Karma's Revenge

Big Brother Rhett

I slammed the door to the car before I marched over to my bus that'll be taking us to the next venue, ignoring everyone's greetings and questions. Climbing up on my bed, I shut the curtain and curled up on my bed, anger rolling of me.

I shouldn't be this mad at her. She was just trying to help....but it irritates me to no end.


I tensed at the familiar voice. "Go away."

"No. Tell me what happened."

"Not now, Mikey."

I heard him sigh before he shuffled off, another set of footsteps coming closer to me.

"Go away."

"Not happening," i heard Rhett's voice as the curtain was pulled back. He climbed up and shut the curtain, enveloping the two of us in the cramped space. I couldn't help it as I dove for him, tears falling from my eyes.

As I clung to his waist, I heard him sigh as his hand drew small circles on my back.

"Mind telling me what happened?"

"Karma's stupid."

A chuckle. "What did she do this time?"

I shook my head. "I don't wanna talk about it. If you want to know what happened, go ask her."

I heard him sigh. "If it's about her telling Mikey you like him, I explained that Karma's not you, so there's still that chance that you don't like him if that makes you feel better."

I pulled away and gaped at him. "How did you...?"

He smirked at me. "Your like my little sister. I know who you like and don't like."

I pouted, scrunching my face up. "Then who do I like?"

His smirk somehow grew larger. "Oh, you know, the blond guitarist of that one band, you know, I think his name is Mo-"

I slapped my hand over his mouth, glaring at him. "Fine, fine. You know. Now what should I do?"

He shrugged. "Forgive Karma. Tell Mikey the truth. Tell Monte your feelings. Fuck. Get marred."

I glared at him, hitting him with the pillow next to me multiple times

He laughed, throwing his arms up to defend himself. "You asked. Now get your but out there," he said as he pushed me off the bunk, with me ending up on my ass. "And do everything I told you. In that exact order. Although, I'm pretty sure you can fuck lover boy before you tell him, but that' sup to you."

This time, I threw my shoe at him and felt that satisfied feeling swell up in me as I heard him groan in pain before I stood up to go find Karma
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:D Two chapters in a row.