Karma's Revenge


"C'mon, my precious jewel. Please eat."

I stubbornly held my lips together, continually turning my head side to side every time he brought the spoonful of oatmeal to my face.

"Do you not like oatmeal? Is that it?"

I glared at him, my eyes meeting his hazel ones.

He sighed, putting the spoon back in the full bowl.

"I know your not happy with this set up, but it's going to be like this until you can cooperate. So the sooner you cooperate, the sooner you can get out of these restraints and the sooner we can get married."


He grinned at me, his eyes clouding over. "Yeah. I have everything set up already. We'd go to Las Vegas and get hitched there. Then I can use the money I got from this job to send us over to Paris for our honeymoon."

I whimpered at the thought, squeezing my eyes as his hand came up. I felt his fingers run through my hair while his other hand grabbed my hand. I tried to yank my hand away, but the restraints wouldn't let me.

I heard him sigh. I peeked at him and noticed him looking at the clock on the dresser next to me.

"I got to go. I'm supposed to do a soundcheck for your band in an hour."

He grinned cheekily as he turned to me, his face getting closer to me. I jerked back and spit on his face, watching his face contort into a glare before a stinging sensation erupted on my face. I glared at him as he lowered his hand.

"When I get back, I expect you to be the good girl you usually are and not be throwing tantrums."

As he locked the door, I felt tears slide down my face. I wanted to see my bandmates. I wanted to be able to hear Colt and Karma fighting over something stupid. I wanted to go to Rhett and ask him for advice. I wanted to go back to my friends. But to my surprise, I found myself missing someone more, wanting to see them more than my own band family.
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Aw, she likes someone. :P But boo, the techies a creep. xD