Karma's Revenge

Pleasant Surprises

“With my eyes closed shut, I’ll dream of you and me forever,” Karma sung out as she ended the set, the cries from the crowd almost deafening. We were still in the west coast, but now we were down in southern California. We said a few words before introducing My Chemical Romance on the stage, making our way off it as they headed straight into their new single.

"I'm so tired," I whined, curling up in the couch as my eyelids drooped.

"Me too," I heard Karma add as she took the other couch.

"Yeah, you were up again talking to that boyfriend of yours," Rhett said, rolling his eyes yet managing to take out any malice out of the words.

She sighed. "I hate the time difference. Screwing me up."

"Isn't it later there than it is here?" I questioned, not really following.

"No! the time differences we're undergoing! It's screwing me up to have to keep changing my watch with each state we go into."

I rolled my eyes at her overdramatic-ness. "It hasn't even been two weeks Karma and we're still on the west coast."

She pouted, but silence a bit as she stared at nothing in particular. "Hey, how long are we staying here?" she asked, looking over to me. I sighed, taking my phone out of my pocket to check the calendar on it.

"We're taking a week-long "break" here," I answered her, surprised at my own words. She grinned, giving me that look.

"You know what that means, don't you?"

I grinned back at her, along with Colt and Rhett.

"Oh yeah."
♠ ♠ ♠
...It was sort of a chapter, but it was also setting up for the next chapter, so please forgive me for this crappy chapter. >.< Running out of "filler" ideas. XD