Karma's Revenge

White Abyss


I know it's cliche and all, but that was all I could literally see. I couldn't see any shapes. i didn't see any other color. And i definitely didn't see the people I wanted to see the most. I felt myself moving however, through that white nothingness.

I can't remember how I got here though.

I pressed a hand to my face, feeling nothing. I bit my lips, my hopes dashed as no pain came from the simple action.

"What's happening?"


I started to panic. What's going on?

I ran through the white abyss, my sense of direction shot. I wanted to scream, to throw my fist out and whine like a kid. But I can't do that. Who'd care?


I continued walking, dejected at the thought of being alone. Why am I here?"


I heard a muffled noise. I quickly turned my head, trying to find the source of the noise.


"Sapphs, wake up."

That voice. It was getting louder, the familiarity of the sound bugging me. Who is he?

"Please, I'm so sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what? Your not making any sense!"

"Just please, wake up."

"I don't understand. I am awake. Where are you?"

"Sapphire, I'm begging you and I'm praying to God you wake up. I should have told the police. I shouldn't have broken my promise to you. I should have gone out into the stupid forest with you. I should have done something. Oh God, if I did, you'd probably wouldn't even be in this mess."

What was he talking about?

But somehow, that voice triggered something in my head.

"Aw, did I scare you, my angel?" I heard a low, unfamiliar voice rumble out as his arms tightened around me.


"I'm gonna go on a walk!" I shouted as I slipped my shoes on and putting my phone in my pocket. I walked out and sighed happily as I began making my way over to the edge of the lake and began walking along the shore, a smile on my face as I looked at the beautiful scenery around me.


"Got you," that familiar low voice said before a cloth was placed over my mouth and nose. I quickly stopped breathing, trying to struggle away from him. But my lungs screamed at me to breath and I took a gasp of air, the drugs already taking affect.


HIs face clicked in my mind. He was one of the techies on the tour, always doing sound check with us. I felt my body relax for a bit as stared at him.

"How did-"

"Your up," He said. I froze. His voice. It's the same as that guy.


"I just wanted to spend time with you. You just left all of a sudden and I got worried about you."


He grinned at me, his eyes clouding over. "Yeah. I have everything set up already. We'd go to Las Vegas and get hitched there. Then I can use the money I got from this job to send us over to Paris for our honeymoon."


"One of them had the notes I gave to you. Do you have any idea on how they got a hold of those notes, love?"


"Goodbye jewel."

With that, he stabbed me in the torso, a coarse scream leaving me as he ran to the door.


Memory after memory filled my head and I dropped to my knees, clutching my throbbing head as tears filled my eyes, the voice finally registering in my head. I needed to wake up. I needed to tell him that I loved, no, love him. I needed him.

The white abyss melted away into darkness as I sat sobbing my heart out.

And then I opened my eye, his face filling my vision
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I'm hurt. xD You guys actually thought I'd kill of my main character? :P

But guess who it is. :P