Karma's Revenge

Good News

“Where is he?” Karma complained as she laid across one of the many couch in one of the “conference” rooms. It was more of a room that held several couches with a table in the middle of the room.

“He’ll be here soon, so be patient,” Rhett reprimanded her gently as he tapped out a beat with his drumsticks on the couch. Karma just groaned in protest.

“We’ve been here for half an hour already though. I have stuff to do.”

“Since when?” Colt teased her as he fiddled with his bass, his face scrunching together as he tried to get his bass into perfect tune.

She scoffed loudly at him. “Since I was born, doofus.”

“Chill,” I told her, giving her a stern look. “I know you’re getting impatient and all, but just chill. I’m sure Rob’ll be here soon and when he does get here, he’ll have a good excuse. He’s never been this late before.”

She gave me a withered look before she turned over so that she was facing the back of the couch.

“Whatever. I’m taking a nap. Wake me up when Rob gets here.”

Not even a minute later, soft snores slowly filled the room. I rolled my eyes.

“What’s her problem?” Colt asked, pausing in his work to look over at the sleeping girl.

“Last I heard, she stayed up all night again talking with her boyfriend,” I answered him, watching his reaction from the corner of my eye as I proceeded to pluck out the beginning chords to ‘Something’ by Escape the Fate. He scowled at the sleeping girl, making faces at her before he began to sulk. I rolled my eyes.

“I told you you should have asked her out last month,” I reminded him, making him turn his glare to me.

“Who said I even liked her?”

“You did, idiot. Now shut up and deal with it,” Rhett butted in, rubbing his forehad as though he has a migraine. “Besides, Rob’s here already,” he said, pointing to the small window on the door that revealed Rob’s face. I quickly got up and shook Karma awake. We managed to assemble ourselves onto one couch, Karma and Rhett at the ends while I sat in the middle and Colt sat on the ground by my feet.

“Hey, sorry guys. I had to wait for some people to come. But good news!” He paused, obviously waiting for someone to prompt him to go on. I sighed as I nudged Colt with my foot. He elbowed my leg before deciding to humor our child-like manager.

“And what’s this awesome news, oh great manager Rob?”

He rolled his eyes, but a smile still manage to find it’s way on his face.

“You guys are going on tour!”
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:D I feel accomplished. I managed to figure out how to add characters. xD So go look at it ... if you want. "/ But hope it's good. :D