Karma's Revenge

Let's Go

I followed Colt onto the bus, noticing we were the first ones on. I smirked before I called out Colt’s name. He turned around, only for me to push past him and running to the bunks, claiming the one of the top bunks and smirking at the irritated Colt as he placed his bags on the top bunk right across of me.

“You could have just waited, you know,” he commented, swinging himself onto his bed. I stuck my tongue out at him before I kicked my bag to one end of my bed, gently placing my guitar on the ground so that it was leaning against the bedpost.

I pulled my ipod out of my bag and started it up, Three Days Grace ‘Riot’ blaring out from the speakers. I began to sing the words softly to myself, pulling out my sketchbook and pencil and flipping it open to a half-drawn picture.

I continued my work, still humming to the songs that my ipod played. I felt the bed shake as someone took the bunk under me. I pulled my earphones out of my ears and swung my upper body over the edge of my bed to be greeted with Mikey Way. I smiled at him, starting to wave at him, but ended up failing as I almost toppled over to the ground.

He just chuckled and waved back. “Hey Sapphire.” I grinned at him. I just noticed that the bus had started moving. I gave Mikey a confused look. “When did we leave?”

He laughed loudly, shaking his head. “We left about half an hour ago.”

I sighed as I flipped myself over so that I landed on my feet on the ground. “Who else is on this bus?” I asked him, stretching my arms over my head.

“Um… there’s Brian, Frankie and Max, along with Colt.”

I looked at him in disbelief. “…Seriously? We get the hyperactive people on the tour?”

He chuckled, nodding his head. “They’re all out playing on the Wii if you want to join them.”

I shrugged before I climbed back on my bunk. “Your welcome to come up if you want to Mikey,” I said, picking up my sketchbook and continued on with my drawing. I felt the bed shift a bit and Mikey was soon peering over to look at my drawing.

“That’s incredible, Saphs,” he complimented me, snatching the sketchbook out of my hands and began to flip through my other sketches. I shrugged, taking my notebook from him, scanning through the pages till I found the one I drew of him playing his bass.

I carefully ripped it out and handed it to him. “Here, this ones for you.”

He stared at it and hugged me. “Thanks,”

I smiled as I hugged him back. “No problem.”
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Filler. "/