Karma's Revenge

Cabins and Logs

"Woot! I claim this room!" I yelled as I entered the cabin. That's right. A cabin. Rob gave us permission to take everyone to a log cabin out in the forest as long as we came back to the bus the day before we were suppose to leave, giving us six days of freedom.

"No fair!" I heard Colt groan from his position from the car, locked in the backseat along with Max and Frankie due to the baby-lock I set on the doors. I snickered, taking a look around the medium sized room and smiled as the smell of pine entered my nose. Oh, how I love the "great outdoors."

I locked my door before stripping out of my clothes, slipping on a black bikini littered with different sized stars the color of the rainbow. I snatched a towel out of my bag and walked out of the room and made my way to the door.

Once passing said door, however, I broke down laughing as I noticed three people still sitting in the car. I placed my face next to the window and smiled at Colt's angry face. "Aw, are you stuck?" I asked in a little baby voice, opening the door for him.

"Ah!" I yelled out as I was soon tacked to the ground, the dirt smudging my skin. I glared at the, now, smiling Colt, who looked like an overly eager puppy. "Get the fuck off," i groaned out, struggling to move away from under him. He shook his head, grinning his face off. "Don't you have a room to pick out."

"Not like it matters now. All the good rooms were taken," he retorted, glancing down at me. "Hey! Your face is turning red."

"No fricking duh, dipshit," I said. He laughed before he stood up, holding his hand out. I sniffed, ignoring his hand as I stood up on my own before looking at the empty car. "Now you really don't have a choice. You might end up having to share a room now."

He pouted before he grabbed his bag and went towards the house, muttering curse words.

I giggled before I headed towards my original destination, which was the lake that resided near the cabin. I threw my towel over one of the lower branches of a tree and made my way over to the lake, slippers still attached to my feet as I entered the water, shivering as the cold water met warm skin. I walked out until the water met my knees, waiting a bit to get used to the temperature.

"Ah!" I screamed again as someone pushed me, forcing me under the water. I thrashed around before I popped my head above the surface, glaring at the blonde guitarist. "Monte," I nearly growled out before I pounced on him, forcing him under as well.

"Holy shit! It's flipping freezing!' he screeched, scrambling to get out of the water. I rolled my eyes before I started floating on my back.

"Not my fault."


I felt my eyes widen before I quickly scrambled away from the all too familiar, hyperactive voice. But ... I suck at swimming.

I choked on the disgusting water as I felt someone latch themselves to my body, nearly drowning me in the process. I glared at the black haired guitarist.

"Iero. Are you and the other guitarists planning to kill me or something?"

He shook his head, his smile growing in size. "Let's play chicken fight!" I laughed, shaking my head.

"With who? The imaginary space martians?"

"Shh," he said, placing a finger to his lips. "If we act like they're not here, they won't attack us."

I laughed, splashing his face. "Your such a dork."

He grinned lazily back, giving me a thumbs up. "That's why you love me."

I rolled my eyes again, the smile never leaving my face. This was definitely what the group needs now.
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Whew. I liked this chapter ... took out some of the tension from the last few chapters. XD Plus, it's showing the fun side of the group. :P