Karma's Revenge

Performing Tonight?

"Thank you Monte~" I sang out as I took a bite out of my chicken parmigiana. He just grumbled under his breath, the rest of the guys laughing at him.

We were currently in some Italian restaurant in some town up in northern California and it was freezing in that town.

"When's our next performance?" Colt ask, turning to Gerard. The older Way chewed on his garlic bread thoughtfully.

"I think tonight, actually-"
"What?" I asked, looking at him with my jaw slack. He nodded his head.

"We're supposed to head to that concert hall as soon as we finish eating."

I mirrored Karma's scrunched up face. "I don't wanna," we both whined in unison. The guys just stared at us for a moment before they burst out laughing.
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Gah, I'm sorry. >.< I'm working hard on my other story since I'm going to end it soon ...

(plus...i'm just writing this on a whim and I have no plot yet ... I'm working on that . -_-)

Hope you like this though. :3