Karma's Revenge

Waking Up

Before my vision could clear, he was pushed out of the way, another person's face filling up my vision.

"Ms. Wills, can you hear me?"

I groggily nodded my head, my vision finally clearing.

A middle-aged man, clad in all white, hovered over me, poking and prodding me while asking me questions.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Can you talk?"

"Can you feel this?"

"Can you move?"

After half an hour of this 'torture', he finally left the room, concluding that i was fine and I was to be released later that day.

I sighed, leaning back onto the pillows. My thoughts drifted back to that place, that white .... i don't even know what it's called.

But for the life of me, I could not remember how that voice sounded. I couldn't remember what the voice actually said.

I groaned, turning on my side as I curled up, closing my eyes as I felt tiredness seep into me.

I'll figure it out when I wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠
...Who hates me? xD