Karma's Revenge

The Show Must Go On

I shook as I sat there while Karma sat next to me, trying to sooth me. She had the towel pressed to my head where the cut resided, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Can...you not tell anyone?" I barely said it, but she heard me.

"Whaaaaat?!?" She shrieked, staring at me with horror stricken eyes. "Do you not see what he fucking did to you, Sapphire? Your head is fucking bleeding and you're scared to death!"

But as I stared down at my hands, tears falling from my eyes, I opened my mouth. "He ... What if he hurts them? He said don't tell anyone! I could be putting you in danger just for reading the note!" My voice got louder and louder as my breaths became shorter and shallower.

Karma was trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working. "Shit," I heard her mutter under her breath before she got up and ran out the room, screaming for Rhett to "get his ass here." But by the time they came back, I had already succumbed to the darkness.


I moaned as i woke up, a bandage around my head. I quickly shot up and looked around the room, ignoring the dizzy spell and shot of pain that ran through my head. I saw Karma sitting there, looking sympathetically at me.

"Did you...?"

She shook her head. "I just told them you hit your head on the faucet. But I swear Sapphs, if that guy comes even a foot near you, I'm telling the guys what's happening."

I sighed in relief and nodded, getting up to give her a hug. She laughed before she tried to push me back down.

"You need to rest."

"What about the show?" I questioned. She gave a sort of half smile. "Rob's trying to cancel the sh-"

I shot up and ran out to find Rob, where he was walking to the stage.


He turned his head before I saw him heave a sigh. "You're supposed to be resting," he said simply, stopping in his tracks.

"Don't cancel the show," I pleaded with him. He frowned.

"Sapphire, you just had a serious head injury and you want to go on?" I nodded my head, continuing my pleas to let the show go on.

He finally sighed, placing a hand on top of my head and rubbing it affectionately. "If this show goes on, you're on bed rest tomorrow."

I grinned. "We'll be on the bus anyway."

He just sighed. "Bed. Rest."

"fine, fine," i said, waving my hand in front of my face. He nodded before he looked at his watch.

"Well? If you're going to continue the show, you and the rest of the guys need to be on stage in three minutes."

I mocked saluted before I ran, trying to get Karma, Colt and Rhett to hurry their asses.

5 minutes later, we entered the stage, the fans cheering louder than ever. But as I entered the stage, a hushed silence fell. I just waved, Karma taking the mic.

"Hey, loves. As you all can probably see, our sexy guitarist is injured. But she's a stubborn ass and wanted to perform for you guys. So don't be afraid to cheer and yell and scream all the fuck you want, because until we think you're revved up to see My Chem and Escape the Fate, you're not seeing them." Those words caused a tremendous roar to go through the crowd. I smiled before I heard Rhett begin to drum, opening up the song "Mama's Lost Angel."