Karma's Revenge

Viral Meltdown

I moaned in pain as i shot up from my bed and bolted over to the bathroom, letting out all of the non-existent items in my stomach. I felt someone's hand grab my hair and rub soothing circles on my back. I flushed the toilet and slumped against the wall, letting my eyes close. I just felt so tired. I felt someone lift me up and sit me on the sink so that my side was leaning against their chest. I opened my eyes slowly to look at Rhett. He held up a glass of water to my mouth and I opened my mouth, sloshing the liquid around before I leaned away from him and spit, disgusted with the vile taste in my mouth.

"I seriously think we need to get you to the doctors today," he said as he lifted me up and carried me back to my bed as I mumbled out my complaints. It's been two days since our first concert and our schedule had us leaving for our next venue tomorrow. We were currently all housed up in very nice hotel rooms, each band getting two rooms. I was paired with Rhett, who, as Karma had said, was "the mother of the band, meaning it's his job to take care of the old and sick".

I snuggled into my comforters and lolled back to sleep as soon as Rhett dropped me onto the bed.


I woke up later that morning to feel someone prodding me. I groaned as my stomach flipped again. I pushed away the hands that wanted to hold me down and dashed to the trashcan since the bathroom was to far. I wiped my mouth and groaned, finally standing up and staggering to my bed. I didn't even make it that far before I trip over my own feet, someone's arm wrapping around me before I made contact with the floor.

I looked up to see Mikey, Karma, Craig, and Gerard in the room. I tried to push the person holding me away, but I felt my muscles quiver at the strain. So I opted to just slouched against the person. I heard a familiar voice laugh as they carried me back to the bed.

Rhett's voice floated through the air along with some other guy's voice. I looked over at Karma and raised an eyebrow. "Who's he talkin' to?" I slurred out.

"Doctor," Karma said as she took a seat next to me, shooing Monte away from me. She started to rub my back as I felt my eye's droop. Then I felt someone pinch my foot and I yelped, kicking my leg in that general direction until it made contact with something solid, although it wasn't what I was aiming for.

"DAMMIT TO HELL!" I yelled out as I I held my throbbing foot, tears slowly coming to my eyes.

"Good going, Colt," Karma hissed as I heard a loud slap.

"OW! Rhett told me to make sure she didn't fall asleep. Doctor's worried about her sleeping so much."

Silence ensued and i had started to close my eyes. But I felt someone pinch my arm this time, causing me to throw my fist out until it came in contact with the bedside table.


At this point, I was just irritated and frustrated. I sat up and glared at my two band members.

"What. The. FUCK." I said as slowly as possible, my breathing ragged. I saw Colt blanched as Karma ran out of the room.

"He did it!"

Colt looked ready to piss himself before he ran out of the room, calling Rhett's name. I glared at the wall, watching everyone else in the room slowly inch out. I stood up and stumbled over to my suitcase, grabbing clothes and heading to the showers to try to calm down.

As the hot water washed over me, I felt a lot better than I have the past few days, my muscles relaxing as my stomach stopped churning. I sighed contentedly as I leaned against the wall, standing under the water for what felt like hours before I washed up and turned the water off, wrapping a towel around me and grabbing the blow dryer, drying my hair before I slipped on my clothes.

I walked out of the shower and smiled at Rhett, who just raised an eyebrow at me. "Colt came running up to me about how he pissed you off."

I shrugged with a smile on my face. "I took a long shower."

He rolled his eyes before he gave me a small bottle of pills. "Doctor said to take this. You should be feeling better within the hour. Apparently a small virus been going around the place. It should be gone within the next two days, but this should help with the symptoms."

I nodded my head as I took the bottle and fished out a pill, going over to the small refrigerator and swiping a can of Canada Dry, drinking it with the pill.

"Oh yeah, the doc recommended that you don't sleep at all today. Said something about how you should be up and around today to help you feel better."

I groaned as I followed him out the door and down to the lobby.
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....filler chapter, I know. >.< But I swear that something important will happen in the next chapter. But Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! :3