Karma's Revenge

A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

I smiled as I strummed out the last chord of our song, smiling as the crowd roared with applause and cheers. I turned to Karma who held up 5 fingers, indicating that we were finally on our last song of the night. I felt relief as I tried to swallow, the throbbing pain in my throat and head increasing with each loud noise.

"Are you guys ready for fucking My Chemical Romance and Escape the Fate?" she yelled into her microphone, screams and yells filling up the building. i chuckled as I stepped up to her, taking the microphone that was set off to the side. "I don't think they're ready, yet, Karma. She said are you guys fucking ready?"

This time, the screams were deafening. We both waited until the screams died out a bit.

"You know what? You guys still aren't ready. We're going to give it one last shot to rev you guys up!" Karma yelled, cheers echoing through the building. "This song should rev you guys up. It's a new one that's not even going to be on the album, writing by our sexy guitarist." I grinned, a blush forming as whoops and wolf whistles echoed through. As the cheers slowly quieted, I began to play the the heavy rhythm that began our song "Hell's For All Of Us".

"Sins can't be undone in this unforgiving world. With no one to trust, let's hold our hands together and walk into this nightmare," Karma sang out the words, bouncing around the stage as i bobbed my head along to the steady beat coming from the drums. I looked up to the side of the stage and saw the other two bands cheering from the side, all decked out in their performance clothes and instruments in hand. I smiled at them, but sucked in a breath of air as black spots clouded my vision, making me feel light headed. I messed up on my chords, getting curious looks from the band. I shook my head and the black spots went away, allowing me to fix up my part.

"I will not stand for this perfect heaven. Let's go down to hell where the fun will be," Colt screamed out, a new thing for us. The crowd loved it, cheers almost loud enough to deafen me. I smiled, glad at the new approach we were taking. My eyes trailed around the stage, checking up on the rest of my band mates. Rhett and Colt were both doing amazing, hitting every chord and beat that we had spent hours on end practicing.

After what felt like hours later, we were already slowing our song down, ready to end it.

"And I'll say this. One. Last. Time," Karma said as she squatted down on stage, staring at the crowds as they cheered.

"Heavens for me and for the likes of you," She sang out softly as we ended our song. The crowd adored it, screaming and cheering as i wiped my forehead. "Now I'll ask this one last time. Are you guys finally ready for My Chemical Romance and Escape the Fate?" Karma shouted, cheers and stomps emitting from the crowd. I stood up and walked over to the microphone. "Then give it up for My Chemical Romance and Escape the Fate!"

We quickly exited the stage, watching as the Escape the Fate ran onto the stage, quickly going into their new song, "Issues". I sighed before I gave them a wave, walking backstage with my band, flopping ourselves down onto the couches.

"Man, that was awesome," Colt said, draining half the water bottle he held in his hand. I nodded as I sipped on my sprite, scanning the room for my bag. I picked it up and headed over to one of the empty dressing rooms to change. I changed out of my black and red skirt and my white tank top and slipped on some jeans and my happy bunny shirt. I quickly pulled my hair up into a ponytail and walked out of the room, shivering as a gust of wind hit my bare skin. The black spots appeared in my vision again and I almost toppled over as i tripped over air. I closed my eyes and winced, waiting to face plant into the ground.

"What happened out their, Fyre?" I heard Mikey ask as he caught me, I opened my eyes to see Mikey's face with the black dots floating around.

"dammvergh" I mumbled out, not even aware of what I just said. He frowned as he placed his hand on my forehead, only to draw it back.

"Shit, Sapphire. You got a bad fever." He picked me up, causing me to freak out. But he just held on tighter, walking me back to the rest of the band.

"Mikey! Hurry up! We're on in 30 seconds."

He handed me over to Rhett, explaining what happened before he picked up his bass and went to join his band, who were just starting to go on stage. I mumbled incoherently as I closed my eyes and falling into a slumber.
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:3 Okay, so i didn't forget about this story. But question. Who do you think she should end up with? Opinions would be awesome. :3 (...And I'm not planning on doing anything with Gerard because he's married...That would be terrible. "/)