Karma's Revenge

Party Talk

"Where exactly are we?" I asked Karma as I got out of the car, slamming the door shut. I heard her sigh before she looked around the parking lot.

"Well, your gonna stay here and I'm going with some people."

I rolled my eyes at her cryptic answer, which of course, she laughed too.

"Just ... come on. I think everyone's here anyways."

I scrunched my nose up before taking in her appearance. "How come you don't have to dress up?"

She grinned, looping her arms with mine. "I don't have to because I didn't want to. Simple as that."

I glared at her. "Why am I dressed up then?"

"Because I wanted to dress you up."

I sighed, allowing her to drag me into the building. Once passing the doors, I couldn't help but gap at the room around us.

"Surprised?" Karma asked, laughing as she dragged me through the party, a few of them holding up glasses with drinks that no doubt had alcohol in it.

"W-what the fuck is this party for?" I stammered as I clutched her arm, trying desperately to keep her nearby as to not get lost.

"Well, the Escape guys decided to throw a party in your honor-"

"My honor?" I squeaked, cutting her off.

She threw me an annoyed look before she continued. "Yes, in your honor, to celebrate your recovery. So be happy. Anyways, you don't really have anything to worry about. Monte did all the worrying for you," Karma continued, throwing a wink my way as I blushed. "The party's only for those who have invites and Monte had the guys up the security around the building so nothing could go wrong."

I could feel my face grow hotter and Karma just cooed mockingly. I glared at her. "Don't you have a certain bassist to get back to?"

"Don't you have a certain guitarist you need to thank?"


We both ended up cracking up at our childish thoughts before we hugged. "Thank you Karma. For everything."

She clucked her tongue before flashing me a smile. "No worries, Saphs. Your worth it. Now..." she trailed off as a big grin covered her face before she shoved me.

I squeaked before I felt my body collide with someone else. I looked up before I felt my face flush as a familiar blonde-haired bassist grinned down at me.


I gave him a smile before hugging him. "Thank you for everything."

I heard him chuckle in my ear before he wrapped his arms around me. "No problem."

I giggled before I pulled away, letting my hand still stay connected to his. His grin turned into a smirk before he pulled me over to the side, the loud music still pulsating through the air.

However, as we were walking, I saw Mikey's two-colored hair in the crowd and I sighed, pulling my hand away from Monte's as i looked up at the asian. "Hey. I, um, kinda need to talk to Mikey for like ... a minute. I'll be back though, okay?"

He sighed, his face twitching momentarily before relaxing into a smile. "Sure. Don't take long though. I kinda wanted to ask you something."

I grinned before standing on my toes and kissing his cheek before I rushed off, a blush on my cheeks.

"Hey Mikey!" I called to the younger Way brother, giving him a small smile as he grinned at me.

"Hey," he replied, giving me a hug.

"I, um, can we talk in private?" I asked tentatively. He nodded his head, grabbing my hand with his before making his way through the crowd, weaving in between people until we got outside, the cold air quickly enveloping me. I shivered, but decline's Mikey's offer as he offered me his jacket.

"So whats up?" he asked me.

I sighed before looking at him. "I, um, wanted to clear something up..."

He sighed, giving me a sad smile. "Rhett talked to me."

I paused, looking at him confused about the sudden topic change. "About what?"

"About you and I, I suppose. He told me how you liked Money. Not me."

I hugged him as I whispered apologies to him. He laughed, his voice hoarse. "I guess it's true then."

I pulled back and winced at his hurt look, unshed tears filling up his eyes. "I'm so sorry."

He shook his head, a dejected laugh leaving his lips. "It's fine. I ... just gotta heal, ya know? I'm happy with whatever you decide. I got warning from Rhett when you were in the hospital already, so I'm not totally devastated."

Even with his comforting words, I couldn't help but feel bad. "I'm still sorry."

He shook his head before wiping his face with his hand. "Don't worry about me. Besides, I'm sure Money didn't ask you to be his yet, right?"

I slowly shook my head and he laughed, pushing me towards the door. "Well, hurry up and go. I'll be fine."

I turned and gave him a final hug and thanking him before I rushed off to find Monte.
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As you can see, I have the link to the sequel up already. :P and the next chapter will be the last. xP