Karma's Revenge

Dressing Up

"Here, put this on," Karma said, throwing clothes at me. I groaned in annoyance before I dropped the clothes she had thrown at me on the ground before flopping on my head.

"Oi! Get up! Your gonna be late!"

I glared at her from the comfort of my bed. "And why do I have to get ready? In fact, we should be encouraging the guys performing."

She sighed, stalking over to the clothes I had dropped and throwing it back into my face.

"Just go. They'll understand."

I sighed before I sat up from the bed and made my way slowly over to the bathroom. I slid on the white dress and starred at my reflection. The dress was strapless, The fabric clinging to my body until it got to the red ribbon around my waist, which held different rhinestones in a intricate pattern. Then the skirt poofed out to, stopping at my knees.

I sighed before I scrunched my hair up, making a face at my hair before I opened the door. Karma came in and squealed, running over to give me a hug. "Your so pretty!"

She then pulled away and began to work with my hair, teasing it and curling it until she was satisfied. Then she ran out of the room, quickly returning back with a simple white gold necklace that held a tear-shaped diamond.

I smiled at my reflection before hugging her. "Thank you for working your magic again," I tell her, pulling away from the hug. "But are you going to tell me why I had to dress up?"

She smirked before she shook her head. "Now come on, I need you to get to that place in ten minutes."

"What place, Karma?"

"You'll see."
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot! My prom dress is done being altered. :3 I'm so happy. xD But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. <3 I'm not sure how much longer this story's gonna be, but I'll keep you posted. :D

But anyways, anyone wanna guess as to why Karma's dressing Saphs up?