Karma's Revenge

Who are You?

I walked into the dressing room belonging to our band, already hearing the screams and shouts coming from the people that were probably all mushed together. I sighed, sending an exasperated look to Karma. We didn't even perform for another three hours. "Where did Colt and Rhett go again?"

She shrugged. "They said they were going to talk to the guys about something, but that was half an hour ago." I groaned, standing up to stretch. I picked up my small messenger bag that I had discarded in the room hours earlier and turned to Karma.

"Do you want to come with me to the bathroom so I can work on my hair and makeup?" She nodded her head, grabbing her own bag before she stood up and followed me out.

Entering the overly white bathroom, I headed over to the sinks and stared at my reflection in the mirror, sticking my tongue out at it.

"My hairs gross..." I trailed off, holding a lock of the oily looking hair in my hand. Karma simply laughed.

"You could always try to wash it in the sink."

I stared at the shallow sink before I turned the water on and stuck my head under the sink.

"SHIT! it's cold."

I heard Karma laugh. "I was joking."

"I don't care. It's gross. Shit. I don't have soap and a towel. Can you go to the room and get it?"

"Yeah," I heard her answer before the door shut behind her. I sighed as I kept my head under the running water. relaxing as the water on my head slowly started to lower my body temperature. Suddenly arms wrapped themselves around my waist, causing me to jump and hit my head against the faucet in surprise, causing my head to throb painfully. My vision started to get blurry as I tried to figure out who it was who snuck up on me. I didn't even hear the door open!

"Aw, did I scare you, my angel?" I heard a low, unfamiliar voice rumble out as his arms tightened around me. I started to panic as my vision started to get even more blurry, tears filling them up. A hot liquid ran down my neck. Suddenly, I felt his breath on my neck. I tried to open my mouth to scream, but my vocal box seemed to have broken down.

"Ah, your bleeding." His arms only tightened and I whimpered when I felt his lips press against the side of my neck while he released one of his arms from my torso, going to wipe the liquid on the other side of my neck.

"God, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd hurt yourself, love. I only came by to wish you luck. You were so wonderful your last concert and that new song was excellent."

I struggled to get away, but his grip only tightened. 'Ah ah ah. Where do you think you're going. You don't have to hide your love from me." As he said this, his hand went under my shirt as he placed his cold hand on my stomach.

That broke the trance I was under as I finally opened my mouth and screamed loudly. I heard him tut at me as I still struggled to get away from the stranger. "You cut our visit time short, love. But don't worry. I'll see you again." With that, he slipped a piece of paper in my hand before he released me, my legs not being able to support me as I crumpled to the floor. The tears in my eyes fell as I blindly looked around the room for anyone. But it was deserted. Shakily, I unclenched my hand to look at the note, slowly opening it.


Don't tell anyone what happened and be careful who you hang out with. I'm very jealous, you know. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your friends, right?

your love

I couldn't stop the sobs that escaped my mouth as I heard the door burst open, Karma frantically asking me what happened. I only shook my head, giving her the note.

"...I"m scared."

And when I looked at my best friend, her face said it all. She was scared too.
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Oh my gosh. I finally thought of a plot for this story. :DDDD I'm going to end up working on this story a lot more now that I have a solid plot line, so be happy and expect another update some time soon. :3