Karma's Revenge

Flashbacks and Memories

As the knife pressed deeper into my skin, I couldn't help but think of the past memories I've made with my dysfunctional family.


“Hey Sapphire, let’s start a band,” Lilith, or Karma, said to me one day while we both sat out on her balcony eating popsicle sticks as the summer sun beam down on us.


“Fuck yeah! We’re done with our album,” Karma said, jumping on Colt’s back. He smirked at her.

“We even have a pretty epic CD cover,” he said, grinning over at me. I just blushed, putting my guitar on it’s stand as I mumbled out a thanks.


He rolled his eyes, a smile still on his face anyways, before he turned to the men. “Guys, this is Karma’s Revenge with Rhett, Karma, Colt, and Sapphire,” he said, motioning towards us as he said our names. “And this is-“

Colt cut him off again.

“Gerard Way and Craig Mabbitt.” Rob nodded, a smirk on his face.

I looked up and shook my head fast. “Oh god, please don’t tell me we’re-“

“You’re touring with them!” Rob said, a smirk on his face.


I felt the bed shift a bit and Mikey was soon peering over to look at my drawing.

“That’s incredible, Saphs,” he complimented me, snatching the sketchbook out of my hands and began to flip through my other sketches. I shrugged, taking my notebook from him, scanning through the pages till I found the one I drew of him playing his bass.

I carefully ripped it out and handed it to him. “Here, this ones for you.”

He stared at it and hugged me. “Thanks,”

I smiled as I hugged him back. “No problem.”


“I’m tired,” I whined, letting my eyes close as I heard the two bands chuckle.

“Who’s fault is that?” Colt asked with a smirk. I shot up and glared at him.

“Don’t even start with me, jackass. You and the rest of them were shouting about who got laid the most.”

Karma gasped before she swatted Colt, giving him a glare. “Don’t talked about stuff like that in front of my innocent best friend.” He just rolled his eyes.

“She’s not so innocent, Karma. And you know that."


I laughed at Monte's childish pout. "I wanna play," I reapeated, grabbing another controller as Monte set up the game.

"Let's make a bet," Frankie said, snatching up another controller. I raised my eyebrow at him.


He smirked. "Losers have to strip."

I dropped the controller and shouted. "Hell fucking no!"


"When's our next performance?" Colt ask, turning to Gerard. The older Way chewed on his garlic bread thoughtfully.

"I think tonight, actually-"
"What?" I asked, looking at him with my jaw slack. He nodded his head.

"We're supposed to head to that concert hall as soon as we finish eating."

I mirrored Karma's scrunched up face. "I don't wanna," we both whined in unison. The guys just stared at us for a moment before they burst out laughing.


"Iero. Are you and the other guitarists planning to kill me or something?"

He shook his head, his smile growing in size. "Let's play chicken fight!" I laughed, shaking my head.

"With who? The imaginary space martians?"

"Shh," he said, placing a finger to his lips. "If we act like they're not here, they won't attack us."


Hearing the string of cuss words coming from his mouth had me open my eyes. I watched as he glanced out the window, glaring at nothing.

But then, I heard it. The sounds of the familiar sirens coming closer and closer, getting louder as each second passed by.

I began to struggle, tried to prevent him from slitting my throat. He glared at me before a sickly smile overtook his face.

"Goodbye jewel."

With that, he stabbed me in the torso, a coarse scream leaving me as he ran to the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
:P I'll upload another chapter in about ... half an hour. XD