Karma's Revenge


"Are you sure you wanna continue the tour?" Karma asked me for the millionth time that day as I made my way outside the hospital. I heaved a sigh as I nodded my head.

"Can't disappoint our friends now, can we?"

She just shook her head as she climbed into the small rental car she borrowed. It's been a week since I've woken up from my coma and things have gotten a lot more tense between Mikey and Monte. Karma, Colt, Gerard, Frank, Ray, Craig, Max, and Robert refuses to tell me what happened between them. Finally, I've managed to convince Rhett to tell me, which I kinda wish he didn't

Fighting over an unconscious girl in the same room as said girl isn't really appealing to me.

On a side note, Rhett's been busy helping Rob out with the whole "rescheduling the tour" details, trying to ship everyone who had already bought a ticket a new one with the new date and such. I barely saw him the past week. However, Monte and Mikey never seemed to have left the room. If one of them wasn't in the room, the other one was and vice versa. And frankly, it was getting annoying.

...To a certain extent. Which reminds me...


She hummed out a sound in acknowledgement, her gaze set on the road ahead of us. I checked to make sure no cars were behind us before I braced myself with the question. "How do you go about telling someone you like them?"

The car lurched forward and I screamed in fright as my face almost met the dashboard, my heart thumping around my chest.

"Are you fucking crazy!" I yelled at her, clutching to my seat as she began to slowly drive to the side of the road.

"What do you mean how do you go about telling someone you like them?" She questioned me, ignoring my crazed yelling. "You go up to them and tell them you like them. But I can't believe you didn't even think to tell me who you like!"

I harrumphed, turning my head to gaze out the window. "I'm telling you now, aren't I?"

I heard her grumbled under her breath before hearing her curse, followed by the car lurching forward.

"Sorry. Rhett's gonna kill me if I'm lat bringing you back..." She trailed off, giving me a pointed look.


Her face fell into an exasperated look. "Who do you like?"

I mumbled his name under my breath, my face turning bright red. I tried to hide my face with my hair to no avail.


I sighed, masking my face with my hair as I looked out the window.


"What!" This time, thankfully, the car didn't come to a sudden halt. "I thought you liked Mikey."

I huffed. "I like Mikey... as a friend though."


I glared at her. "What do you mean oops?"

She gave me a meek smile. "I, uh, might have, er, told Mikey you liked him..."

I took a deep breath before I went into a coughing fit, my wound throbbing with pain. That stupid wound messed up my breathing.

"Are you okay?" Karma asked, bringing her gaze away from the road, remorse and worry evident on her face. However, I continued to glare at her, not answering any of her questions the rest of the ride home.