Karma's Revenge

First Stop

I sat on the bench by our table, waiting impatiently for the bus to make a stop. As soon as I felt the bus pull over, I ran to the door and started running around the almost empty parking lot, enjoying the feel of my muscles working. I spotted Rhett coming off his bus and ran to him, jumping on his back. He turned his head sharply to look at me before rolling his eyes.

“Hi Sapphire,” he greeted, hooking his arm around my legs so he was giving me a piggyback ride.

“Hey,” I said, looking around for Karma.

“How are you dealing with being stuck on a bus?” he asked, probably because he’d seen me running around the lot like a maniac.

“I hate it,” I said bluntly, scrunching up my nose. “I can’t stand being cooped up on a bus for days and having to deal with the hyperactive morons on my bus.” He just chuckled at my ‘misfortune’ as he walked over to where everyone stood in a crowd.

We were currently somewhere in Washington, spending about 2 days on the bus. But we were finally at our first venue of the tour.

“SAPPHIRE!” I heard someone yell out, knocking me away from Rhett. I turned my head to see Frank grinning from above me. I sighed, giving him a stern look. “Frank, I just saw you 5 minutes ago. I also just spent 2 days with you on the bus.”

He looked up thoughtfully, as though it didn’t occur to him that that had happened. “Oh yeah,” he replied after a short while, standing up and pulling me with him.

I smiled in spite of myself before I looked at the building in front of me. It was interesting in the very least.

“Okay guys,” I heard Rob yell out, a bunch of papers in his hands. “We’re going to do our sound check, go to our hotels, and perform here tomorrow night.”

I cheered along with the others as we all trooped inside of the building, taking notice of the dark room as we walked onto the stage.

“Okay, so Karma’s Revenge, you guys are up first.” I led the way up onto the stage, my guitar in hand. We all settled ourselves into our spots and Rob called out our order, letting each of us do our parts separately first. Then we began the intro to “Lovely Lies” before we were finally able to get off.

“Next!” Rob called out as we passed by the MCR guys. I took a seat next to Monte and sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

“I’m tired,” I whined, letting my eyes close as I heard the two bands chuckle.

“Who’s fault is that?” Colt asked with a smirk. I shot up and glared at him.

“Don’t even start with me, jackass. You and the rest of them were shouting about who got laid the most.”

Karma gasped before she swatted Colt, giving him a glare. “Don’t talked about stuff like that in front of my innocent best friend.” He just rolled his eyes.

“She’s not so innocent, Karma. And you know that."

Robert shook his head, his famous aviator glasses perched on his nose. “Well, when we get to the hotel room, you’re only sharing it with one idiot,” he said, seemingly trying to reassure me while his smirk said something different.

I stuck my tongue out at him, crossing my arms over my chest. “How many rooms are we getting?” I asked.

“I think 7,” Gerard said as he came back with Frank, Mikey, and Ray, motioning that the last band had to go up.

“But there’s like…” I said, pausing to do a quick count in my head. “12 of us.”

He shrugged. “So…some of us will have their own room and some of us will have to share. No big deal.”

I huffed. “I think Karma and I should each have our own rooms since we’re girls.”

“And I think you both should just share one.” Ray said, taking Monte’s seat next to me.

I stuck my tongue out at him, but Gerard interrupted me before I could retort.

“Don’t bother. Rob already has plans as to the room assignments again.”

I rolled my eyes before I got up to go find Rob to discuss some things with him.
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So this chapter is really nothing but a long piece of nothing. -____- Sorry. I like this story...I just lack good ideas. "/ Comments? :3