Karma's Revenge

So Far, So Good

It’s been about 2 years since Karma’s Revenge was formed and we were doing pretty well for ourselves. We had managed to snag a few gigs 6 months after we started, finally being spotted only a month ago.

“With my eyes closed shut, I’ll dream of you and me forever,” Karma sang out the last bit of “Your Last Dream”

“That’s good, you guys,” our manager, Rob, told us, motioning that we were done for the day.

“Fuck yeah! We’re done with our album,” Karma said, jumping on Colt’s back. He smirked at her.

“We even have a pretty epic CD cover,” he said, grinning over at me. I just blushed, putting my guitar on it’s stand as I mumbled out a thanks.

“Let’s celebrate!” Colt said excitedly, pulling Rhett and Karma behind him as he lead them to the door. I just laughed as I started following them out the door.

“Sapphire, come here really quick,” Rob called out to me, stopping me in my tracks.

“What’s up?” I asked him.

“Can you bring everyone back here around 4ish? I have to tell you guys some news.”

“Good news?” I questioned. He only smiled in response before shooing me out of the studio. I rolled my eyes at him before I exited the room, spotting the other three members of Karma’s Revenge standing by Rhett’s black truck.

“What happened?” Rhett asked me while Rob and Karma continued their chat about which pokemon was better.

I shrugged my shoulders. “He wants us to come back around fourish,” I told him, sliding into the passenger seat while Rhett got into the drivers seat. He nodded before he honked his horn, telling the two “lovebirds” to get over their “lovers quarrel” and to get into the car.

“Not funny,” Karma told him as she slid in, throwing him a dirty look. He just shrugged.

“What do you guys want to eat?” Karma and I just shrugged while Colt shouted out Wendy’s.

Karma rolled her eyes, shoving him as he began bouncing around in his seat.

“Any ideas why Rob wants to see us?” Rhett asked me, putting an “Escape the Fate” CD on.

So now your running, it’s hard to see clearly
When I made you angry, your stuck in the past
And now your screaming, so can you forgive me
I treated you badly, but I am still here

I shrugged my shoulders. “Don’t know. Maybe we got a gig coming up or something.”

“Wait…Rob wants to talk to us?” Colt asked as he leaned forward so his upper body was between Rhett and me.

“No kidding, Einstein,” I told him, rolling my eyes. He pulled back and pouted in his seat the rest of the ride to Wendy’s while Karma just teased him, Rhett and I talking about a new possible song.