was pressing against Easter's bruises and possibly even broken bones. I couldn't help it though, if I wanted to stop Easter from choking on his own vomit.

"We already told you. He's being sedated. We just had to up the dose a little," my mother said. "Don't worry about that right now. We need to talk about you coming home. We have a deal for you."

"I'm not interested in whatever you're offering. I want to be with Easter," I said, only half aware of what I was saying. All I could really focus on was how gray Easter was getting. It wasn’t' long before my last ounce of restraint slipped away. "Help him," I ordered, half hysterical. "He's going to d-die if you don't. If he does, you'll never see me or my sons again, I promise."

My parents just stared at me in blank shock. "Grandchildren!" my mother gasped, looking faint. "Why didn't you tell us about them?"

"When? While you were watching Easter be tortured, if not torturing him yourselves? Help Easter," I pleaded.

At that moment things took a turn for the worse. Easter had been still and mostly quiet the whole time, but not now. Easter's body was jerking and writhing like he was having a seizure and he started making these horribly loud cries of pain. All of a sudden, his voice was cut off and he went silent. I just held Easter's body to mine and cried. I knew my boyfriend had just died.