Status: About once or twice a week. More if I ever get a break from school. :)

The Damned

Chapter Five

Chapter Five
Easter's POV

Every day was pretty much the same, but that didn't make them bad at all. In fact, I loved the familiarity of it all. I like getting up early, getting firewood, cleaning the house, practicing my flying, hanging out with Seven and Haven, and doing schoolwork until I about passed out from exhaustion.

Now it's Winter Break, and Seven's off from school and Haven's off from work for a couple of weeks. I won't have nearly so much time for myself and to practice flying, especially since they get bored on the weekends even and tend to follow me around while I clean up. Seven's the worst about that. He's practically my shadow. I really miss them when they're gone though, so I'm glad they're going to be around.

I'm getting so good at flying, by the way. Well, actually I'm getting good at gliding. This whole flying thing is really hard, especially this whole flapping things. It kind of hard to remember to do that constantly. I forget to flap my wings for one minute, and next thing I know I face plant in the ground. I think my face is going to get broken. I can glide across the clearing, from tree to tree, but I was still too weak (My wings are still sore everyday from practicing.) and inexperienced to even try that.

I stretched and rolled over, coming face to face with a sleeping Seven. I squeaked. I don't know why since it's not like it's new that Seven sleeps there.

Seven's only reaction was a rude grunt. A moment later, one of his eyes opened lazily. "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes. You scared me," I mumbled, guiltily. "I'm better now though. You can go back to sleep now."

"No, I can't. I'm wide awake now."

"Damn, that sucks. I'll see you in a couple of hours when I wake up," I said, pleasantly, rolling back over and snuggling into my blankets. Just as I was about to go back asleep, I felt a sharp jab in my back. "Ow!" I whined, immaturely crossing my arms. I glared daggers into Seven's soul, which didn't deter his impish grin at all.

"If I've got to stay awake, so do you." Seven wrapped his arms and legs around me, batting his eyes innocently. "Play with me, Easter," he squealed, trying to pin my arms down.

"Ugh" I whined, fake angry. "Fine." I tackled him suddenly, taking him off guard and pinning his arms behind his back.

"Not fair," Seven complained, before I muffled his voice with a pillow and straddled him to get a better grip on his arms.

Of course, at that exact moment Haven had to walk in. Looking at us amusedly, he asked, "Is this a sex thing…because I can leave?"

I rolled off of Seven at lightning speed, both of us looking at Haven in disgust. "Eww! Get your mind out of the gutter!"Seven shrieked, while I nodded agreeing with his words.

"We'd never date!" I added, vehemently.

Haven started laughing like he was bursting from the seams. "I-I w-w-was j-j-just j-joking!" Haven snorted through his laughter. It seemed like forever of Seven and I wanting to chop Haven's head off before he finally stopped laughing. "Jeez, you two are so defensive. Maybe there is some truth to what I said," he snorted, unfazed by the fact that Seven and I were still itching to hit him.

"No, There's. Not," Seven insisted, obviously more than a little annoyed at the thought of dating me. I couldn't blame him. The very idea of dating either Seven or Haven made me want to gag. I only love them, and they me, as friends. We'd become close friends, almost like brothers, in such a short space of time. I trust them and I love them, just not in that way.

I've noticed more and more that even though I'm finally not alone and I'm the happiest I've ever been, that I'm still not completely happy. I've found myself wishing I had some I could love and who'd love me. I want a boyfriend. I know it's ridiculous. I wouldn't even know how to find one, since I never leave the house. At least Seven and Haven, who I know feel the same way I do, can leave the house without making people run away screaming.

I was brought out of my dreary thoughts by Haven's laughter. Seven, who was apparently in a playful sort of mood, had turned into the overgrown puppy that he always acted like, and was yapping at Haven. I snickered, scratching the over excited puppy behind the ears. Seven groaned Happily and rolled onto his back, clearly wanting me to rub his tummy. "You're pushing it," I told him.

Seven laughed, becoming human again in his favorite body: a short boy with ivory skin, chocolate brown hair, and big brown eyes. "I know but I had to try," Seven giggled, putting his hands over his mouth to hide his face. "You don't even understand how good a tummy run feels though."

"Weirdo," I laughed.

Seven frowned at me."You don't know what you're talking about," Seven told me, looking at me pityingly, just because I didn't want anyone to touch my stomach.

Haven rolled his eyes, walking right up behind me to scratch the place where my wings would meet. I groaned, arching my back into his hand.

Seven giggled. "You were saying?"

"This isn't the same thing," I said. Haven snorted, and stopped. "I see how it is. Everyone's against me. I'm going outside now," I said, stalking off in a huff.

"I'm coming too!" Seven announced.

"I'm not," Haven said, shuddering. "I'll have breakfast ready for you when you come back," he called as Seven and I left.

I walked into the woods, followed closely by Seven, and started picking up bits of firewood. I scurried around getting more and more until I finally turned around to see what Seven had gotten. Nothing.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Maybe you missed the point of this, but-"

Seven looked surprised. "I'm not helping."

"Why not?" I asked. "Why'd you come out here then?"

Seven put his hands on his hips. "We'll excuse me for wanting to keep you company!" I don't want to get dirty and it's fun to watch you work."

I glared at him, turning around and heading back to the house without another word. As always, Seven followed, unaffected by my silence. He was whistling tunelessly and trying to skip, but tripped over a tree root and almost fell over before looking at me to see if I'd noticed his little mishap. I pretended not to see it. Seven sighed in relief, but stopped skipping. We got back to the house without further incident.

As promised, Haven had a huge breakfast waiting for us. I dumped the firewood I'd collected in the corner, all except for a few logs that I placed in the dimly lit fireplace. "Good," Seven said, nodding at the fire. "It's about time it started to get warm in here. Is it always this cold when we're gone, Easter?"

"Yeah, but you get used to it," I replied, secretly as glad as Seven that it was finally warming up.

"You do not," Haven disagreed, obviously knowing that I was lying. "You don't just become impervious to the cold. We'll help you get more firewood if you want. We don’t' want you to freeze to death," Haven said, ruffling my hair, annoyingly.

I grumbled, smoothing my back out. It was sweet of him to offer, but it really wasn't necessary. "When you guys aren't around I have my wings to keep me warm," I said.

"I still want to see them. Will you show me your wings soon?" Seven asked, through a mouthful of pancakes.

I made a noncommittal sound and busied myself in my food.

Seven smiled. "It's okay if you don't want to. I was just asking. No pressure," he told me.

Haven nodded. "We won't sneak up on you. We won't invade your privacy," Haven reassured me.

"I know," I said, finishing my food in record time before putting my plate in the sink. "I'm going back outside for a bit. That fire won't last long, so I need to get more firewood," I said, tugging my shirt over my head so I wouldn't have to carry it when I let my wings out. That was all the signal Haven and Seven needed to know that they were not invited.

I walked out the door all composed, but the second the door closed behind me, I about flew (Haha.) across the icy ground into the woods. Shrouded by the trees, sighing happily, I let my wing out. I rolled my shoulders and stretched, before wrapping my downy wings around myself. I think that's part of my problem. I still have downy half-grown baby bird wings, not to say that they're awkward or weird. I like my wings; they're just not very good for flying…which is the main purpose of wings, but whatever. I kept scampering around, picking up stray branches.

Suddenly, I heard a soft sound and paused. It sounded almost like a footstep snapping a twig. Before I even knew what was happening I was attacked. It was only a second before I felt a sharp pain in my head…and then I passed out, defenseless against my attackers.
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