Status: Comments? Please?

The Haunting Shadows


"It's been five years," I stated.

"It is natural to still be sad," the woman sat bolt upright, her blonde hair tied up in a tight bun, she wore thick, glasses, she wore a business suit. Everything about this woman, even the air around her made her seem superior.

"FIVE years, they were gone, and now they're back?"
"It is heared of," she replied simply, tapping her long, overly-manicured fingernails on the wooden desk.
"But why?"
"Has anything reminded you of the incident?"
"Don't lie to me Amanda,"
"I'm not, miss!" these sessions annoyed me, she should now by now if I was lying or not, I've had more than a few sessions with her.
"Oh, so sorry, I forgot, you are a little miss perfect, you don't do anything against what your dear mummy tells you to do," how dare she?!
"Step-mum," I corrected sharply.
"Oh, right, your real mother, you haven't seen her in, how long?"
"I've never seen her," I muttered.
"And why is that?"

I stood up from the uncomfortable chair and took one last glance at the woman who was meant to be helping the "Insecure teenager with problems". She was a rather selfish woman from what I had gathered, she sat on one of those really comfortable black, leather chairs. On her desk was one of the newest laptops around, a pretty fancy light, and a notebook. I walked quickly out of the office, and made my way to my favourite class at school, science.

The science classroom wasn't too far from the office, science would be half-way finished by the time I got there. On my way, I accidently ran into a boy from my class. He was yet another gangster wannabe. He was concentrating on keeping his baggy pants from falling, he wore a singlet top, why wasn't he in uniform? His brown hair flung from side to side, as if it could decide which side to wanted to stay on, "Watch where you're going, shorty," hey! I couldn't help it that I was short! Apparently, I looked more like my mother, Milly, than my father, Andy. I had his black hair and blue eyes, but her curly hair, shortness and face shape.

I continued on, and was about to reach the science classroom, when one of the popular girls blocked my way. She looked plastic like a barbie doll, had long, barbie blonde hair, she was tall-ish, and had a "Hour-glass body".

"Hey! You're blocking my way!" she glared at me, I moved to the side so she could pass, I didn't want to start any problems, "Oh! You're that little nerd in my class aren't you? I have some homework that I would like you to do," she sneered. I looked at my feet, tears stung at my eyes, I did NOT need this right now, "Awww, is little nerd gonna cry? I heard that your parents gave you up so they could join the freakshow in the circus!"

"They didn't give me up!"
"So why are you adopted?" she laughed.
"Because, my dad is- he is- gone, and my mum is- nevermind. You won't understand," I bit my bottom lip, a nervous habit.
"Yeah, sure, loser!"

I ran the rest of the way to the science classroom, crying. I opened the door and slammed it behind me. The class looked at me and laughed, the teacher stared at me, "Next time, don't slam the door," he looked back at the rest of the class. I knew I wouldn't be in trouble, I was at the office all the time now-a-days, getting "Help". If only it actually did help, instead of making me focus on all the bad points in my life.

I sat at my desk, opened my science book, and used my only escape from life, the only thing that calmed me down, science.
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Woohoo! First chapter! Chapter 0! I've been wanting to start this since I got the idea for it. :) Comments and subscriptions welcomed. =D Enjoy. =D