Karma's Revenge

And Now...

I woke with a start with a click of a lock. I jerked my head towards the door and watched as he came in, a plastic bag in hand while he held a huge grin on his face.

"Hello, jewel. Guess what?"

I kept my mouth closed, a glare set on my face.

His grin turned into a pout. "Aw. You don't want to hear about your friends?" My glare increased as I clenched my hands. Bastard. He tutted before he placed the bag on the dresser. "I won't tell you anything until you at least amuse me, pet."

I sucked in a breath, clenching my jaw before I opened my mouth. "What?" I winced as my voice cracked. But his grin was back on his face.

"Well, your poor friends were all so worried about you, jewel. It was just so hard for me to keep my mouth shut." Bastard. "But I managed to. It looks like they stopped the tour just for you, too. However," he paused, reaching into his bag to reveal a shiny knife in his hand, the price tag still visible on it.

I began to panic, my chest tightening as I tried to futilely escape my restraints.

"One of them had the notes I gave to you. Do you have any idea on how they got a hold of those notes, love?"

I just whimpered in fear as he came closer to me, his grin long gone as he glared at me.

"The police was there and fingerprinting everyone. 'Course I had to do the goddamn fingerprinting or else I'd be arrested on the spot. At least now I have a couple hours before they figure out it was me. Now ... I'm gonna kill you and get the fuck out of this town before the cops can get me. Your just not worth it anymore, jewel."

As he pressed the knife to my throat, I stopped breathing, tears cascading down my face as I clenched my eyes shut, just waiting.
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...I'm so mean. xD